Kakav mec, Kraljevici protiv Princeva - What a match, Kings against the Princes


Real Madrid - PSZ


Sinoc na utakmici Lige Sampiona, izmedju Real Madrida i PSZ, videli smo svu lepotu fudbala.

Last night in the Champions League match, between Real Madrid and PSZ, we saw all the beauty of football.



PSZ je dosao u Madrid sa prednoscu iz prve utakmice od 1:0 i sa svim svojim zvezdama. I posle prve utakmice u kojoj su bili bolji, ocekivalo se da ce druga utakmica biti formalnost i da ce lako proci u sledeci krug takmicenja.

PSZ came to Madrid with an advantage from the first game of 1: 0 and with all their stars. Even after the first game in which they were better, it was expected that the second game would be a formality and that they would easily advance to the next round of the competition.





Tako je i krenula utakmica, PSZ bolji, vise akcija i suteva na gol, u prvom poluvremenu postojala je samo jedna ekipa, ekipa PSZ, i prednost od 1:0 koju im je doneo Mbape,

That's how the game started, PSZ is better, more actions and shots on goal, in the first half there was only one team, the PSZ team, and the 1: 0 advantage that Mbape brought them,



Drugo poluvreme pocinje kao nastavak prvog, PSZ bolji, drzali su loptu u nogama cinilo se da to mogu koliko oni hoce, Real Madrid nije mogao da im uzme loptu, a Kraljevici Benzema i Modric nisu se primecivali na teren, sve do 61 min kada posle jedne izgubljene lopte i greske golmana PSZ Donarume, Benzema postize goal, 1:1.

The second half starts as a continuation of the first, PSZ better, they kept the ball in their feet, they seemed to be able to do as much as they wanted, Real Madrid could not take the ball from them, and Kraljevica Benzema and Modric did not notice on the field, until 61 minutes later one lost ball and a mistake by PSZ Donaruma goalkeeper, Benzema scored a goal, 1: 1.




Jos uvek PSZ imao je rezultat koji ga je vodio dalje, i kontrolisali su igru, i trosili su vreme. Tada se bude Kraljevici, i posle jedne ukradene lopte od strane Luke Modrica i fenomenalnog driblinga i dodavanja, Benzema postize gol, 2:1 za Real Madrid.

PSZ still had a result that took him further, and they controlled the game, and they wasted time. Then Kings wakes up, and after one stolen ball by Luka Modric and phenomenal dribbling and passing, Benzema scores a goal, 2: 1 for Real Madrid.




Desilo se sto niko nije verovao, Real Madrid je imao rezultat za produzetke, a na terenu postojala je samo jedna ekipa Real Madrid. I ako je imalo jos da se igra i cinilo se da PSZ moze, desila se katastrofa po njih. Tek sto su krenuli sa centra konfuzija u redove PSZ, na mestu nasal se opet neverovatni Benzema i postize svoje treci goal. 3:1 za Real Madrid, kakva ludnica, niko nije mogao da veruje.

It happened that no one believed, Real Madrid had a result for overtime, and there was only one Real Madrid team on the field. And if there was still to be played and it seemed that PSZ could, a catastrophe happened to them. As soon as they started from the center of confusion in the ranks of PSZ, the incredible Benzema found himself on the spot again and scored his third goal. 3: 1 for Real Madrid, what a madhouse, no one could believe.



Ostalo je jos 15 min. do kraja i sada je PSZ treba goal za produzetak utakmice. Ali vise nista im nije polazilo za nogom, vreme sve manje a sad je Real Madrid drzao loptu. PSZ se sve obilo o glavu ono drzanje lopte i gubljenje vremena, a vreme vise nije bilo, do kraja meca postojao se samo Real Madrid. Kraj utakmice, 3:1 za Real Madrid. Igraci PSZ u neverici a Real Madrida u neverovatnom veselju.

15 minutes left. to the end and now PSZ needs a goal to extend the match. But nothing was going on behind them, time was running out and now Real Madrid was holding the ball. PSZ was all about holding the ball and wasting time, and there was no more time, until the end of the match there was only Real Madrid. End of the game, 3: 1 for Real Madrid. PSZ players in disbelief and Real Madrid in incredible joy.






Susret mozda trenutno najboljih ekipa, i sva lepota fudbala, koji je opet pokazao da je neverovatan i da je kolektivna igra, da nemoze sa novcem sve, carobnjak Modric i ekzekutor Benzema. Sa nestrpljenjem cekam nastavak takmicenja i Evro kupova. Vidimo se.

A meeting of perhaps the best teams at the moment, and all the beauty of football, which again showed that it is amazing and that it is a collective game, that it cannot do everything with money, the wizard Modric and the executor of Benzema. I am looking forward to the continuation of the competition and the Euro Cups. See you.
