Running again...



Today I have managed to escape at noon and run some good 6 km. The day was not the best; it was cloudy and made a little wind, but the temperature was good enough to practice my favorite sport.
For a moment I found myself quite comfortable, the breath was soft, the heart frequency was quite, and I have felt quite well running around 5 minutes/km pace.
However, from the third km my heart rate has begun to accelerate and instead of stabilizing at 140 bpm, it has risen to 160 bpm which is close to the uncomfortable limit for me, not easy at all.
Anyway, I wanted to keep my pace and finish 6 km in 30 minutes. Then a few Stretching and Mobility Exercises of the upper part of the body completed the training for today.
It costs a lot to start again but when you end up you feel good, very good.
Hope I can keep the training routine these days...

Keep on Running!


For the best experience view this post on Liketu
