Betman’s Spassky vs. Fischer 1972 Hive Memorial – Rewards! [eng/срп] Бетманов Меморијални турнир Спаски–Фишер 1972 – Награде!

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And now, the sweetest part – awarding of prizes for the positions won and for participation at Betman’s Chess Hive Memorial Tournament. Let’s see the financial report…
Of the 22 participants in the tournament, 10 of them had a Hive account. They scored a total of 154 points according to Lighteye’s Scoring & Reward system. In total we had nine posts about the tournament that brought in a prize pool of 31.02 HBD, which was mostly contributed by our @stayoutoftherz, to whom we owe a special thanks. This means that the value of one point is 0.201 HBD.
Bearing in mind that Betman’s alter ego, the greatest blunder-master in Betman’s Blitz Blunder Barrons club, has made available 10 HBD that will be awarded equally to all participants (except, of course, to him), then the total prize pool is 41.02 HBD, and the final financial balance looks like this:

А сад, најслађи део – подела награда за освојене позиције и учешће на Бетмановом шаховском Хајв меморијалу. Да видимо финансијски извештај…
Од 22 учесника турнира, њих 10 имало је Хајв налог. Они су укупно освојили 154 поена према Лајтајевом систему рангирања и награђивања. Укупно смо имали девет текстова о турниру који су донели наградни фонд од 31.02 ХБД, чему је навише допринео наш @stayoutoftherz, и њему дугујемо посебну захвалност. То значи да вредност једног поена износи 0,201 ХБД.
Имајући у виду да је Бетманов алтер его, највећи превид-мајстор у Бетмановом клубу барона цугер превида ставио на располагање 10 ХБД који ће бити равноправно подељени свим учесницима (осим, наравно, њему), онда укупан наградни фонд износи 41.02 ХБД, а завршни обрачун изгледа овако:
Rank | Hive Member | Pts. | WP | +10 HBD Ligtheye | Total HBD |
1 | @gravitcaper | 31 | x 0.201 | +1.111 | = 7.355 |
2 | @pamboy27 | 26 | x 0.201 | +1.111 | = 6.348 |
3 | @stayoutoftherz | 23 | x 0.201 | +1.111 | = 5.744 |
4 | @lighteye | 22 | x 0.201 | --- | = 4.431 |
5 | @stranger27 | 18 | x 0.201 | +1.111 | = 4.737 |
6 | @rodrook | 16 | x 0.201 | +1.111 | = 4.334 |
7 | @vasigo | 7 | x 0.201 | +1.111 | = 2.521 |
8 | @fiona777 | 6 | x 0.201 | +1.112 | = 2.321 |
9 | @mypathtofire | 3 | x 0.201 | +1.111 | = 1.715 |
10 | @samostically | 2 | x 0.201 | +1.111 | = 1.514 |
Total: | 154 | 31.02 HBD | +10 HBD | = 41.02 HBD |
Check your wallets, you are all winners!
You notice that 10 divided by 9 is 1.111, which means that the last 0.001 HBD cannot be divided. That's why this symbolic amount was symbolically awarded to the only lady in our tournament – @fiona777.Break?
We are in the most beautiful part of Summer and everyone from Hive has gone on vacation, leaving the chess tournaments for Autumn…Проверите новчанике, сви сте победници!
Приметили сте да 10 подељено са 9 износи 1,111, што знаћи да се последњих 0,001 ХБД не може поделити. Зато је овај симболични износ симболично додељен јединој дами на нашем турниру – @fiona777.Пауза?
Налазимо се у најлепшем делу лета и сви су се са Хајва разбежали на одморе, остављајући шаховске турнире за јесен…Hive Chess Tournaments / Хајв турнири
Day | Tournament | GMT | CET | Host(s) | Active |
Thu | Blitz Blunder Barrons | 20:00 | 21:00 | @the-real-betman | ❌ |
Fri | Hivechess Tournament | 20:00 | 21:00 | @stayoutoftherz | ❌ |
Sat | Chess Tournament | 20:00 | 21:00 | @schamangerbert | ❌ |
Sun | Chess Brothers League | 19:00 | 20:00 | @chessbrotherspro | ❌ |
Sun | PIZZA CHESS | 22:00 | 23:00 | @cryptoniusraptor | ❌ |
Mon | Checkmate Coin | 20:00 | 21:00 | CLOSED | ❌ |
Duration / Трајање:
Don’t worry, Betman won’t force you to such a short time control 😁
Не брините, код Бетмана неће бити тако кратке временске контроле 😁
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Овај текст би могао бити занимљив за:
@aakrist, @abimbola753, @agreste, @alan8a, @alberto0607, @alexmag1988, @almightymelon, @alpha, @ambarvegas, @amirl, @anadello, @anli, @anomadsoul, @apy, @arsenal49, @astrolabio, @b0s, @behiver, @bitsignal, @burnoutawesome, @camiloferrua, @cerati, @chacald.dcymt, @chessbrotherspro, @chesthetica, @clixmoney, @cocacolaron, @cryptoniusraptor, @cryptoph0823, @darruiz, @diegofitness92, @digitalis. @ebingo, @eenriquerivas, @eliaschess333, @elprofe62, @emic, @eniolw, @eenriquerivas, @evgsk, @fairy-of-comfort, @fiona777, @fjcr, @flaws, @foxconnmars, @franciscomarval, @franu, @gabotask, @giacomone, @gingerbyna, @gravitcaper, @heimindanger, @hierro21, @hirohurl, @hive-129589, @iceblue, @iobates, @ibizaki, @jaki01, @jesusmgl1995, @jkms, @johannesboldt, @johannfrare @josesmoke, @juanmi96, @kintokris, @kreur, @levitant, @lighteye, @lofone, @lucianosky, @maciejficek, @manncpt, @manuel6, @marcusantoniu26, @masterswatch, @maverieux000, @meedo, @mister-omortson, @mrsarri, @mstafford, @mypathtofire, @nerdvana, @nftland1989, @orlanzavala, @oshiokhenhoya, @pamboy27, @parung76, @perpz, @petreius, @pravesh0, @primersion, @rafaelaquino, @renerondon, @rexplanet, @rheda, @rodrook, @ropavejero, @rosmarly, @salomijale, @samostically, @sawko, @schamangerbert, @schnitte, @soluce07, @spacetoon, @steamloled, @stayoutoftherz, @stranger27, @svarogbg, @syndmitrij, @the01crow, @thedoc07, @therealflaws, @tony1294, @tungphong, @uliseshb, @vaipraonde, @vasigo, @victorbch2, @vjap55, @walner, @wegflexor, @wildthougts, @xoflox, @yazp, @zacherybinx, @ziabutt3836
Best regards to all chess lovers!
Најлепши поздрав љубитељима шаха!
* * *
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Thank you for your kind prize reward. I appreciate the organising of this tournament and introducing me to this new style of chess.
Thank you @stayoutoftherz for the large contribution to the prize pool!!
Have a great summer everyone and let's rack 'em up in the autumn!
See you again, @mypathtofire!
Wonderful tournament with good organization. Thanks for hosting this series.
Glad you like it @samostically, hope you will be involved in the next tournaments
I am for almost all types of chess with a control of 5+min (except for monotonous classics and giveaways)
It will be so, @hive-102040 😉
I hope you keep organizing tournaments?
God willing, @stayoutoftherz, if my health is good enough
Nice tournament
Thank you @pamboy27
Thank you @rodrook, you are always welcome 🙂
I'm waiting for the next tournament!
You are the seventh guy, @johannfrare 😁
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