Betman’s Spassky vs. Fischer 1972 Hive Memorial – R3 Results [eng/срп] Бетманов Меморијални турнир Спаски–Фишер 1972 – Резултати 3. кола

OK, Betman understands that most of you were able to watch some extremely interesting footage of the United Arab Emirates flood on Thursday night, so you skipped the third round of the 1972 Betman Spassky vs. Fischer Memorial Tournament…
So in this round we had only six Hive members and five unregistered newcomers from Lichess. Unfortunately, one of the two most serious contenders for the title, our @stayoutoftherz, was absent this time.
The opportunity was best used by our @pamboy27, who was perfectly served by the connection this time, so he secured the first position before the last game. The second position, after an excellent play, was taken by the newcomer fiiigaro, who did not register a Hive account, and by winning the third position, our @gravitcaper came just one step away from the title at the Betman’s Spassky vs. Fischer 1972 Hive Memorial tournament.

У реду, Бетман разуме да је највећи део вас у четвртак увече могао да гледа изузетно занимљиве кадрове поплаве у Уједињеним Арапским Емиратима, па сте зато прескочили треће коло Бетмановог Меморијалног Хајв турнира Спаски–Фишер 1972…
Тако смо у овом колу имали свега шест чланова Хајва и пет нерегистрованих новајлија са Личеса. Нажалост, један од два најозбиљнија претендента за титулу, наш @stayoutoftherz, овог пута је изостао.
Прилику је најбоље искористио наш @pamboy27, кога је овог пута веза беспрекорно послужила па је прво место обезбедио пре последње партије. Друго место је после сјајне игре заузео новајлија fiiigaro који није пријавио Хајв налог, а освајањем трећег места наш @gravitcaper дошао је на само корак од титуле на Бетмановом Меморијалном Хајв турниру Спаски–Фишер 1972.

Round Three Standings:

Round Three Standings:

@pamboy27 vs. @gravitcaper (pereu4uwatch) 1-0
Chess960 start position: 318
Rank | Lichess | Hive | Rating (ELO) | Rounds | R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | Pts |
1 | pereu4uwatch | @gravitcaper | 1750 | 3 | 6 | 8 | 9 | --- | 23 |
2 | lighteye | @lighteye | 1526 | 3 | 3 | 7 | 7 | --- | 17 |
3 | pamboy27 | @pamboy27 | 1717 | 3 | 0 | 6 | 11 | --- | 17 |
4 | rodrook | @rodrook | 1351 | 3 | 1 | 5 | 8 | --- | 14 |
5 | stranger27 | @stranger27 | 1526 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 5 | --- | 14 |
6 | stayoutoftherz | @stayoutoftherz | 1694 | 2 | 4 | 9 | --- | --- | 13 |
7 | fiiigaro | --- | 1646 | 1 | --- | --- | 10 | --- | 10 |
8 | dfsocial | --- | 2326 | 1 | --- | 10 | --- | --- | 10 |
9 | vasigo | @vasigo | 1001 | 2 | --- | 2 | 4 | --- | 6 |
10 | panchaold | --- | 1500? | 1 | --- | --- | 6 | --- | 6 |
11 | mypathtofire | @mypathtofire | 1500? | 1 | --- | 3 | --- | --- | 3 |
12 | patroclin | --- | 1500? | 1 | --- | --- | 3 | --- | 3 |
13 | ZGM_Samostically | @samostically | 1800 | 2 | 2 | 0 | --- | --- | 2 |
14 | RodrigoMatias | --- | 1500? | 1 | --- | --- | 2 | --- | 2 |
15 | Steve_wesh | --- | 1500? | 1 | --- | --- | 1 | --- | 1 |
16 | beginner014 | --- | 1861 | 1 | --- | 1 | --- | --- | 1 |
17 | CHOQUE-JHONN-IND | --- | 1220 | 1 | 0 | --- | --- | --- | 0 |
18 | J2002598496 | --- | 1500? | 1 | 0 | --- | --- | --- | 0 |
19 | maitechumacero | --- | 1500? | 1 | 0 | --- | --- | --- | 0 |
20 | emadtalaat | --- | 1500? | 1 | --- | 0 | --- | --- | 0 |
Avg. ELO | 1537 | 1601 | 1464 |
You just need to participate…
Треба само да узмете учешћа…
@aakrist, @abimbola753, @agreste, @alan8a, @alberto0607, @alexmag1988, @almightymelon, @alpha, @ambarvegas, @amirl, @anadello, @anli, @anomadsoul, @apy, @arsenal49, @astrolabio, @b0s, @behiver, @bitsignal, @burnoutawesome, @camiloferrua, @cerati, @chacald.dcymt, @chessbrotherspro, @chesthetica, @cocacolaron, @cryptoniusraptor, @cryptoph0823, @darruiz, @diegofitness92, @digitalis. @ebingo, @eenriquerivas, @eliaschess333, @elprofe62, @emic, @eniolw, @eenriquerivas, @evgsk, @fairy-of-comfort, @fiona777, @fjcr, @flaws, @foxconnmars, @franciscomarval, @franu, @gabotask, @giacomone, @gingerbyna, @gravitcaper, @heimindanger, @hierro21, @hirohurl, @hive-129589, @iceblue, @iobates, @ibizaki, @jaki01, @jesusmgl1995, @jkms, @johannesboldt, @johannfrare @josesmoke, @juanmi96, @kintokris, @kreur, @levitant, @lighteye, @lofone, @lucianosky, @maciejficek, @manncpt, @manuel6, @marcusantoniu26, @masterswatch, @maverieux000, @meedo, @mister-omortson, @mrsarri, @mstafford, @mypathtofire, @nerdvana, @nftland1989, @orlanzavala, @oshiokhenhoya, @pamboy27, @parung76, @perpz, @petreius, @pravesh0, @primersion, @rafaelaquino, @renerondon, @rexplanet, @rheda, @rodrook, @ropavejero, @rosmarly, @salomijale, @samostically, @sawko, @schamangerbert, @schnitte, @soluce07, @spacetoon, @steamloled, @stayoutoftherz, @stranger27, @svarogbg, @syndmitrij, @the01crow, @thedoc07, @therealflaws, @tony1294, @tungphong, @uliseshb, @vaipraonde, @vasigo, @victorbch2, @vjap55, @walner, @wegflexor, @wildthougts, @xoflox, @yazp, @zacherybinx, @ziabutt3836
Hive Chess Tournaments / Хајв турнири
Day | Tournament | GMT | CET | Host(s) | Active |
Thu | Blitz Blunder Barrons | 20:00 | 21:00 | @the-real-betman | ✔️ |
Fri | Hivechess Tournament | 20:00 | 21:00 | @stayoutoftherz | ✔️ |
Sat | Chess Tournament | 20:00 | 21:00 | @schamangerbert | ❌ |
Sun | Chess Brothers League | 19:00 | 20:00 | @chessbrotherspro | ❌ |
Sun | PIZZA CHESS | 22:00 | 23:00 | @cryptoniusraptor | ❌ |
Mon | Checkmate Coin | 20:00 | 21:00 | @hive-129589, @giacomone and @petreius | ✔️ |
Don’t miss the last round next Thursday!
Не пропустите последње коло идућег четвртка!
* * *
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I hope to make the next round. Thanks for the update.
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а на табели још увек нема свакодневног dR-960 који се може поништити само ратом, као и учешћем у финалној рунди)
Шта је ‘свакодневни dR-960’ @hive-102040?
I have been writing about this every day for a week now, read my last 8-9 posts, otherwise I already want to make a paid registration)
I totally missed that what, a shame! Costed me quite a few ranks 😄.
By the way, the table with the different tournaments is absolutely great and helpful for players not constantly on the chess community. Could I take it also for some of my posts?
Of course, @stayoutoftherz, be Betman’s guest 😁
How did you get the red and green colors? Could you give me the HTML code for that or make a screenshot of it?
Just change ‘’ in the address line with ‘’ and take the HTML code from there, @stayoutoftherz.
Many thanks, what I shame I was not aware about this trick 😄.
Don’t worry @stayoutoftherz man learns until his teacher is alive 😁
in general, this is my ancient table, which, like everything else, was borrowed by chessbrothers, and then other organizers, only without adding my tournaments (probably because mine were not in my table))