A look at the Spanish premier league

For some time now I have been eying the Spanish premier league. My love for it triggered after Real Madrid defeated Liverpool fc my main team in the final of the Uefa champions league competition last season. The painful thing about this defeat is that recently we have met with them twice in the Uefa champions league competition final. They ended up getting us defeated as if we are babies. It was really a shameful moment as I remembered alot of persons laughing at my team and me in particular. It really pained me because I was expecting Liverpool fc to be the winner in that encounter because Real Madrid wasn't in a better or good form not to even think of defeating Liverpool fc. It was as if there is something that the Real Madrid team are using on us anytime we are playing against them, even on their worst form they will still get us defeated. This is such a painful experience I must admit. I just hope that a day will come when we will repay them back.


We are happy that we have gone through that stage right now and all that we can say is that we are waiting for that day when we will have the opportunity to repay them back for all that they have done to us. Will I say for all the painful memories haha. Real Madrid is my second team so I won't in any way use such word. The way the Real Madrid team dealt with almost all the team when it comes to the Uefa champions league title competition last season was something else. What makes their encounter interesting was that even at the moment when fans, team and everybody thought that it is over for the Real Madrid team is when they will rises up to do the un expectable. Just take a look at the Paris Saint German encounter, they came from behind to win at the end.

The other one that shocked me was the Manchester city's encounter. I was flabbergasted with such an amazing performance. We all had written them off base on the scores that we were seeing as at that time. Real Madrid came from behind to get Manchester City defeated at the end. After that they did same to Chelsea fc by repeating same thing before they go head to head with Liverpool fc in the final of the Uefa champions league. As we have it they showed the Liverpool fc team how it is done by defeating them. With such win they were crowned the Champions of the world base on their Club world cup win also. This shows that the team is one of the best last season and with such amazing performance they were able to drag more attention to their team and the Spanish premier league to be precise.


With what I have been seeing recently I must say that I have no choice than to rush down to take a look at what is currently happening in the Spanish premier league. I can't check on other league without doing same to the Spanish premier league. One thing that I love about this is that it is far better than some league where you will see just a single team dominating all the time. In the Spanish premier league you will come across Barcelona fc, Sevilla, Valencia, Villarreal and Atletico Madrid all competing for same trophy. Having different teams chasing for one trophy is something that gives such trophy more attention and value. This is simply why the Spanish premier league is rated so high among other leagues in the world too.

Checking on the Spanish premier league table we have Villarreal fc on first position with six (6) point haven't played two match and winning the two matches also. Real Madrid are on second when it comes to the Spanish premier league table. They have played two (2) matches and won the entire two also. They are behind Villarreal fc just because of goals difference. Surprisingly Real Betis are occupying third (3) position after they won their two matches. Osasuna are currently on 4th position after winning their two (2) matches also. As for Barcelona Fc, they are on 5th position after playing two matches and they ended up winning one and drawing the otherj 1. We all knows that the Spanish premier league is just starting but from what we have seen so far we can see it looking competitive already.

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I will end the post here, if you have any thing to say please air your view by commenting under this post.

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