RABONA #12 : Going strong in the league!
Hello everyone, its day 3 on the season. TawadakFC24 seem to be doing great until now.
Now we have new recruited player. Four new player which is a new goal keeper, a defender, and two forward.

This new player will be in the main team for now.
Current Standings Season 58 League 3

Currently at the first place on the league with @tampilyne team TampilingKO at second place. Only a match lost difference and a goal.
Result from previous match.

Won 5 straight match with average 2 goals in every match. Only npc-78442729052 team is a little bit hard to predict. The gameplay keep on changing. It was like gambling when I need to put certain player on the lineup.
Next up coming match.

Only two team that I need to look into in this coming match, Laumes and ReyPatrich FC. Both of this club are active. Had to check their lineup and make a new strategy for the match.
Team Stat and Details

We have some new fans for the club, from regional fans to national fans an to international fans, all have slightly increased in numbers.
TawadakFC24 Player Lineup

In total of 25 players in the club now. Some of the player may leave the team on the final season, now I am still trying to recruit new players for the next season.

New players lineup for the up coming match. Still using the 4-3-3 formation. As for now, I need to see if the new player can adapt for this formations.
Financial Stat
Ticket sales = 234,958
Shop (merchandise): shirt sales = 15,349
Shop (merchandise): scarf sales = 1,812
Catering: beer sales = 5,747
Catering: bratwurst sales = 2,706
Hotel income = 800
Parking lot income = 1,600
Total income = 262,972
Stadium: operating costs = -9,600
Player salaries = -87,200
Scouting = -80,000
Shop: operating costs = -15,000
Shop (merchandise): shirt costs = -4,935
Shop (merchandise): scarf costs = -660
Catering: beer costs = -1,190
Catering: bratwurst costs = -1,267
Youth Academy: operating costs = -11,000
Building Yard: operating costs = -7,020
Office Building: operating costs = -500
Training Center: operating costs = -10,000
Hotel: operating costs = -240
Parking lot: operating costs = -480
Total costs = -229,092
Result = 33,880

And that is for today's TawadakFC24 Club report.
Until next time!
Keep on Kicking! RABONA!