Morning Run: parkrun 131


@steevc just finished a 6.76km run, that lasted for 52 minutes.
This run helped steevc burn 520.0 calories.

Description from Strava:
The plan today was to meet up with my friend and walk parkrun with him as he is trying to get in shape. Unfortunately he overslept and so I had to go alone and actually run it. I was dressed for that anyway as I was not sure he would do it all this time.

The course is pretty much dried out now, so I did not really need trail shoes. It was less busy than last week when we had a club visiting, but still a decent number. I may have started off a little too quickly as I was keeping up with my friend Jeff who is usually quicker than me. He told me he had to slow down a little to get back to a pace he could sustain. I stayed with him for half a lap and then he pulled ahead. I just had to push on at my pace.

As usual it was hard work and it would have been so easy to stop, but then I do not like to miss a chance to improve. One of the quicker guys was sat on a bench on the first lap and I asked if he was okay. He was just getting over a cold and so needed a break.

I did what I could and hoped for an improvement. Strava showed me as slightly quicker than last week, but the official time had me as 2s slower. I can live with that. I need to do more speed work really.

Afterwards I jogged around to my friend's place. He was up by then and he made me a coffee whilst we had a chat. He says he will do his best to make it another time, but it is up to him.

We have been out shopping today. It is a little cooler than lately and we had a bit of rain. One of the things we bought is a new water butt to serve the new vegetable garden we just made. I may get that installed this weekend.

Run free and enjoy your weekend.

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Older guy trying to keep fit, but still hope to go quicker.


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It had become cooler here last week, but has started to warm up today so I did some house chores instead of walking :)


It's not too cold out there and I saw people in town in shorts. I'll probably be in the garden tomorrow.


Great effort on the run, even if the original plan changed! It’s always inspiring to push through, even when it feels tough. I feel that's where the real work comes in , turning the pains into gains .

Hopefully, your friend makes it next time, but either way, you’re keeping up the momentum.

Enjoy setting up the new water butt and have a great weekend!


What a great way to upscaling a walk parkrun to a run... Even if it wasn't meant you in the beginning. I must confess that running is a activity that I cannot do/love to do, since I have some coordination issues, but I do appreciate a brisk walk trough the park, or a long walk (20 km) for once in the a wile. This weekend's air temperature also dropped in the Lisbon ares, maybe due to the "Martinho" storm. Today, the morning was sunnier and clear then in the days before. Let's see if the weather starts to "push me" for a walk one of the next weekends!

Enjoy your weekend, Steve!


I never say that running is for everyone and I am not a natural at it. This is just my activity log to inspire myself and maybe a few others. Enjoy your walks.

