This Friday is Hivechess fun time - join and win 500 GLX!
Dear chess fans!
Let´s play some tournament chess just for fun!
This Friday, the 12th July, at the usual time there will be a Chess960 (=Fischer Random) tournament for all Hivians!
OPEN TO ALL SKILL LEVELS. You just need a (free) Lichess-account and to join our team (password is "Hive").
30% of the rewards of this post go into the next season´s prize fund!
The winner gets 500 GLX right away sent into his Hive-engine wallet, besides EACH PARTICIPANT (min. 4 games played) earns one point for the upcoming Hivechess season 19!
Mode: 4+1 (4 minutes per game, 1 sec. increment per move), 60 min. chess960 arena with no streaks, rated.
Tournament Link:
See you on Friday and good luck to all!
! [Mention List]
Potentially of interest to:
@aakrist @abimbola753 @acidtiger @agreste @aiuna @amit.pangeni @artsbreezy01 @ajumaa @alberto0607 @alexmag1988 @almightymelon @ambarvegas @anadello @andzhi @anli @anomadsoul @apy @arsenal49 @artistparthoroy @astrolabio @awesomeintrigue @b0s @behiver @beyondhorizonmm @bitsignal @brijwhiz @burnoutawesome @camiloferrua @castm2 @cerati @chessbrotherspro @chesthetica @clixmoney @cryptogee @cryptoniusraptor @cryptoph0823 @ctrpch @dhilan04 @darruiz @diegofitness92 @digitalis @djbravo @dovycola @ebingo @eliaschess333 @elprofe62 @emeka4 @emerald09551 @eenriquerivas @elcholitosanto @engilhramn @eniolw @evgsk @fcastro177 @fiona777 @flaws @foxconnmars @franciscomarval @franu @gabotask @giacomone @gingerbyna @good-karma @grafo07 @hannes-stoffel @hierro21 @hirohurl @hivetrader @iamchessguy @iammanythings1 @ibizaki @idksamad78699 @iobates @ironshield @jaki01 @jesusmgl1995 @jesustiano @jkms @johannfrare @josesmoke @juanmi96 @justfavour @kaungsett8388 @kintokris @kreur @levitant @lighteye @lofone @lucianosky @maciejficek @maestroask @marcusantoniu26 @mario89 @masterswatch @maverieux000 @mdasein @meedo @memess @mrsarri @mstafford @mundharmonika @mundocuriosidad @mypathtofire @nftland1989 @nikoszzz @oadissin @odic3o1 @officialrosh1 @og-gamershub @olujay @omonomo @onthewayout @orlanzavala @oshiokhenhoya @pamboy27 @parung76 @perpz @petreius @philipp87 @phoennix09 @pokerarema @pokermaria @pravesh0 @precab @purapapita @rafaelaquino @ram9612 @razzor @reiseamateur @renerondon @rexplanet @rheda @rodrook @ropavejero @rosmarly @salomijale @samostically @sanjamkapoors @sawko @schamangerbert @schnitte @soluce07 @solymi @spacetoon @stranger27 @syndmitrij @the01crow @thedoc07 @therealflaws @timix648 @timofey @tomasguitar @tony1294 @tungphong @uliseshb @vaipraonde @vasigo @victorbch2 @vjap55 @volkiceper @walner @wegflexor @xoflox @yazp @yf95 @yonnathang @zacherybinx @ziabutt3836
(just let me know if you don´t want to get the mentions)
Congratulations, @lucianosky (Pavarotty) for the first place in a fiercely battled tournament, where also @rosmarly, @fcastro177 and myself were in the lead for some time!
I will send you over the 500 GLX.
What is GLX good for? Isn't it the failed football card game token?
It is indeed the governance token of that NFT soccer game
But I would not consider it as failed yet.
Well, there was a lot of buzz with all the presales (I bought some packs too), but the gameplay does not really catch you, and hardly anybody plays it nowadays.
I'd love to be proven wrong, though :) Hive needs more successfull projects that will bring attention to it.
Yes, the rollout was not optimal so far. But I would not write it off yet completely. Although it is a little concerning that the team already moved on to the next game, Arcadecolony. But this time I will skip.
Well, I got some aidrop of the Arcadecolony tokens too :) I believe I sold it for an astonishing sum, like $0.001 :)
Still, I will support any meaningful project happening around this chain :)
Maybe, you guys just don't understand, they make platform for games.
Genesis League Sports - for sports games (Genesis League Goals the first one)
Arcade Colony - for all other kind of games (So far a MarioKart kinda racing game and a casino game announced there and 1 more without details was mentioned in OH. The racing game is already mainly outsiders product.)
so i mean, even if 1 game is not a success, their gov token, in this case we talk about glx, still have more potential than a not successful game on the platform itself. Other question, how fast, what kind of games will turn up on these platforms.
On the other hand, yes, i agree, how they manage things (who knows why, i just suppose, they overcommitted themselves, even if they knew, they can't keep timeline, quality level), lies, delays is not the way to go in the future.
Thanks for the additional information. One can see it positive (more games, etc.), or rather a way to suck out money from all the presales, and before one game is finished, the already start working on the next. Not sure yet, which interpretation comes closer to the reality.
Anyway, since I had bought a licence, I get regularly GLX tokens :)
I think similarly, generally, not much positive to see in it (only, the token(s) have some chance). It was pretty much sck out money from presales. :) at least, that's what i was seeing, too. I think, within Hive, they made such a bad reputation, if they don't make extra good game from the Goals, just matter of time, and nobody will be around.
Then you know the lots of delays in the Goals, basically, during this period, last 1 year, more or less the building of Arcade Colony platform (not any other game, just another platform for games) caused the delays. Obviously, it didn't have any visible result for average user like me. I really didn't understand it, have some basics about programming, so if they were working on GLG, how they said, based on result, it would had to take much less time. After a year waiting, just turned out, what was the real reason.
What was really annoying, they kept going with bunch of lies, bullsht through this period, and from 1 day to another, they said: this Arcade Colony is nearly ready, some 3rd party game will be launched on it. Go buy stuff!... :) Not even an apology, they were bullshting everybody through 1+ year...
Anyway, it will hit back to them, as without real, outside Hive marketing, very few people will spend the smallest amount for S2 packs in GLG. Lowest level of trust's gone, so 100% nobody will buy anything anymore from them, before seeing the final product, so this time, they really have to make something, not just promises.
Now a GLG pack costs 3 Hive on the market - 60c. If you imagine they sold it for what? 5$? OMG
Yeah... 😂 "Fortunately", I've found game later, so I bought them on 2nd market for $2.6-2.8... so far I just have less loss than most of people. It was $4-4.5 over 100 packs in pre-sale.
Lucky you, I had bought hundreds of packs in the "presale". A lesson learned forever!
I can't prove you entirely wrong, but it isn't failed, yet. As turned out GLS team was working on paralelly on Arcade Colony platform, too. (Looked like they worked only on that, instead of GLG in the last half year.)
Nowadays, they are shifting back to GLG, and doing some upgrade for gameplay. (Even if they stuck with this playable turn-based thing, instead of manager mode, what is in my opinion easier to do for small team like theirs, and more popular, better fit for NFTs, tokenomics.)
The 2nd version will look like something like this. At least, 11vs11.

GLX only real function atm: staking it, so you get some GLGT daily, and in ranked rewards mode, you earn more glx, by staking more. (If you got over 10k staked GLX in march, april, you got Arcade Colony token 1:1 airdrop, too. Many people didn't, don't know about it.)
GLX is not only for the GLG football game, but for hole GLS, what supposedly will include more sports related games. Atm, that provides its real long term potential. If more games come to platform.
Currently, there is an ongoing weekly manual tournament for 8 weeks (this one is 3rd week). Approx. 30 people playing that. Anybody can join, who has the franchise licence, and cards for a team, no staked glx requirement. (in 3 divisions, levels). There are weekly prizes, top8 get prizes in each divisions (weekly total 75k glx and 750 packs), so atm almost everybody. Weekly 10-16 matches. + there is overall LB prizes.
Lowest division weekly prizes:
GLS Twitter
In case you would try, registration is on GLS Discord, each week till Monday 8PM EST. DrZoom and Khan organizing it.
Well, I am not sure if 11on11 model would help, as long as the gameplay remains more or less the same, but I am glad there's still something going on :)
I guess my weak team cannot really hold a candle to the other participants, so I'll pass on the tournament.
There are new players in the lowest division, with single bcx cards. Hopefully next one will be in relegation/promotion system, so newbies don't have to play a single match vs. much stronger teams. (They are giving away through these tourneys the S1 league, cup 2.5-2.5M glx reward prizes. This is the first one, so even if you don't like gameplay, how most of us, it's still worthy.)
About gameplay: Turned out, they got plenty ideas from Football, Tactics & Glory turn based football game. (I never heard about it, nor know 1 more like that, but if they will push similar marketing, like this FT&G did, who knows...)
Football Tactics & Glory - Turn based football game
Super Cover Bild! ♟️
Ja, MidJourney kann manchmal witzige Ergebnisse liefern (sollte mal wieder einen post mit AI-Bildern machen, hat sich schon was zusammengesamelt).
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Let's do it
Best of luck everyone.
mein Auge tut beim Frühstücken immer so weh., Doktor: Nehmen Sie beim nächsten Mal den Löffel aus der Kaffeetasse.
Credit: chaosmagic23
@stayoutoftherz, ich habe dir im Namen von @thehockeyfan-at einen $LOLZ Token gesendet
Verwende den Befehl !WITZ oder !LOOL, um einen Witz und ein $LOLZ zu teilen.
Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP
Many thanks and congratulations for organizing the tournament! It was my first time participating in it and otherwise not familiar with the Chess 960 pieces random distribution I enjoyed it and had a lot of fun with 2 surprise game wins. Thanks again to all competitors and see you next time!