Reminder: Round 8 of the Hivechess Tournament S15 , Friday 19h GMT

Dear chess fans!

the 8th round of R15 is played tomorrow Friday, 21th Apr., at the usual time.

The current standings after 7 rounds you can find here.

This time it will be a Chess960, otherwise known as Fischer Random tournament!

For all who don´t know the Chess960 variant, it is chess with the same rules, but with a randomized position of the home rank pieces (there are 960 different positions). Bobby Fischer was a huge supporter of it (hence the name). Apparently, it makes opening knowledge less important.
In all starting positions the pairs of rooks will always be on different sides from the king, so that it is possible to castle both kingside and queenside. Also, both bishops will be placed on opposite colored squares, so it is not purely random.
Read more about it here, e.g. how to castle in this variant.

Mode: 4+2 (4 minutes per game, 2 sec. increment per move), 60 min. arena

Tournament Link:


The prize pool contains already app. 505 Hive!


  • Players of all skill levels are welcome, from newbies to experts, you just need a free Lichess-account and join our team in Lichess here (password is "Hive")!
  • Every Friday is one round.
  • Time mode is varying (5+0, 3+2, 2+1,...), sometimes Swiss, sometimes maybe Chess960 (Fischer Random).
  • The winner of each round gets the number of points equaling the number of players in that round, the second ranked one point less and so forth until the one on the bottom of the table who gets one point (i.e. the Lighteye-scoring). In order to be counted, at least 3 games must have been played.
  • In case two players have the same number of points, the one who played less rounds is first. If that is equal too, then the average tournament performance decides.
  • PAYOUT: The tournament points of the 10 rounds are summed up. 70% of all Hivechess-related post rewards go to the price pool (PP). The tournament winner will get 25 Hive, the runner-up 20 and the third 10 Hive bonus. The rest of the PP is divided among all players equally (40%) and according to the number of tournament points achieved (60%). Participation in 4 out of the 10 rounds is required in order to qualify for the prices.
  • There will be a special price of 5 Hive for the highest performance in relation to the own rating (counted by averaging the rating after the first and the last round, if at least 6 rounds are played).
  • There will be a special price of 5 Hive for the highest gain in rating points during the course of the season (if at least 6 rounds are played).
  • If I don´t know your Hive username, you won´t be considered for prices, so please let me know your Hive name in the comments! Community or badge accounts can participate but are not qualified for prices! Only individuals can get prices.

Please share this announcement among your (chess) friends and colleagues!
The more participate, the more fun! And maybe some are even interested to join Hive and it´s Chess Community?

See you tomorrow and good luck to all!

! [Mention List]
Potentially of interest to:
@aakrist @abimbola753 @agreste @alucian @artsbreezy01 @ajumaa @alberto0607 @alexmag1988 @almightymelon @alpha @ambarvegas @anadello @andzhi @anli @anomadsoul @apy @arsenal49 @artistparthoroy @astrolabio @awesomeintrigue @b0s @behiver @beyondhorizonmm @bitsignal @burnoutawesome @camiloferrua @cerati @chessbrotherspro @chesthetica @clixmoney @cryptogee @cryptoniusraptor @cryptoph0823 @cryptopi314 @dhilan04 @darruiz @diegofitness92 @digitalis @ebingo @eliaschess333 @elprofe62 @emeka4 @eniolw @eenriquerivas @engilhramn @evgsk @fcastro177 @fiona777 @flaws @foxconnmars @franciscomarval @franu @gabotask @giacomone @gingerbyna @grafo07 @hannes-stoffel @heimindanger @herz-ass @hierro21 @hirohurl @hivetrader @iamchessguy @iammanythings1 @ibizaki @iceblue @iobates @ironshield @jaki01 @jesusmgl1995 @jesustiano @jkms @johannfrare @josesmoke @juanmi96 @justfavour @kaungsett8388 @kintokris @kreur @levitant @lighteye @lofone @lucianosky @maciejficek @maestroask @marcusantoniu26 @mario89 @masterswatch @maverieux000 @meedo @memess @mrsarri @mstafford @mundocuriosidad @mypathtofire @nftland1989 @nikoszzz @oadissin @officialrosh1 @olujay @omonomo @orlanzavala @oshiokhenhoya @pamboy27 @parung76 @perpz @petreius @philipp87 @pokerarema @pokermaria @pravesh0 @primersion @ptmaker @rafaelaquino @razzor @renerondon @rexplanet @rheda @rodrook @ropavejero @rosmarly @salomijale @samostically @sanjamkapoors @sawko @schamangerbert @schnitte @soluce07 @solymi @spacetoon @steamloled @steemychicken1 @stranger27 @syndmitrij @the01crow @thedoc07 @therealflaws @timix648 @timofey @tin.aung.soe @tony1294 @tungphong @uliseshb @vaipraonde @vasigo @victorbch2 @vjap55 @volkiceper @walner @wegflexor @xoflox @yazp @zacherybinx @ziabutt3836
(just let me know if you don´t want to get the mentions)



Waooo Soo many people were playing chess. I'm now interested in taking part into this game lol



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Oh wow 960

