Triple H officially retires from wrestling
I have a few favorites of all time when it comes to wrestling and one of the people at the top of my lists is always HHH. There was just something about him through most of his career that just captivated me going all the way back to the DX days.

Let's start with his ring entrance or more so, the evolution of it. He had great entrance music over the years and as far as I know there were 3 of them, all of which were awesome and I think the best one was "Time to Play the Game!" which was performed by another legend, Lemmy from Motörhead.
It's such a simple thing, but the spitting of the water into the air during a certain part of the song right before he entered the ring during a really awesome part of the song worked so well and even if you didn't like HHH, you liked this intro.

He was fantastic as an in-ring worker and although I preferred him as a heel and I think most other people did as well, he did just fine as a babyface also. His microphone skills were pretty great too and the storylines that were built around his relationship with Vince McMahon and Stephanie, who he is married to in real life, were normally pretty entertaining as well.

Many fans would argue that HHH got preferential treatment because of his relationship with the boss' daughter and those people are almost certainly correct, but at least he was really good at his job. I think the only thing that I didn't really like about Hunter's program was his finishing move "The Pedigree" which I always thought was kind of lame.

He suffered a lot of injuries throughout the years and in a very impressive fashion, he never quit in any of these matches and would talk to his in ring opponent to finish the match even though in one instance he had completely torn a pectoral muscle which is not something I have ever done but I'm sure it isn't nice let alone pleasant to finish a very physically demanding event in spite of. In another match he tore his quadricep and still finished the match and tried to make it look like he wasn't in horrible pain, when he had to be helped out of the arena to the back, this was not a planned part of the match, Hunter could barely walk and was in huge amounts of pain.

HHH's real name is actually Paul Levesque, but like most wrestlers, he went through a number of personas while he figured out a character that was going to work for him. HHH was an excellent character and one that has seen championship gold 14 times. There are only handful of wrestlers that have had the belt more times than this.
He is also 52 years old, which isn't exactly a time to hit the retirement home, but if you are a fan you know that he hasn't seen much actual wrestling action in the past few years and has stuck to microphone work and also was a major player behind the scenes as a creative director. I find it really sad when legendary wrestlers remain in the business beyond their prime as so many have done and continue to do. It's sad to see your childhood heroes deteriorate physically and mentally but it happens to so many of them. Ric Flair being a prime example: Dude can't retire because he spent his whole life being financially irresponsible.
Though he has suffered dozens of injuries that would end most people's careers quite some time ago, HHH always made his way back to the gym, did physical therapy, and would make a glorious return every now and then. However, it was reported that he started having cardiac issues including a minor heart attack last year and this is something that one should be a lot more concerned about than tearing a muscle.

He's already in the WWE Hall of Fame, and there is no doubt that he will be forever remembered as one of the greatest the sport has ever seen. He is going to continue working in the creative department, but he announced that his days as an in-ring performer are behind him. He has very real heart problems and even has a defibrillator inside of his body because of it.
It's been a great ride and he will be impossible to replace. At least he is going to go out on his own terms and doesn't just keep the train going in order to make money like so many legends before him have done. Of course being a member of the McMahon empire means that he probably won't ever need to worry about money, so I guess that's a good thing.
Bye bye HHH, you will be missed.
I once hate triple HHH, then I loved him, then I hate him back, and then I love him again. He was a great WWF/WWF star.
he's a legend.... one of the timeless stars of the whole sport.
He was great when he was with DX but when they separated I didn't like watching him but he became a corporate stooge and married Stephanie. While their marriage is valid for IRL the story version was annoying and he seemed too power hungry and boring. Him retiring along side with Undertaker over the weekend made me feel really old 😅
Yeah me too.... but such is the passage of life. I would much rather see them both leave now than Ric Flair of Jake the snake Roberts themselves
Hmmm...I was so captivated by your words.Its so good.
Wrestling is something I used to watch as a kid right behind the tv screen every tuesday, right after a day of the live match ceremony, monday night raw was amazing!!
Triple H was an icon and lierally talking about the entrance and his ring appearance is something so mesmerizing and the attitude of it was even dashing.
Sorry to hear that he would retire as a pro -wrestler, but Hopefully he would retain in as COO of WWE.
Good write!!
Lol... The "never needing money part".
Wow.. What a career he's had. To think that I used to watch him growing up and he's just retiring. That's like the Zlatan Ibrahimovic of football.
His many injuries were scary and sometimes I thought some of them faked it, since everything was just entertainment anyway.
They could have been faked. We'll never know but if they were faked that just makes his Kay Fabe even better.
Triple H was a fine wrestler majority admired. His entry was always classic and distinct. However, I only began to dislike him when he started working with the authority against some wrestlers like 'the shield' before they had a split.
He'll be missed
I love the way that they are able to create stables like "The Shield" and make heels out of anyone. Wrestling is a crazy game and it has remained entertaining to me and millions of others over the decades. HHH was one of my favorites but then again, I always liked heels.
Never heard of the guy and quite remarkable he made it this far a 52 is not old but for wrestling yes it is. The older guys are retiring so like you mentioned before they need to replace these guys quickly with characters who can keep the sport alive.
If you have never heard of HHH I'm guessing you are not a fan of the sport. :)
Most probably quite true as only names I know are John Cena and the Undertaker.
These days when I watch I don't know most of the performers either. It has a lot to do with the "woke" policy that extends far and wide. Women matches are pushed to the forefront even if they aren't good and they have fat girls as well. It was much better back in the 80's / 90's but maybe I am just old
I haven't watched for maybe 25 years lol or longer and have no clue who is what and more shocked these guys are still going.
Lo importante es el legado que dejan a lo largo de la vida, y tú vienes un muy buen concepto de este luchador así que allí parte el éxito, el hizo un gran trabajo y tú lo reconoces dedicándole una fantástica publicacion
Ha ha - even I remembered this guy. I have always thought this TV wrestling thing was kind of silly but none the less appreciated it as a spectator sport when I was younger. Great read and nice to see that the whole scene is still alive and well.
It's kind of dying in my mind to be honest. It is difficult to stay interested and they are not doing a good job of developing new, younger talent. It might just be me but I have very little interest in any of the new guys they are introducing and I think the overall fanbase kind of feels the same. I can only watch Jon Cena but so many times.
All good things must come to an end as they say, I don't follow wrestling, but I know this guy has a lot of respect in the industry.
Indeed he does. Some would say it is undeserved and is based on his relationship with the boss' daughter. But there is no denying his in-ring talent, even if him and Steph had never gotten married IRL.