RE: THE National Champions
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I got so sick of the insane number of commercials they were showing and I finally decided to go to bed.
It's out of control man. They incorporate commercials into the live game now as well putting the game into a tiny window in the bottom corner during player swaps. I'm at the point now where I want to not even watch the games and just watch the game after the fact and somehow avoid all media about the result. They are pushing us too far. The games already take 4 ours and 3 of that is commercials. I'm at the point now where I am going out of my way to not have anything to do with the companies that advertise during the games. It's not enjoyable like this.
Yeah that is a good point. I didn't even mention the ads they throw in the middle of the game now. I think this one was worse than the others because it was the championship game, but in a two hour span I basically watched the whole Ghostbusters movie because I was flipping back and forth during the commercials!
A friend of mine years ago had his directTV or wahtever the hell it is called to be "Watching" the game about 10 minutes before he would see it and it would skip all commercial breaks. As it turned out, and this wasn't that difficult to see coming, that 10 minute buffer wasn't anywhere near big enough because within half an hour we were caught back up. So while I can't apply that to every single game that means that 1/3 of the game is adverts and now they are subjecting us to them in commentary and even hijacking the game screen.
Something that could work is if there was a widespread movement to boycott any advertiser that appeared on screen during actual gameplay.
We have YouTube TV and when you flip to a game like that you can choose to start from the beginning, join live, or catch up via key plays. It's pretty cool. Lately I have been missing the beginning of the Michigan State basketball games so I get to start form the beginning and skip all the commercials.