Is UFC 303 off? Here's what I know so far
So the Dublin press-conference was called off in the past week for reasons that have not been made official by anyone. Dana White hasn't commented on this but there is a lot of speculation that Conor McGregor is being a prima-donna about some things and in the end, the UFC might not have any choice but to call of the main fight of the card. This would be disastrous because the rest of the card at UFC is so poor they might have to change the name of it to FUC.

We have to keep in mind that these pictures could be from any period in time but according to people that were supposedly there at the time, Conor was seen partying his ass off in clubs the night before the press conference about the upcoming fight. It is important to note that even if Conor was partying responsibly, it is really rare, unprofessional, and just kind of dumb for him to be out getting hammered just a few weeks before a "comeback" fight. When the press conference was abruptly called off the following day, there was a bunch of speculation that Conor was too hungover to attend.

Also, note that the press conference was meant to be in Dublin, not the actual fight. So I suppose it is a little strange for UFC to be flying fighters all over the world when the fight is going to take place in Las Vegas but Conor gets special treatment and so does Ireland whenever one of their fighters hits the bigtime.
Since that time, Conor has only tweeted one thing and it was very polite, spelled correctly, and basically seemed like it was written by his PR team. No offense to Conor, but based on past Tweet experience, that post doesn't seem like it was written by the same brash person that the world has grown to either love or hate.
Michael Chandler has been posting like mad but he has steered away from bad-mouthing McGregor and this is most likely at the behest of the UFC management.

Now the reason that the above Tweet is important is because Chandler's training camp is in Florida, not Tennessee so if MC is heading home, then he may have information about the fight being called off entirely. This is just speculation at this point though and could all be part of a PR coverup to keep people interested in the fight while they figure out what the hell is going on.
On the flip side of things, Ariel Helwani, who is likely one of the most connected people in the world as far as UFC is concerned, assured listeners to his podcast that things that are going on right now are confusing but it is "nothing illegal, nothing salacious, no PED use, no partying, none of that.” Well where are those photos of Conor partying in Dublin clubs coming from then?
The fact of the matter right now is that everyone is being very tight-lipped about what is actually going on right now. There are rumors that Conor's PR team has confiscated his phone and given him a temporary replacement one to prevent him from Tweeting and Michael Chandler is being "roped in" a bit since he is Tweeting many times a day albeit in a very cryptic manner.

At the moment the official UFC website still has UFC 303 featured as an upcoming event although strangely, and this is the first time I have ever seen this happen, it is not featured on the homepage like every other upcoming pay-per-view in the past.
Will it be cancelled? I can't imagine them being able to scrap together a main event that the people are going to be as hyped about as they were going to be this one. I suppose they are going to have to tell us something very soon seeing as how the event is meant to take place in 24 days, is already sold out, and the rest of the card is pretty lackluster and will no doubt be a disappointment should the main fight be changed or canceled.
The main draw card pulling out would scupper the entire event and it sounds like McGregor wants a bigger slice of the pie.
McGregor has been "playing nice" ever since his outburst following his breaking of his leg vs Dustin Poirier and the criticism he faced for being a sore loser and breaking his promise to donate to Dustin's children's charity. But at the end of the day the dude is a loose cannon and could have an outburst of arrogance at any moment and is basically impossible to control at that point.
He has more money and fame than the rest of the UFC roster, possibly even combined, so he is always a bomb waiting to explode.
He looks like a loose cannon and did not know about breaking his promise giving to charity.
I think that they got that sorted out and Conor tried to make it out like a clerical error but he eventually paid up. I think we all know what was really going on there though, he was being a dick because he lost.