Dana White wants Colby Covington next against Edwards. Does he deserve the shot?
....and it is quite obvious why that is. I think that no matter what the result of the Edwards vs. Usman fight was that Covington was already being lined up to be the next taker. This is why the camera crews were already near him after the fight was finished. It's all a show.

The UFC to me often seems more like the WWE than it does like a real MMA system. I understand that all sports outside of youth sports are about making money but the UFC is a little less covert in the way in which they go about doing this. Sometimes people who are well out of the ranking system end up with big fights, headlines on PPV's, or even titles shots in divisions they have never fought in before simply because they have a lot of online clout (I'm looking at you Jon Jones!)
I actually really like Colby Covington, but not necessarily because of his in ring prowess. He is a decent fighter, and I think that he definitely does belong in the top ranking positions that he is in but if we look at his background, he doesn't necessarily "deserve" to be the next in line to fight against Edwards as Dana White stated in the post-fight interviews after UFC 286.

Covington is a bit on an anomaly in the UFC because he went from being nearly cut from the roster to becoming one of the biggest draws in the sport simply by turning "heel." If you don't know what "heel" means it is simply a bad guy that tries to get the crowd to NOT like him. You are supposed to be rooting against them kind of like how Andre the Giant was always the bad guy and Hulk Hogan was always the good guy in WWE. Once Covington went heel, he started to get a lot of attention.
This is something I can relate to because I also enjoy WWE and I tend to like the heels more than the babyfaces.

Covington taunts his opponents frequently before, during, and after his matches and he gives the crowd every opportunity to dislike him and this is embodied by his chosen entrance song that used to belong to Kurt Angle. He specifically chose this song because there had already been a well-established "YOU SUCK" portion of the song that goes along with the tune.
I like Covington precisely for this reason and he at least appears to be a top contender until you look at what his past few wins entailed. For one thing, he hasn't fought in nearly a year and his victories over Jorge Masvidal, Tyron Woodley and Robbie Lawler were fights against people that were already coming off of previous losses. Two of them were on loss streaks and this can set up the very real possibility that these fights were specifically arranged in order to propel Covington to the top.
But why would UFC do that? The answer is simple: Money. Just like in any other sport money is the main driving force behind who is on any lineup. Covington is going to be promoting the potential fight and eventually the real fight relentlessly from now until it happens. He has a massive online following and love him or hate him, the guy gives really good interviews with plenty of humorous soundbites.
If Dana White and the top brass at UFC want this fight to happen and Edwards and his camp decline, the UFC will simply strip him of the belt. In many ways, it isn't up to you who you fight next in UFC and your only choice is to roll with the punches (pun intended) or quit.
Personally I would love to see Covington fight anyone and I don't think it is a coincidence that we haven't seen the guy in an octagon for a year now. Dana White has been saving this card for when he really felt it would be most financially beneficial to play it. That time is now.
You like WWE? Have you tried AEW?
i try to like AEW but the last I watched it they were really focused on the old boys taking center stage rather than developing the new, younger talent. Perhaps I should give them another look.
Yes, they do have some great younger talent and I think the older guys are supposed to be building up this younger talent, but maybe it doesn't always work? I really liked AEW at the beginning when it was new and exciting, but I normally just catch up on what happened now and maybe watch a few highlights.
I believe WWE has also upped their game in recent years, especially with the story telling aspect (like The Bloodline), and I think it was WWE kind of taking people for granted, not really trying that hard, and just churning out rubbish a few years ago that made it possible for AEW to form, have a few good stories and get old, tired fans to be a bit excited again... now there is a danger that WWE is getting back on track and AEW have to try and focus on what makes them different and fun in comparison.
AEW faces a tough road, that's for sure. I remember how TNA tried their best to compete but it was just boring so they brought in a bunch of WWE retirees to try to reinvigorate the show but then they took away the 6-sided ring which was what made it truly unique in the first place. As far as I know they don't even exist anymore.
I heard a rumor the other day that UFC is looking to buy WWE. What sort of disastrous plans do they have in mind I wonder?
It's gonna be him or Jorge, which is a shocker. I don't think Khamzat can make welterweight, it looks big lately.
Belal Muhamad has been asking for a title for so long, maybe he deserves it.
Moneywise, Jorge vs Edwards is probably the safest option, with the whole incident that happened backstage they can milk it.
It will make Leon Edwards look good against an old Masvidal, then you can bring Colby in.
totally agree. He just doesn't have the star-power necessary and unfortunately UFC is first and foremost about making money.
I like the idea of Jorge first then Covington was there in England for a reason, and I think this is the reason. Plus Masvidal is launching some sort of boxing promotion with White's blessing very soon unless I am mistaken about that.
haha what a boss move! Used to love the Kurt Angle intro was very catchy and one of my top 10 entries all time. Some athletes are just champions at being the antagonizer
there are stories out there that are pretty interesting reads about how Covington was a nobody really close to getting cut from UFC for good and it was a real genius move for him to develop his "heel" persona. It works for him and is a big part of the reason why I like him.
Oh wow! Sometimes you've got to reinvent yourself to reinvigorate yourself. Double boss move!
Money is what drives sport and if he has that type of following then it would be beneficial to Dana White and not necessarily if it is right or not or even fair on other fighters. There has to be a proper ranking system in place and you should have to qualify first by right and not by popularity.
This is a huge complaint that a lot of people have about UFC but there is nothing they can do about it. Dana White has a "if you don't like it, there's the door" attitude when it comes to the "rankings" and who is next in line for a shot at the belt. I think this is why we see so many fighters develop some sort of nickname or persona.
Hell, it worked wonders for "Cowboy" Cerrone and that guy was terrible in his last 4 years in the sport.
I think Colby is more than ready for this opportunity. And I think that despite not knowing who he is or his qualifications.
It will make a ton of money and in the end that is all that really matters to this, or really any other sport. Hell, even frisbee golf has to make some money with sponsors or they wouldn't even bother.