Champions League, Celtic vs. Bayern


Heute Abend 4 weitere Spiele in der Qualifikation für das Achtelfinale der Championsleague.

Tonight 4 more games in qualifying for the round of 16 of the Champions League.

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Celtic spielt zu hause gegen Bayern. In München hat man gejubelt, weil man nicht gegen Man City spielen muß, aber ich sehe das Spiel gegen Celtic vielleicht als noch schwieriger an. Celtic spielt mit voller Kampfkraft, ob zu hause oder Auswärts. Ich erwarte ein knappes Endergebnis und tippe 1:1 Unentschieden.

Celtic plays at home against Bayern. In Munich they were cheering because they didn't have to play against Man City, but I see the game against Celtic as perhaps even more difficult. Celtic play with full fighting spirit, whether at home or away. I expect a close final result and predict a 1:1 draw.

Funny match @all
Best regards & Glück auf


Oh Bayern fans were relieved they were not given Man City? However this team with the foundations of Postecoglou are no pushovers.

First of all it's two teams who enjoy flowing foweard to attack. Yet Rodgers has shown sumtin different this season as he did the Mourinho back 5 style, when he played a very attacking opponent in the CL and he got a draw.

Tough one for Bayern today,they must dig deep. They must resist the strong temptation to underrate Celtic.

I stick with Bayern going tru. But this 1st leg? Hmmn would be a tough battle, hope Bayern gets a victory sonehow.


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