Remodeling of the synthetic field - San Critóbal Sports Unit, Medellín

Greetings friends of Hive and the Architecture+Design community, I hope you are very well, I am happy to greet you again on this occasion that I come to show you a little remodeling work they have been doing in the Sports Unit of San Cristobal, better known as synthetic field of San Cristobal, because the soccer field is the sporting part that is distinguished in the place. As you know I have already shown you part of this town, a township that belongs to the municipality of Medellin, Colombia. This is a rural area between the mountains that surround the city of Medellin.

The San Critóbal Sports Unit is a sports and recreational space with several areas including the soccer field that was under renovation a few months ago and I took a few pictures one day when I was passing by. But I don't have pictures of the restored field, I hope to return one day and take pictures of the finished field. But here I show you and tell you what I was able to record in the past months.

Saludos amigos de Hive y de la comunidad Architecture+Design deseo que estén muy bien, me alegra saludarlos nuevamente en esta ocasión en que vengo para mostrarles un poco el trabajo de remodelación que han estado haciendo en la Unidad Deportiva de San Cristóbal, mejor conocido como Cancha Sintética de San Cristóbal, porque el campo del futbol es la parte deportiva que se distingue en el lugar. Como saben ya antes les he mostrado parte de este pueblo, un corregimiento que pertenece al municipio de Medellín, Colombia. Este es un espacio rural entre las montanas que rodean a la ciudad de Medellín.

La Unidad Deportiva de San Ceistóbal es un espacio deportivo y recreativo con varias áreas entre ellas el campo para futbol que estuvo en remodelación hace unos meses y yo tomé unas cuantas fotos un día que pasé por allí. Pero no tengo fotos de la cancha restaurada, espero volver un día y tomar fotos de la cancha terminada. Pero aquí les muestro y les cuento lo que pude registrar en meses pasados.




Ample space in a natural environment and machines to do physical exercises, all this has the San Critóbal Sports Unit and despite being in remodeling some areas it has always been open to the public. The hours with more visitors are very early in the morning and in the afternoon when the sun has gone down. I could see how there were people of all ages using these spaces to exercise, I also took advantage of being there :)

Amplio espacio en un ambiente natural y máquinas para hacer ejercicios físicos, todo eso lo tiene la Unidad Deportiva de San Cristóbal y apesar de estar en remodelación algunas áreas siempre estuvo abierto al público. Las horas con más visitantes son las de la mañana muy temprano y en la tarde cuando el sol ha bajado. Yo veía como habia gente de varias edades usando estos espacios para poder hacer ejecicios, yo también aproveché estando alli :)


On the synthetic grass you can see small mountains of granulated rubber and further away white bags with silica sand. This was told to me by one of the park caretakers, because there was nobody working at the construction site. What I know is that in the artificial grass installations the granulated rubber cushions the blow of the players on the field and the silica sand can be used before laying the grass and also on the grass, this is also very convenient for the players, that is to say that in addition to the aspect of the grass, those who use it are also taken care of.

Sobre el cesped sintético se ven pequeñas montañas de caucho granulado y más allá sacos blancos con arena de silice. Esto me lo dijo uno de los vigilantes del parque, porque no había nadie trabajando en la obra. Lo que tengo de conocimiento es que en las intalaciones de cesped artificial el caucho granulado amortigua el golpe de los jugadores en la cancha y la arena de siílice se puede usar antes de poner la grama y también sobre la grama, esto también es muy conveniente para los jugadores, es decir que además del aspecto de la grama también se cuida a quienes la usan.




The field was fenced off while the work was being done, but the inhabitants could still see the repair work on their sports field. There are stairs that border the sides of the synthetic field of San Cristobal and it was possible to walk along while the restoration work was being carried out.

La cancha estuvo cercada mientras se hacian los trabajos pero igual los habitantes podían ver los trabajos de reparación de su campo deportivo. Hay escalas que bordean los laterales de la cancha sintética de San Cristóbal y se podía transitar con tranquilidad mientras se veía la restauración.





Looking closely at the details of the synthetic field I saw order in the work of recovery of this space. It was accomplished by steps and perhaps not in a hurry, but a good restoration was being done. That is what I saw, let's hope that the athletes who use it will be satisfied.

Mirando de cerca los detalles de la cancha sintética vi orden en el trabajo de recuperación de este espacio. Se cumplió por pasos y quizás no con apuro pero se estaba haciendo una buena resturación. Es lo que yo veía, esperemos que los deportistas que la usan estén conformes.




I do not know how much was invested in these recovery works, but I know it is not the first time it is done and that is good because this park is the main sports venue of this small town and there are many tournaments that can be done here, especially soccer matches, the king sport in Medellin and well, throughout Colombia.

No sé cuanto se invirtió en estos trabajos de recuperación, pero se que no es la primera vez que se hace y eso es bueno porque este parque es el principal lugar deportivo de este pequeño pueblo y son muchos los torneos que pueden hacerse aquí, especialmente encuentros de futbol, el deporte rey en Medellín y bueno, en toda Colombia.






I hope to come back and see how the San Cristóbal Synthetic Field looks like. For now I'm leaving until a new meeting and I hope you liked my content. Bye bye.

Esspero volver y ver como quedó la Cancha Sintética de San Cristóbal. Por ahora me depido hasta un nuevo encuentro y espero que les haya gustado mi contenido. Chao, chao.

This publication dedicates 10% to the account @aplusd to support the valuable work being done in this wonderful community by the hand of @storiesoferne, to whom I am very grateful for the support I have received and also the one given to the rest of the architecture lovers. I make this delegation of my own free will and without any personal interest.

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La renovación de la Unidad Deportiva San Cristóbal es, de hecho, una mejora significativa para la comunidad.

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It is good that attention is being paid to this type of sports facilities; it is important that people have a place to recreate and exercise. I am sure that everything looked very nice.


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Quite a remodeling job...hopefully it will be ready soon. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for appreciating it, when I go there again I will take a picture of the place because I think the court is already finished. Greetings!


It's good that they are remodeling the court, they are recreation and leisure spaces for children and adults, I hope in the near future it will be open to the public and families can take their children to play.



I think the remodeling work is finished, when I visit it again I will take pictures to show the final result. Greetings!


Congratulations dear @sorprendente! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected as an exclusive feature for our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded RUNNER UP in Architecture Anthology™ 78. More power!


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