Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree - A Very Annoying Boss and a Beautiful New Weapon [ENG/ESP]


Last day I discovered several dungeons, I met several bosses and one of them was even bugged. Today I have in mind a specific area to investigate, I discovered it a few days ago but I left it aside for later. This area is beautiful, as soon as you arrive you will see a giant garden full of blue and shining flowers. If you stop for a moment and look at the horizon, it could perfectly be a painting.
As I advanced a bit and looked around, a rotting dragon fell from the sky and a fight began. This one was just like the one I encountered on the first day of the game, with the difference that this one summoned skeletal minions that could be quite annoying.
After defeating him, I continued moving through the area until I came to a fork in the road. I chose to explore the path to the right, which led up to a sort of hill, and at the top of it, there was a large hole through which we could jump down through the rubble.
At the bottom of this hole was the entrance to a new subway area. There were many ruins piled up and embedded in the walls. To advance you had to jump between them, using them as bridges.
In this subway area there were several types of enemies, they did not represent a real threat since it was quite easy to defeat them, but they did appear in large numbers from time to time. The advance in this area was always downward, deeper and deeper.
Eventually I came to the "last grace" in the area, but there was something different here. Unlike practically all the graces I've seen in the game, here there was a fairly large group of animals in front of it, they weren't moving, they were all standing still watching it.
Further in front of the grace there was a fall into the void, with a spirit that said: Give me courage to fly to your feet, my dear Saint Trina. As it is not the first time that the game asks me to make a leap of faith, I jumped into the void. As expected, I didn't die, I reached a new area, where I just reacted and a boss came running.
This boss is a kind of skeleton rider, he will be riding his horse and personally I found him quite tough and above all VERY annoying. His attacks are fast and not content with that, from time to time he will jump off his horse and attack us both at the same time.
Learning to dodge some of his attacks was a challenge. Some of them were so fast that I came to think that I simply had to take a hit.
After several deaths, I finally defeated him and as a reward he gave me his memory, which allows me to exchange it for a spell or his weapon. Since I don't use magics, I chose the weapon and it was love at first sight. I find it gorgeous and it fits my stats almost perfectly, as it scales with strength and arcane. In my case I have the strength, but I lacked the arcane, so I decided to slightly modify my stats and raise points in arcane to use this weapon from now on.
With the boss defeated we could continue advancing. There was a room behind in which, as soon as we enter, we will be told that we are in a safe area and we can not attack. In the middle of the room there is a purple NPC that seems to be shapeless. When talking he will offer us to drink a nectar, I accepted and died instantly.
Then I went back to the room and was offered the nectar again, I accepted again and died again. This gave me all the vibe of being that typical quest in these games in which you have to follow a series of specific steps for something to happen, then taking advantage that I had already come this far, I was encouraged to read over a guide to know what to do. I had to drink the nectar and die 4 times, in that last death this NPC, who is Santa Trina, will talk to us while we are dead. Then there are a couple more steps that I will not detail because I do not want to extend too much, but basically Santa Trina will ask us to kill Miquella and stop her plans.
At the lore level I know that Santa Trina is very important, but I am not very knowledgeable about the whole story of Elden Ring, so I could not draw a deeper conclusion from this encounter. Anyway, I liked a lot to have found her and that sentence she tells us when she dies, I'm encouraged to read and know more about the game's story, which is quite ambiguous. But hey, with the boss defeated and having completed or at least started the Santa Trina quest, this area was done and I could leave. This was one of the two paths in the blue flower area. The next day will be dedicated to explore the second path, to see what I find.


All images/gifs shown in this publication have been taken and created by me


El ultimo día descubrí varias mazmorras, conocí a varios jefe y uno de ellos incluso se me bugeo. Hoy tengo en mente una zona concreta que investigar, la descubrí hace unos días pero la dejé apartada para después. Esta zona es preciosa, nada más llegar veras un jardín gigante lleno de flores azules y resplandecientes. Si te detienes un momento y miras al horizonte, perfectamente podría ser un cuadro.
Mientras avanzaba un poco y miraba a los alrededores, un dragón putrefacto cayó del cielo y comenzó un combate. Este era igual al que me encontré el primer día de juego, con la diferencia de que este invocaba esbirros esqueléticos que podían ser bastante molestos.
Al derrotarlo seguí avanzando por la zona, hasta que llegué a una bifurcación. Elegí explorar el camino de la derecha, que llevaba hasta una especie de colina y, en la cima de esta, había un gran agujero por el que podíamos bajar saltando entre los escombros.
En el fondo de este agujero estaba la entrada a una nueva zona subterránea. Había muchas ruinas apiladas e incrustadas en las paredes. Para avanzar había que ir saltando entre ellas, usándolas como puentes.
En esta zona subterránea había varios tipos de enemigos, no representaban una amenaza real ya que era bastante fácil derrotarlos, pero si aparecían en grandes cantidades de vez en cuando. El avance en esta zona siempre era hacia abajo, cada vez más profundo.
Eventualmente llegué a la “ultima gracia” de la zona, pero había algo de distinto aquí. A diferencia de prácticamente todas las gracias que he visto en el juego, aquí había un grupo bastante grande de animales frente a ella, no se movían, todos estaban quietos observándola.
Más delante de la gracia había una caída al vacío, con un espíritu que decía: Bríndame coraje para volar hasta tus pies, mi querida Santa Trina. Como no es la primera vez que el juego me pide hacer un salto de fe, salté al vacío. Como era de esperarse, no morí, llegué a una zona nueva, en la que nada más reaccionar un jefe vino corriendo.
Este jefe es una especie de jinete esqueleto, estará montando en su caballo y personalmente me pareció bastante duro y sobre todo MUY molesto. Sus ataques son rápidos y no conforme con eso, de vez en cuando saltará de su caballo y nos atacaron los dos al mismo tiempo.
Aprender a esquivar algunos de sus ataques fue todo un reto. Algunos eran tan rápidos que llegué a pensar que simplemente debía recibir un golpe obligatoriamente.
Después de varias muertes, por fin lo derroté y como recompensa me dio su recuerdo, el cual me permite canjearlo para obtener un hechizo o su arma. Como no uso magias, elegí el arma y fue amor a primera vista. Me parece una preciosidad y se adapta casi perfecto a mis estadísticas, ya que escala con fuerza y arcano. En mi caso tengo la fuerza, pero me faltaba el arcano, así que decidí modificar ligeramente mis estadísticas y subir puntos en arcano para usar esta arma a partir de ahora.
Con el jefe derrotado podía seguir avanzando. Había una sala detrás en la que, nada más entrar, se nos indicará que estamos en una zona segura y no podemos atacar. En medio de la sala hay un NPC morado que parece no tener forma. Al hablar nos ofrecerá beber un néctar, yo acepté y morí instantáneamente.
Luego regresé a la sala y me volvía a ofrecer el néctar, acepté nuevamente y volví a morir. Esto me daba toda la vibra de ser esa típica quest en estos juegos en la que tienes que seguir una serie de pasos específicos para que algo pase, entonces aprovechando que ya había llegado hasta aquí, me animé a leer por encima una guía para saber que debía hacer. Tenia que beber el néctar y morir 4 veces, en esa ultima muerte este NPC, que es Santa Trina, nos hablará mientras estamos muertos. Luego hay un par de pasos más que no detallaré porque tampoco quiero extenderme demasiado, pero básicamente Santa Trina nos pedirá que matemos a Miquella y detengamos sus planes.
A nivel de lore sé que Santa Trina es muy importante, pero tampoco soy muy conocedor de toda la historia de Elden Ring, por lo que no pude sacar una conclusión más profunda de este encuentro. Igualmente me gustó mucho haberla encontrado y esa frase que nos dice al morir, me animan a leer y conocer más sobre la historia del juego, que es bastante ambigua. Pero bueno, con el jefe derrotado y habiendo completado o por lo menos iniciado la quest de Santa Trina, esta zona ya estaba lista y podía irme. Este era uno de los dos caminos que había en la zona de flores azules. El próximo día lo dedicaré a explorar el segundo camino, a ver con que me encuentro.


Todas las imágenes/gif mostradas en esta publicación han sido tomadas y creadas por mí


That whole cave and boss was so cool. I was so confused when I found St. Trina back there as well. Turns out she's actually a part of Miquella and was discarded alongside everything else he had. Just like with the crosses. So many cool lore revelations in this DLC. I've been so overwhelmed.


I was also a little overwhelmed, especially at the beginning where every 10 steps I found some cave or nook. This particular area was a total enjoyment, all the way down the hole I was surprised looking around, wondering what I would find when I got to the bottom.


This game wants to look like dracular, for a sec there i thought it was a vampire game


You good at this game and seems you know exactly where you heading. The skeletons though sure looks scary



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Bastante troll la doña Trina, morir cuatro veces para soltar la misión.
Suerte que reviso la guia.
