Wing Foil Boarders on Donner Lake
I looked out my kitchen window yesterday and said, "no way..." I couldn't believe my eyes. It was very cold and windy out, but on the lake I saw these wing foil boarders having the time of their lives on Donner Lake. So I grabbed the camera, put my 100-500mm long lens on the body, and quickly walked across the street to see if I could capture any fun shots.
Success! I was pretty happy with these photos. And I was glad I was the one with the camera, and not the subject matter. Brrrr!!! That's a nope for me!
These were all shot with the Canon R5 MarkII and a Canon 100-500mm lens. Handheld.
Do you have a favorite? Let me know. Thanks for looking and I hope you all have an exciting day!
Scott Thompson
Scott Shots Photography
I think I like #1 the best. I can't believe they were out in the cold. They must spend much less time in the water than I would haha
Thanks for letting me know! Actually, I saw them fall quite a few times. BRRRR!!!!
All are nice, but I like the picture 1 the most.
Thank you, @iris085!
I can't get this experience in my life yet because I'm a little scared but the effort is on.
I understand. The activity looks fun, but that cold water is SCARY to me!
#hive #posh