Working on my Bs tailslide 🛹 👊 [Esp/Ing]
Hello friends how are you?
I still want to keep working on my Bs tailslide, until I can fully master it, that's what skateboarding is all about, training day by day to fully unlock the tricks.
Hola, amigos como estan?
Aun quiero seguir trabajando en mi Bs tailslide , hasta poder dominarlo completamente de eso se trata el skateboarding de entrenar dia a dia para desbloquear los trucos completamente.
It really is very rare that I do a faster kickflip bs tailslide and late doing Bs tailslide, but hey, that's skateboarding today in the attempts it was much better for me I landed one but it didn't take so long and I think I liked it better than other times.
De verdad es muy raro que haga mas rapido kickflip bs tailslide y tarde haciendo Bs tailslide, pero bueno asi es el skateboarding hoy en los intentos me fue mucho mejor cai uno solo pero no tarde tanto y creo que lo cai mejor que otras veces.
I look forward to the moment when I can do Bs tailslide on the first try and I know that moment will come soon.
Espero el momento en el que pueda hacer Bs tailslide al primer intento y se que pronto llegara ese momento.
▶️ 3Speak
That Nollie Bs Smith was so beautiful Samuel! Bs tail is getting better and better, nice dude!
Love the fact that you are trying to learn a new trick on the ledge yet going full speed haha! You're crazy man, good crazy! Love it!