Fs salad grind on the round railing 👊 [Esp/Ing]

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Hello friends how are you?
Today I'm sharing my video making Fs salad grind on the square rail and today I tried it on the round one and noticed the difference a lot.

Hola, amigos como estan?
Ayer les comparti mi video haciendo Fs salad grind en la baranda cuadrada y hoy lo intente en la redonda y note mucho la diferencia.

A square tube gives much more confidence than a round tube and more with this type of tricks that is a bit difficult to do at the beginning.

Un tubo cuadrado, da mucha mas confianza que un tubo redondo y mas con este tipo de trucos que es un poco complicado hacerlo al inicio.

The important thing is that after several attempts, I was able to get it, I hope you enjoy it but without a doubt in the square tube it is much easier.
Where do you think it looks better in the square or round tube?

Lo importante es que despues de varios intentos, pude conseguirlo, espero lo disfruten pero sin duda en el tubo cuadrado es mucho mas facil.
Donde crees que se ve mejor en el tubo cuadrado o redondo?

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