Shooting Serena May, bodybuilding champion
One of my favorite photo shoots of all time was with Serena May Adamisen, a bodybuilding champion from Jackson, Michigan. I met her at the gym just before she won first place in the Class C 2018 NPC Natural Michigan Gladiator Championships, and I was immediately struck by the combination of her incredible physique, her poise, and confidence. Incredibly, I was able to organize some off camera lights and get us access to the Michigan Theater.
Given that I was a random stranger to Serena, she extended a lot of trust in me to make this shoot work, but she showed up well equipped with outfits and in great spirits. We had all the time we needed to think about shots and work together, and it was fun from start to finish.
Serena radiated confidence and power, while also celebrating her feminine beauty and warm personality. That she then went on to grab a trophy in the competition she was preparing for was a perfect finale to this photo testament of her hard work and determination.
Ha un fisico perfetto... di solito non mi piacciono le donne che fanno bodybilding perché sono troppo muscolose e poco femminili... mentre lei ha veramente un bellissimo corpo!
Mi sono sentito allo stesso modo! Anche la sua personalità rispecchiava questo: è una madre e una combattente!
Che bello!!!!
Sono contenta per lei!
Che possa essere sempre felice!
Amazing body physique