I feel like by now it is almost a life spend with this brotha who I used to call just Leo. But someday around 2014 I decide to call him of "vlad" cuzz he spended a suny day inside of is bedroom.
I edited this video like a time simbol to remembers us about the moments and phases we lived through to connect us even more with ours selfs and the moment we got now, Our present.
Link for the vídeo👇
(Unsupported https://zora.co/collect/base:0xab0da006bcf38a2499fbad4608840b6b50390aec/1/embed?referrer=0xEed943aA972dd394146e6F77B9434DF07f36a282)
<a href="https://zora.co/collect/base:0xab0da006bcf38a2499fbad4608840b6b50390aec/1" style="padding:12px;text-decoration:none;color:#b3b3b3;font-family:'Inter',system-ui;font-size:10px;line-height:12px;font-style:normal;font-weight:400">VLAD LIFE TIME REQUEST on Zora</a>
I'm back on the chain gang!
False Positive. We need to solve the zora embeds issue
i cant get the video to load when i click the link @xvlad
I thing you can do it now! thanks 😃
wowowow bro
dude this is beyond cool.
you are a cool friend of @xvlad's
he thinks that was back when he was sexy
new vlad is way sexier
this is a kind of video only a true friend could make.
its so funny that YOU gave him the name vlad!
that clip of him clinging to the walls of the cage was so funny!
i laughed
pure joy dude
and that other clip?
were those actual bats?
that is insanely cool.
dude vlads lucky you kept all this footage. this video has vibes
nothing but good memories.
thanks for sharing
Thank you to stoped and watched, I did to show you guys whats we have done in this last 12 years!
The bats are part of the magic of editing kkk
We are working in brandnew memories for the good of our sanity : )))
vlads life ways shake the web3 🚀