Redfish Value and Price


Earning while Holding

Redfishcoin is more better than Staking. There is no lock period to earn, no need to transfer to third wallet or website, just Hodl on your Waves wallet and receive Monthly Shares every 25th day of the month. Since 2017 in the service and will continue to give more

What is RedfishCoin (REDFISH)?

Steemit Redfish Community focus more on giving monthly shares to our stockholders. Since Redfishcoin was created, we aim for giving back to the community and to those who believe in the capability of raising awareness of its existence. By Holding minimum of 100 Redfish, you become a stockholders and eligible for Monthly Steemit shares Since 2017. Payout were given every 25th of the month PLUS Royalty Rewards Token.

Minimum Holding to Earn


Hold 20 Redfish to earn 2% Monthly shares
Hold 50 Redfish to earn 3% monthly shares
Hold 100 + Redfush to earn 3% PLUS Rewards and Bonuses!

Don't get left behind! On this year, we are cooking to reach $1 and above average of daily value! Visit
