Splinterland's : Investing in Lux Vega might be good choice.
Splinterland's : Investing in Lux Vega might be good choice.
For past couple of seasons I am really struggling to reach the Diamond league, tough I am lucky to cross 2800+ plus score at last couple of days to advance to gather my next season chest as Diamond chests but I am not playing any matches in Diamond league, I just click Advance button. Even in current season I am currently oscillating between Gold 2 and Gold 1 and only 4 days left for season closure. If I did not played meticulously then it is also possible that I am not able to make Diamond League at the end of the season.
With all this difficulties in progressing, I was wondering what can I do for my progress. My earlier approach was to open CHAOS packs as it really did give strength to my deck but my level of summoners still really did not increased. Strong Riftwatchers cards are als giving hard time in winning matches.
Why try to progress?
In y case I love to play game and added my strength to deck slowly ang gradually with time. Starting from level 1 rare summoner , I progressed to level 5 rare summoners and max level Waka Spiritblade. Even I play Gold League or Champion league but time effort is same but my rewards for playing in top league will be great. My reward chest will give good rewards and my ranked battle rewards will also increase.
How Lux Vega will be good option.
Lux Vega stats give it +1 armor ,+1 health and +1 swiftness and I actually prefer those summoner which give positive effect to team so that I can select my team according to summoner.
So look like Lux Vega fits my liking and there are so many cheap and strong cards (mostly rewards) that I can max and use it with my team. I am not expecting that just buying Lux Vega will turn around my fortune but it look cheapest option to me to get upper hand in Gold league and I might be able to fight in Diamond.
But unfortunately , I do not have funds now, but I am going to save my DEC(that I get from rentals) and VOUCHERS (that I get for my SPS stake and Node License) and will start converting to credits when ever I see market is giving a good price for them.
I guess not very soon , but in some point of time , I will be going to add this card in my collection,
My other post in Splinterlands.
Splinterverse (Splinterlands Metaverse) : A comprehensive ecosystem for everyone to earn.
Staked 200K SPS and my future Splinterland's plan.
Splinterland's : Can I Survive on my Splinterland's earnings.
Splinterland's : Explosive growth is yet to come.
Splinterland's : Earned assets worth more than 1 BTC.
Splinterlands : Land release might change the way of playing Splinterlands .
Splinterlands : When luck strike twice in gap of few days.
Splinterlands : Ways to earn DEC
Splinterlands : Do not ignore Guilds
Buying Splinterland Tower Defense pack now looked good decision
Splinterlands : My passive income generator
Splinterland's : My road to 300K staked SPS
Splinterland's : It rained Gold Foil
Note for my affiliates
If you want to play splinterlands then you can join it here
I saw few of the player joined the game using my affiliate link and then stopped playing after few battles. If you have any difficulty in playing game, do not hesitate and join the game discord. It is really helping community and contact me here or on discord, I will definitely review your game for your better game experience.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lux Vega is a strong one to add to one's deck, it is, however, one of those cards I can't own due to the price.
This season has been tougher compared to last for me, I am beginning to think to stay in Silver and only advance the last 5 days to the end of the season, coming up against those level 6 summoners is a pain when my summoners are level 4 in Gold.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I always wait for advancing from Gold to Diamond and now days I advance to Diamond after playing my last battle of season.
I am faring little better with level 4 account , that reach to Gold 1 usually at last day or miss it by whisker.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lux Vega is a bit too expensive to me but I haven't seen it as something that tough to fight against. Besides the summoner buff, it seems to even out most of the time. I think it helps out more in low mana matches.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah , but if I compared to my Waka Spiritblade purchase, Lux Vega look more value for money.
It is not very strong but give a fighting chance.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121