How to buy Rising stars card effectively + Giveaway: win 2000 Starbits + 1 LEO . (4 January EST)


How to buy Rising stars card effectively + Giveaway: win 2000 Starbits + 1 LEO . (4 January EST)

Unfortunately , today the game site is giving Bad gateway error 502, so opening of pack is not feasible today but do not worry giveaway will proceed and I will talk another topic , that is easy for all who knows it and very difficult for those who have no idea about it and topic is how to buy Rising Star Cards effectively.

How to buy Rising star Cards.
As a new user ,most of us buy Rising Star cards from the Rising Star cards from Rising star Marketplace (even I am using it till recently) but issue is here is that marketplace has so many currencies in which card is listed and all jumbled up. Though you can sort the card price in marketplace in order of particular currency but the real issue is that now you have to manually understand that in which currency card is costing cheapest. So what can be the best option for you get you card in cheapest dollar value irrespective of currency/tokens used?



Since is digital marketplace for NFT of various game , so make sure that you select "Rising Star" tab (second ribbion) in the site and select "Buy Cards" in firt Ribbion.

In search box , put the name of your desired card, and in currency , leave it as "Any Currency"

In above screenshot I was searching for R119 Janine and good thing i that card name i resolved with fractional search word "R119".
You can also see that , it automatically resolved 8000 Starbits card value in equivalent "swap.hive" and do resolve all other tokens into it's equivalent "swap.hive" value. so it is very easy to understand in which currency that you can buy the card cheapest.

Link to the site :

A card for cheap.
Till now all my cheap listed card is sold out, it clearly shows there is demand of cards in market.
I will offer "i55 Bongos" for 725 starbits today, this is to beat cheapest listing for this card at 750 Starbits.

Few cards that were listed for cheap earlier.(and all were sold)

Card Name Listed Price
i6 Mid Range Acoustic 6750
13 Buster 450
i25 Cheap Trombone 500
i43 Mid Range Sax 600
41 Jerome 600
13 Buster 450
13 Buster 450
13 Buster 450
i44 Old Cello 500
R47 Dave 600
R23 Daisy 11000
R9 The Songwriter 21500
43 Riley 580
13 Buster 480
46 Heather 540
46 Heather 600
R90 Touring Coach 28000
R98 RS 16 2500
i6 Mid Range Acoustic 6750
46 Heather 575
50 Belle 1300
i6 Mid Range Acoustic 5800
51 Jason 600
R111 DJ Chad 7000
52 Trisha 800
S27 Christmas Choir 30000
R118 Semi Acoustic 5800
R118 Semi Acoustic 6000
53 Colin 600
My Stats on game.(yesterday's)
Permanent Fans : 23766
Skill :40379
Ego meter : 0% (33653)
Level : 102(927/5100)

Giveway (Win 2000 Starbits + 1 LEO)
Anyone who like to participate in this giveaway can comment before 23:59:59 EST (Eastern standard time) will be included in this giveaway.
From today I am doing the little change in picking up the name instead of using for picking up the winner, I will be using with "Consider Comments" and "remove bots" setting.
I will check the list manually to reconfirm and remove the other accounts that look like bot to me.

If you win and you have commented through interface, then you will get a additional 1 LEO)

Results of Previous giveaway.


Congratulation @tin.aung.soe
2000 Starbits is sent to you.
Additional 1 LEO is also sent to you for using Leo Finance interface for commenting.

Previous giveaway post can be read at here

Warning! Do not buy Starbits millionaire card from market.
You can read details about it this post. Only Jux will be awarding this card for free in discord, you should not be buying this card.

Join the Game
If you want to join the game, then you can join it using my referral link

Join the Community
If you are interested in music then feel free to join MusicForLife 🎶 🎶 Community .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks for sharing this trick! I had the experience too that buying cards on the website itself is far from intuitive and easy! There’s still a lot to improve on i think…

Would be happy to join the give away btw!


Greetings, if it is very useful, I have been using it to buy all my cards, it is very practical.
