Low Carb Meat Pie and Darts, Lifestyle and Homeschooling Blog, New Digital Art and Photography
Low Carb Meat Pie and Darts
Be like water directed the late, great Bruce Lee. Fluid and strong.
Lee understood the power of kung fu to transform both the mind and body. But that transformation comes only with time spent in practice. Thousands of hours of it.
Confession. I have not been keeping up as much as I should with my kata and forms. I am always active: walking, scooting, skating, and swimming, but I have not worn my gi much over the last few months. I have pledged to get back into the leg swings of things. I fitted in a pretty good practice this morning, followed by yoga to cool down and stretch.
The flow is returning.

Spotify has this great playlist to help the roundhouses and side kicks along.
Made an almost full carnivore meat pie today from some left over stew I had in the freezer and savoury, dried chaffle flat-bread. Just substitute the plain collagen powder for bone broth and you will get something resembling cheesy bread. Bake the mix on a sheet pan until golden brown; let cool; and freeze for a couple days. You gotta plan ahead.
Defrost again and ground to a powder. Mix with an egg and form your pie shell on parchment in your desired pan. Pre-bake to a golden brown at about 350 celsius.
Let the pie shell cool before dumping in your stew. I was experimenting on this one and did not anticipate how well the shell batter would roll out. Quite well if you cool it in the fridge first. Keep a small amount of the batter aside for the top crust. Roll it out on some parchment, and you can form/cut out any shapes you like.
I was running short on time and so I went with clumps and threw on a dozen or so dried cranberries to make it look rustically pretty. You can do better. Put the pie back in (350 celsius) and bring the filling to a simmer, and then turn on the broil to roast up the top crust. I also melted some cheese. Dill gouda. The results were good. Minime and I finished up the whole thing. Next time I will definitely use a roller to get a thinner crust and get arty with the top crust.
Minime and I had a fantastic day of homeschooling. Got all our language study completed: French, Spanish, Russian, and Mandarin; completed a hour of code, Minecraft themed functions; delved into the origins of Christianity, via Crash Course History; began our study of squares and the Pythagorean theory, and finished off with Physical Education, Darts.
After doing a little pre-study we headed off to the local pool hall and bowling/darts alley for an hour of fun and new experience.
From our studies ...
In the video How to Throw Like a Pro:Dart Tips, professional dart player John Norman Jr. tells us the first step is to relax and be comfortable with a balanced stance. You will throw with a side stance.
Don't lean too far forward. Keep your feet on the ground. Start with your throwing hand close to your body, just under your chin. Grip the dart with medium force, not to tight, not to loose. Aim and throw with as little movement as possible and a slight flick of your wrist.
The goal in 01 darts is to get your score down to exactly zero and it must be with a double throw; that is whatever you need to subtract must be a result of two throws.
Dart boards are numbered from one to twenty, non-sequentially.
The game begins with each player throwing to get as close to the bullseye as possible. The player who gets the closet goes first.
Each player will start with a score of 301 or 501, depending on the length of game you wish to play.
There are three throws for each turn
If you land on a black or white section of a number, you will subtract that number from your score.
If you land on the outer green or red section, you will subtract double the number.
If you land a dart in the inner red or green section, you subtract 3 times the number.
If you land on the green portion of the bullseye, you subtract 25 points.
If a player lands in the red inner section, 50 points is subtracted.
Spotify has never given me a bad Playlist and I'll make sure that I listen to the ones that you have shared with us
Thank you
#hive #posh
Wao all these flowers and songs both are amazing.