Coast to Coast || Hosted by Velotrybe



Hey cyclist, it's another cycling season for everyone here in the city Uyo. When I saw this promotion I thought about this lyrics, "...seasons coast-to-coast..." by Westlife.

This ride invites everyone either you are a pro cyclist, an amateur or a veteran to join the team. The fun thing is that we'll be going from coast to coast to escape where life is better at the Ebeno beach.

The Coast to Coast Cycling Event in Uyo City offers a route for everyone! Ride through the city's scenic parks, iconic landmarks, and vibrant urban areas while enjoying the journey together with friends.


The Route

Let's talk about the Route. This ride will cover about 97km and last for over 5hours. This ride requires good amount of physical fitness, strength and preparation. Likely, you'll be burning all your calories on this ride.


This ride is for the purpose of health and camaraderie. It's a one way ride, which makes it one of the longest and best rides, enjoying at the beach.

My Preparation


I have taken series of rides to become stronger as this ride is focused at maintaining a particular average ranging from 16 to 23 because I don't know how the topography (hills and slopes) will be.

I also got a riding suit to make the ride more comfortable as the long ride would take hours. Made calls to order for a new helmet.


Although I am curious about this ride, I am also anxious about what could occur. I trust the team leader and captains organization of the ride. There will be people of all ages, therefore, arrangements has been made for repair kits and a backup car.

The speed limit of 17km/hr makes it fair. Although there will be athletes joining us for the ride, they have been pleaded to go easy on the entire team, lol.

Will you go for such an adventurous ride from coast to coast? If you were to go, will you be intrinsically motivated or do it only for some sort of profits? Check the comments

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