
( Courtesy of)

I was watching this team last year playing their best in the playoffs.
They were battling to go further and Lillard was doing everything
to make it happen.
This team even this year has depth to lead.
So far injuries caused them to fight to stay afloat.

Recently they requested the help of Carmelo Anthony.
It has been proven really helpful.
Melo is a pure scorer.
Defensively Melo is getting there.
So far Blazers are under .500 and the season is long.
I am certain they will climb back to make the playoff.

They have to battle the teams like Suns, Timberwolves, Phoenix
to reach that goal.
More than 50+ games to go.
Good health and time management should allow every player
to rest equally in order to finish strong.

In the meantime NBA players move from team to team.
Clide Drexler was a good player for Blazers before moving
to Houston.
Rashid Wallace was a good player.
He never reach the top with them.
I knew he went to Detroit for a couple years as well.
He won with them in 2004.
Sabonis was the guy with the hook.
He was slow when I know him but effective.


This squad is pretty serious when healthy.
Whiteside coming from Miami can play defense and monopilise
the center.
Zack is injured right now, he can play formidable.
Definitely they are a playoff team.
Right now the deal is to get above .500 and stack wins
to be a threat coming April.
Stay tuned!
