Workout Update: my new "bench press" PR
Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!
It has been a while since my last workout update and just a few days ago, I finally reached quite a long awaited "milestone" at the outdoor gym that I go to here in Prague so I figured it´s time to come up with a new workout update post here on my Hive blog.
I still go to this outdoor gym, even though it often looks like this in this part of the year but it´s not a big deal for me, I don´t mind the cold weather and I appreciate that the gym is usually empty these days and I can thus have it just for myself. Despite trying to train regularly even now in winter though, I somehow couldn´t improve my "bench press" max for a long time. Back in December, I traveled a lot. In January, I got sick (most probably covid) so it was not until recently, like a couple of weeks ago, that I finally started to "pump iron" thoroughly and regularly again. And there we go, I just hit a new PR (personal record) earlier this week, yay! :)
As the title of this post suggests, it was a "bench press" PR and you probably wonder why I keep using the quotation marks with the word. Well, because the "bench press" that I´m talking about looks like this :D
Yeah. You might actually remember this machine from the previous workout posts mentioned above. The correct name of it would probably be something like "standing chest press" but at that outdoor gym, this machine is the closest one to the classic bench press (at least in terms of the actual movement and muscle activation) so I just call it "bench press" :)
Now if you look closely at the two pictures above, you can actually see the new PR. Those 7 big plates on each side of the machine. It was the very first time that I was able to pull off at least 1 rep with that weight. Until that day, my PR was 6 on each side plus the smaller ones.
Those big plates are 10 kg each so that´s 140 kg plates plus the weight of construction itself that can be another 10 kg at least so the total weight that I lifted was probably some 150 kg (330 lb), which looks pretty impressive, I know, but here is the thing... If you look at the machine, it actually works as a set of levers and I´m pretty sure those levers make the lift (or press if you will) somewhat easier than it would be with a classic horizontal, gravity-opposing bench press. I mean I haven´t been to a regular gym in years so I don´t know how much I would lift on the regular machines and with regular dumbbells but I doubt I would be able to lift 150 kg on the classic bench press...
I was still very happy about the new PR though as it means that I´m still making some progress in my workout efforts even after a couple of years that I have already been into it and that´s a very rewarding and inspiring feeling. Now that I finally emptied the big plate stacks, I will try to gradually add the smaller ones (they are 2,5 kg each) so hopefully, sooner or later, I will max out the whole machine, no matter how accurate or inaccurate version of classic bench press it is. I might write another update if / when I do that ;)
So that´s it for today I guess. Thanks for your attention guys and if you ever happen to be in Prague, Czech Republic or in Krakow, Poland and you feel like working out at some cool outdoor gyms, feel free to hit me up, I will tell you where you can find such places ;)
By the way this is the first time I´m posting my content into the Exhaust Community as it seems to be, according to their description, a better fit for such content than the bigger but more generic Sports Talk Social.
This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.

Well done mate! I think cold wouldn't be a problem as you do workout, and it is better than getting sweaty in fine weather :)
Thanks :) Yeah, that´s exactly my case. I rather work out in freezing weather than in the summer heat. I had to work out in real feel 40 C when we lived in Mexico and I almost passed out several times during the trainings...
High body building instrument
Interesting comment. Well, definitely "higher" than classic bench press ;)
Exercising outdoors is also a good idea because when a person's body is warm after exercising in the cold air, it remains set. Most of the people here in Pakistan prefer to exercise indoors but i like yours outdoor jym.
That´s right. I actually talked about the benefits of working out at outdoor gyms in the posts linked above. Thanks for stopping by, enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Congrats 👏 to your new bench press
Thank you! :)
Unstoppable when a person is determined, good job! 💪
Thank you :) It takes some determination to create the habit indeed but once you fall in love with your fitness routine, it´s quite easy to keep it up :)
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Thanks for your support guys @dsc-r2cornell and @jasonmunapasee!
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 35/45) Liquid rewards.
Uou! So lovely that you have outdoor's equipment with weights! This is amazing! I love to exercise outdoors, however, here in Brazil we just have some equipment with the basics, without weights properly.
Yeah, I know. You mean just calisthenics playgrounds. These are mushrooming in cities all over the world. But places like this one with actual weights, machines and dumbbells are still quite rare and I´m glad that there is one here in Prague and not even far from our apartment. You can see all the machines that we have there in the first post linked above. Thanks for stopping by Helga, always a pleasure! :)
You are a beast!
I wish we had outdoor equipment like this. That machine looks pretty freaking awesome!
Thanks. Yeah, I just love outdoor gyms. The one here in Prague, Czech Republic looks like this:
And when I was living in Krakow, Poland before, I used to work out here:
Both places open every day 24/7 and free of charge of course :)
With that machine you don't have the full gravity vector against you, though that looks like quite some weight. How's your cardio? I saw a video the other day where they were talking about the importnce of cardio for weight progression -- big muscles require quite some oxigen.
I know the gravity is not there but the system of the levers is so complicated and confusing. For example, with lighter weights (let´s say 20 or 30 kg in plates), pushing it on this machine feels much harder than pressing the same weight on classic bench press. But from certain weight (maybe 80 kg or so), it seems to be easier on this machine than on classic bench press. Weird, I know :D
My cardio? Almost non existent :D :( I used to run pretty regularly before I started to lift but after the bulk up, I´m too heavy for running so I just walk. But I actually walk quite a lot. I would say 5 to 10 km every day.
I have a theory, see if it makes sense: under these weights on the machine our body is not yet using a lot of auxiliar muscles we often use on free weights, so the exercise is more concentrated. When huge weights come into play, that's when gravity really makes us fight hard, so the machine helps alleviating that.
Yeah, maybe. You better come over here and try for yourself :D
Leees do it! I've been hiting the gym, but more focussed to cycling and not as much to gain mass
Not posting as much as i'd like to, but always keeping an eye on the feed 😉
I'm using the celphone to comment etc becuse my pc is extremely slow to produce anything more complicated
I guess this comment was meant to be placed in the other thread but no problem, I got it :D
Ffffffd just realized that.. damn cellphone
Ono by to asi nejspíš šlo spočítat, ale není to ve výsledku jedno? :) Hlavní je, že tě to baví a pořád se dokážeš zlepšovat. Takže gratulace!
By the way je ten benchpress hlavně těžkej kvůli tomu, že gravitaci překonáváš s volnou vahou, což znamená větší počet zapojených motorických jednotek. Tudíž to nejen musíš někam odtlačit, ale ještě to musíš "ustabilizovat". Hádám, že ten stroj bude celkem obstojně tu gravitaci skrz páky a váhu suplovat, ale narozdíl od lavice a osy (jednoruček) se postará o o dráhu toho pohybu. A hádám, že ta dráha pohybu bude taky o něco kratší, než u striktního benche, kterej končí na prsou. :)
Ale to pro tvůj cíl stejně nehraje roli (pokud je to pořád objem). :)
Jasně, to máš pravdu. Cvičení na stroji, kde máš pevně dané trajektorie, je obecně lehčí než cvičení s činkama, kde musíš kromě tlaku ještě balancovat. Proto třeba Arnold nedal na činky nikdy dopustit :)
Délka dráhy je ale konkrétně u tohoto stroje naopak o něco delší než u benche, protože tam není žádná osa, která by se ti zastavila na hrudníku, ale pustí tě to ještě tak deset čísel na každé straně "do mínusu" ;)
Však až budeš někdy v Praze a budeš mít chvilku čas, tak tam můžem zajít. Hned vedle jsou i "tyčky" na kalisteniku, kdyby ti stroje nevoněly :D
Zajímavý, to s tím rozsahem jsem netušil :)
Takže příště si mám vzít do Prahy věci na cvičení říkáš? :D
Jasně, tašku s tělocvikem s sebou! :D
OT 1: Byl ses včera v Pardubicích podívat na toho "budoucího LeBrona"? :)
OT 2: Všiml jsem si, že vždy upvotuješ články až s několikadenním zpožděním. Víš, že na tom tratíš část kurátorské odměny, jo?
Já jsem měl trénink, takže mi to nevyšlo. Jinak bych šel :)
No vždycky ne, jenom když jsem někde pryč a pár dní nejsem k dispozici. Jsem si toho vědom. Mohl bych nastavit automatický hlasování alespoň na těch pár dní, ale řekl jsem si, že když už jsem se do toho manuálního tak pěkně dostal, tak to nebudu měnit. :) Je to ostatně dobrá motivace si pročíst ve feedu víceméně všechno.
Škoda, mohl bys pak jednou říkat, že jsi ho viděl naživo :) Budoucnost má před sebou asi fakt velkou. Na to, jaká je to lodyha (221 cm a asi ještě pořád roste :D), tak je neskutečně rychlý a pohyblivý a k tomu má až děsivě přesnou střelbu ze všech vzdáleností... V podstatě takový kříženec Shaqua, LeBrona, Antetokounmpa a Dončiče :D
Ok, pokud o tom víš, tak je všechno v pořádku ;)
Ten týpek vypadá jako totální alien no. Jsem fakt zvědavej na jeho kariéru, protože to může bejt velmi zajímavej úkaz!
Mimochodem jeden náš kluk s ním ukořistil fotku :)
Super, ta fotka může mít jednou cenu zlata. Chci říct digitálního zlata :D Vlastně Hivu :D