Why I´m joining the Qatar World Cup Boycott and you should too
Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!
The FIFA 2022 World Cup in Qatar starts in a couple of days and the closer we get to this event, the more anger is boiling up in my veins so I´m sorry about this little rant but I need to vent these feelings out. True football fans from all the world are surely familiar with the deeply disturbing circumstances of this sport event but for those who are not, let me briefly sum it up here.
The official logo of the Qatar World Cup Boycott Initiative
The World Cup is organized by FIFA who, just like UEFA, loves to run all kinds of nice looking campaigns promoting respect, humanity, equality, fighting racism, discrimination etc. Yet, this very organization gladly handed over the hostship of the biggest football tournament in the world to a country that is notorious for severe human rights violations, a country where women cannot do almost anything without the consent of the men and where being a homosexual can be punished by the death sentence.
Yes, we are talking about Qatar here, a country that, apart from the above stated, has literally non existent football tradition and that has never even qualified for a World Cup before. With that being said, it comes as no surprise that the country didn´t have the slightest football infrastructure prior to the tournament so 8 brand new, super modern stadiums had to be built. Stadiums, during the construction of which as many as 6,500 workers died due to totally appalling working conditions. Stadiums that cost billions and billions of dollars and that will probably be abandoned and left to decay right after the tournament.
The Qatari climate is so hot that even in winter, the stadiums will have to be fully air conditioned. So while most of the world has been decimated by an unprecedented energy crisis and millions of people here in Europe might not be able to heat up their houses in the winter, there will be giant AC machines turned on in the Qatari desert, cooling down football stadiums. The enormous carbon footprint generated by the organization of this massive event with all the logistics and transport of all the people (players, officials, fans etc.) will be just another spit in the face of all of the ecological and environmental initiatives.
Then, there are these "little inconveniences" like the fact that because of this crazy date (all of the previous World Cups have always been held in summer), all of the players, clubs and football leagues have their plans for the season totally ruined but compared to the things mentioned above, this is something not even worth mentioning I guess...
The bottom line: I consider the upcoming Qatar World Cup the most atrocious, disgusting and despicable thing in the history of football and I hope those corrupted FIFA officials bribed by the bloody oil dollars of the Qatari sheikhs who let all of this happen will rot in hell one day. I´m definitely joining the boycott of this scandalous event and you should too.
Oh and by the way, the game tickets and the accommodation in Qatar is so ridiculously expensive anyway that the vast majority of football fans from around the world would never be able to afford it even if they wanted...
Zdravím český Hive a po delší době přicházím s postem napsaným i v naší mateřštině. Negativní emoce ohledně blížícího se světového šampionátu v Kataru se ve mně hromadily už dlouho a včera už jsem to nevydržel a v pár odstavcích si ulevil na svém Facebooku. Ten text jsem psal v češtině, tak se o něj podělím i tady s vámi (volný anglický překlad výše vznikl až dodatečně).
Tak nám příští víkend začíná fotbalové mistrovství světa v Kataru a čím víc se to blíží, tím víc se mi tak nějak dělá špatně od žaludku. Pro nezasvěcené si tu dovolím shrnout pár základních faktů.
FIFA, která se stejně jako UEFA, tak ráda ohání nejrůznějšími líbivými hesly o respektu, toleranci, boji proti rasismu, diskriminaci, drogám apod., neměla vůbec žádný problém udělit pořadatelství zemi, ve které nejsou dodržována ani ty nejzákladnější lidská práva, kde ženy bez souhlasu mužů nesmějí prakticky vůbec nic a kde za homosexualitu můžete dostat trest smrti. O tom, že Katar navíc nemá absolutně žádnou fotbalovou tradici a že se doteď na MS nikdy ani nekvalifikoval asi nemá cenu se bavit...
V Kataru pochopitelně nebyla žádná fotbalová infrastruktura, takže bylo potřeba postavit 8 zbrusu nových supermoderních stadionů. Stadionů, při jejichž stavbě kvůli naprosto otřesným pracovním podmínkám zemřelo zhruba 6,500 (slovy šest a půl tisíc!) dělníků. Stadionů, které stály miliardy dolarů a které po skončení šampionátu s největší pravděpodobností budou jen chátrat.
V Kataru je i v zimě takové horko, že všechny tyto stadiony musejí být plně klimatizované. Takže zatímco světem otřásá energetická krize a milionům Evropanům hrozí, že nebudou mít v zimě čím topit, v katarské poušti poběží klimoška na fotbalových stadionech. Uhlíková stopa spojená s organizací turnaje včetně logistiky a přesunu všech těch lidí (hráčů, funkcionářů, fanoušků atd. z celého světa) je pak jen dalším plivancem do tváře všem ekologickým iniciativám.
Pak jsou tu ještě takové "drobnosti", jakože světový šampionát konaný v takto nestandardní termín všem hráčům, klubům a ligám totálně rozhodí plán sezony apod., ale ve srovnání s výše uvedeným to asi fakt nemá cenu ani zmiňovat.
Sečteno a podtrženo: světový šampionát v Kataru je podle mě největší zrůdnost v dějinách fotbalu a doufám, že všichni ti podplacení bafuňáři FIFA, kteří za tím stojí, jednou shoří v pekle.
Jsem rád, že se k bojkotu této odporné události každým dnem přidává víc a víc lidí. Doufám, že mi mé předsevzetí vydrží a nepodívám se ani na jeden zápas.
Mimochodem, lístky na zápasy a ubytování v Kataru jsou tak drahé, že si to stejně nebude moct drtivá většina fotbalových fanoušků dovolit. Více o cenách například v tomto článku.
This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.

Brother im joining you, im not going, if that is how the country is behaving, thank you for ignition.
Well, most football fans are not going there of course as there are billions of football fans around the world and just a tiny fraction of them could actually visit the venues for capacity reasons but you can also boycott the event by just not watching ;)
This is ridiculous, I know a lot is going to happen during this tournament because most of fans that want to visit for the tournament won't be able to withstand this hot climate weather.
Qatar is not sport tradition country why FIFA hosting a world cup there?
Why they are hosting this event? The answer is simple my friend. Money. A lot of dirty blood stained money. That´s why they are hosting the World Cup.
Corruption 😔
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Thanks for sharing!
I was never going to go regardless of where it was played. Is that me joining a boycott?
While I agree with the points raised about the corruptness, human and civil rights abuses, extreme temperatures requiring excessive energy use, deaths of the migrant workers building the stadia etc. etc i do feel bleating about it now is not, and never will, going to change anything. Lets face it, it didn't change a thing when they were "awarded" the tournament so why would it now just days away from it starting. Indeed when the whole thing is finally over Qatar drop the facade of being a welcoming country and go back to what they believe to be their way of doing things, and no one will be bleating about it then once again.
I know the boycott will not change anything about this particular tournament (except for, maybe, cutting the profits for the hosts and FIFA) but I think it´s very important to show the world that the football fans are not blind and deaf and that we see all the disturbing things behind the shiny facade, that we can connect the dots to realize how outrageous this whole thing is and that we don´t want anything like this to ever happen again. It´s important to make a statement. At least in my book...
I don't agree with the view that Qatar is not a football country and therefore should not be awarded the World Cup. No country is complete. We know which countries have been given/not given the organization and under what conditions.
Probably the officials in FIFA were pleased by Qatar and the organization was given to them. This is thought-provoking, but in other matters, no country is in a position to outdo the other.
As a football and basketball fan, I will only be interested in the on-field and will not look outside the field, because if I look outside the field, I will probably get completely disenchanted with the sport!
Nevertheless, it is an interesting topic and thank you for sharing the thoughts you bring up.
So you think that Qatar is a football country? Man you cannot be serious about that... FIFA pleased by Qatar and their organization, wow, so how about those thousands of people who died during the construction works? Is this also something to be pleased by? You really cannot see how all about this event is just so wrong?
No, Qatar is not a soccer country!
...but organizations like FIFA have the duty to spread the sport (football) to the masses. In this context, to spread it to places where it is not organized.
Other issues need to be separated from sport. Who will organize such events is determined years in advance. They don't make statements like if workers die during construction, I will take the organization away from you.
On issues like human rights, women's rights, they are more on the political side... and sport should be kept away from politics... otherwise there is no point in organizing.
For example, then organizations like UEFA FIFA can say. When xx country gets the right to participate in the organization, you are too far behind in human rights - children's rights - women's rights and I don't want you in the organization.
If that happens, all interest in sports will end. Qatar is a rich but troubled country. If it is going to be excluded just because of its problems, or because of its climate, or because it has no interest in football, or because it has never participated in the World Cup, then what is the point of spreading sport to the masses.
The issue of women's rights is one thing... the death of workers is another... the climate or backwardness in soccer is another... but spreading sports everywhere and to everyone is another thing!
I understand your opinion, I respect your opinion but I don´t share this opinion. I still thank you for your contribution to the debate though ;)
Thank you for the opportunity. It was a very enjoyable conversation.
Now I remember my blog here THE WORLDCUP YARNS
Hi, 2 major issues I see as worth talking about in this blog by @phortun .
First, is something your 2nd paragraph spoke about. Yup,they may be no caveat in the hosting rights books to handle accidental deaths,but do you need a caveat where human beings are dieing,not just by accidents?
These are not leaves of trees falling off,they are HUMANS. People won't be crying foul if they saw FIFA take a firm stance on the issue of these deaths, especially when it is well known that the deaths were not just mere mishaps in a proper worksite, but deaths that were occasioned by poor worksite conditions,work done under very unsafe practices/conditions. These things are no secrets,they are verifiable facts, if you check. So fellow human beings like you and I were employed on a suicide mission more or less.
Second is how, Qatar got it. If they won it fairly,I won't bother about the other things...I call them politics just like you.
But they got this hosting right via corruption. Corruption is untenable whether it is the unpopular Qatar that engages in it or it is the popular England. The partner in corruption–FIFA– has to be chided for doing this harm to football and the world. "When the foundation is destroyed, what can the righteous do?"– a statement from the Holy Bible, would mean here that once the hosting right was gotten by corruption, it's no surprise FIFA could not call them out when their worksites where more or less death traps, when there worksites didn't meet best-practices in the Building Profession.
I end with an excerpt from my blog mentioned above:
"It is such a messy affair really that seeks to promote the lust for money over and above sound character virtues football ought to be upholding, especially when it has to do with the biggest competition in football– the World Cup"
I understand and sympathize with your reservations about human deaths, and I don't want my lack of support for the boycott to be perceived as disrespect or disregard for their right to life. I apologize if this is my fault.
But when people lose their lives for various reasons during the transportation of a product, those who buy that product do not say "you were careless in the transportation of this product, people died...I am not buying your product".
Or we know how gold mined from gold mines causes environmental disasters and endangers the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, killing them over time... but we don't stop buying gold.
Or there are many people working in coal mines under unfavorable conditions and their lives are constantly threatened... but no one says we don't buy coal because of the difficulties in their working conditions... These are unfortunately double standards of people and institutions.
You're right, Qatar probably got the hosting rights through corruption but that's not enough reason for me to protest against the football on the pitch! Every year we watch matches that stink of match fixing, some of them are proven and the people involved are punished but not all of them are proven... we are aware of the betting games but we don't lose interest in football.
I think we should look at what we have done as football fans before criticizing FIFA and UEFA.
For example, the Italian Super Cup, the French Cup Final, the Spanish Cup Final have been played in Qatar many times just for money. Once the final of my own country was also played in Qatar. It is no longer a secret that money and betting have taken over football! Some clubs in Europe are being sold to Arab sheiks, which country is taking measures to prevent this? I apologize if there is information that I don't know and have missed, but until it comes to FIFA and UEFA, there are more country federations to blame and those in authority who do not take measures.
I will watch the matches as a simple football fan, away from boycotts and similar protests!
Thank you for your contribution. I read both the post you mentioned here and your comment and all I can say is that I´m in 100% agreement with your stance.
Some questions about it, if FIFA and UEFA are keeping sport and politics appart, then why all Russian football teems are banned from every competition? What does it mean? sport and politics are to be kept appart but just not too much? Or is that the rules apply just when they see fit? Or than the Qatary human rights violations are less important than Russian ones?
First of all, I must say that I am anti-war and anti-occupation for whatever reason... but I agree with you on this point. In the past years, FIFA and UEFA have shown with their own practices that politics should be kept away from sports.
FIFA and UEFA have given warnings and bans to some countries on issues such as federation elections and league status where politics interfered. While doing this, they also argued that politics should stay away from sports. I also think politics should stay away from sports and no club should lose its rights because of war.
Especially FIFA should not go in parallel with the American and European view. It should be impartial and at an equal distance to all national teams!
Well, I must say I agree with you 100% in this comment, but just to continue the topic. When you see that the organization not follow its own rules consistently, then definitely it is something going on, cuz anything happens just because, there is a reason behind and it should be looked into. On the other hand, althoung the sports free of politics, discrimation, open access and all that look very well on screen and paper, the absolute truth is that money and politics can't be separated. And if there is something we can all agree on, is that football moves a lot of money. So if there is a communicational and political mainstreem FIFA and UEFA will alingn themselves with it just to protect profit (this is to say the least). So my point is that, in spite to the public declarations and the fact that it is morally correct, to think that football authorities are keeping sport and politics appart it's rather naive. And not just football, but it is best if I stop here. Nice to chat with you.
You should watch the new Netflix documentary series "FIFA Uncovered". Extremely disturbing but probably also eye-opening for some... FIFA has been a criminal organization for decades.
thaks for the tip. ;-)
I wonder how this year's event would look like because it's already looking so boring for my liking. Playing the world cup in November looks so abnormal lol and even the laws that governs the country is something else. I just hope the event should go peacefully and everyone that attends the world cup should have a good time.
Well those who built the stadiums didn´t have a good time for sure, just like those deprived of the very basic human rights in the host country. But let´s agree on the wish for the event to pass off peacefully at least from now on...
These are all great reasons to boycott this tournament, I'm really disappointed in FIFA for letting Qatar host this, it's clear they'd do anything for money.
A lot of atrocities are also probably going to happen in Qatar during this world cup because their religion forbids a lot of the party lifestyle the foreigners would bring with them to Qatar. I can imagine their police clashing with foreigners or something. PROBABLY.
Does this boycott extend to watching it on TV though?
I actually have the same concerns. Their culture and laws are so different that I cannot imagine how this could possibly go smoothly with dozens of thousands of fans from Europe and other parts of the world, many of which will be drunk, there will also be football ultras and hooligans etc. I honestly cannot see how this could work out... We will see.
Well, I think it´s up to each of us whether we join the boycott or not and if so, in what form. Personally, I´m planning not to even watch the games.
Thanks for sharing your opinions man, appreciated.
Alright, man 👍
Chápu. Je tam hodně věcí, kterou jsou nechutný. Ale přesto nechci tvrdit, že to budu bojkotovat (leč to naproto chápu). A to z toho důvodu, že bych musel tímhle způsobem rezignovat na celej ten vrcholovej sport... jakkoliv se mi celý tohle MS hnusí a jak už jsem ostatně naznačil, stavim se k němu chladně (a možná ho nakonec vychladim úplně)...
Jenže pořád je to vrcholovej fotbal a já mám fotbal rád. :)
Trochu bokem:
Já jsem mimochodem dlouhodobej kritik UEFA a FIFA, protože se zdá, že jediný o co jim jde, jsou zisky. Oni imho velmi málo (pokud vůbec) reprezentují zájmy klubů a zájmy asociací. Reprezentují v první řadě zájmy svoje. Když se ale vrcholový kluby chtěli trhnout právě z ruk UEFA, všichni jsme viděli, co to vyvolalo za bouři i v řadách fans. Takže nezbývá, než tyhle pijavice nějak trpět, protože mají de facto monopol na evropskej, respektive mezinárodní fotbal. Což druhým dechem dodávám, neznamená bejt ticho. Vůbec ne. Jen je to asi o způsobu a míře toho protestu. každej máme ty hranice někde jinde. :)
Mně třeba upřímně škodolibě potěšilo, že se kluby chtěli trhnout loni od UEFA. Ten projekt Super Ligy byl tragicky komunikovanej, tragicky zahranej a nepřipravenej. Byla to ale podle mě docela dobrá facka oboum stranám. Jsem si totiž docela jistej, že se k tomu ty kluby vrátí a tentokrát očekávám jinou taktiku, jak s UEFA vytřít podlahu. A byť to bude bolestný a bude to možná znamenat veliký změny ve fotbalovým prostředí, tak si upřímně myslim, že ten sport to docela potřebuje. Protože obě ty asociace přerostly imho v obří, arogantní, byrokratický organizace, který si myslej, že můžou cokoliv. Viz i ta poslední zpráva FIFA všem účastníkům MS...
V podstatě jsem takový komentář od tebe čekal a v podstatě s ním souhlasím ;) Já popravdě fotbal vždy žral o něco víc na klubové úrovni, než na té reprezentační, takže i z toho hlediska pro mě nebude zas tak těžké se nedívat, navíc ještě když tam ani nejsou naši, že... Ale samozřejmě nijak neodsuzuju ty, kteří se dívat budou. Jak říkáš, pořád to bude špičkový sport, takže chápu. Ohledně FIFA a UEFA souhlasím stopro. Ty dvě organizace v současné podobě nemají daleko k zosobnění čistého zla. Však se to taky na evropských stadionech začalo hemžit choreografiemi, jako byla tahle z dílny ultras Legie, určitě pamatuješ ;)
tuším, že i v Německu tam mají UEFA velmi v lásce :D A hodně o tý organizaci mimochodem říká i to, že klubům za podobný projevy dává pokuty místo toho, aby vedla dialog s fans :)
Jo. Pokřik "UEFA Mafia!" se dnes skanduje na stadionech po celé Evropě ;)
Tak jsme dodívali ten dokument o FIFA. Je to ještě o trošku větší hnus, než jsem si myslel... Organizaci rozpustit a členy pozavírat. Jako fakt.
Mně ještě pár dílů chybí. Tak žádný spoilery! Chci si tuhle špínu užít až do zdárného konce :D
Pár? Vždyť to má jen 4 díly :)
jo já jsem s toho nevšiml :D takže kokám na poslední
Vlastně mě tak napadá, že svým způsobem tohle MS může bejt ta potřebná rozbuška, která tyhle vody trochu rozhýbe. Takže to svým perverzním způsobem může bejt ku prospěchu věci. Byť by se tomu člověk nejradši vyhnul.
Jak se říká, všechno zlé je (může být) pro něco dobré...
Tak se pojďme trochu zasnít, že tohle MS bude pro Katar a FIFA úplná katastrofa (ideálně teda tak, aby už nikdo další nepřišel k újmě), média to rozmáznou, vznikne o tom pár dokumentů a nevyšumí to do ztracena. :)
Apropo když už jsme u toho, Netflix si tuhle situaci rozhodně nenechal ujít https://www.netflix.com/title/80221113 :D
Však já si myslím, že tenhle experiment nedopadne dobře. Jakože ani ten samotný šampionát nebude bez excesů. Už jenom když si vezmeš ty desetitisíce až statisíce fotbalových fans z Evropy a Latinské Ameriky (mezi kterými bude pochopitelně i určité procento těch "tvrdojaderných" :D) a na druhé straně nějaká mravnostní islámská policie, která jim nebude chtít dovolit ani pivko :D To prostě nemůže dopadnout dobře...
Díky za tip na seriál, mrknu na to.
Teď jsem se díval, že očekávají 3-4 tisíce anglických fans, kteří cestují do Kataru na základní skupinu. Takže celkově asi spíš desetitisíce z Evropy (a asi spíš nízký desetitisíce https://theathletic.com/3692644/2022/10/14/world-cup-fans-attendance/) :)
Netflix to vypustí myslim zejtra. Něco mi říká, že to nebude náhoda :D
Já to myslel včetně těch Latinos, kteří jsou taky pěkně vášniví, ale je fakt, že za ty ceny na to většina těch, co by tam i chtěli a jeli, prostě nebude mít. Takže celkově ty počty budou určitě slabší než bývalo zvykem...
Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.
Thank you @jasonmunapasee!
You're welcome @phortun!
Greetings friend @phortun, it is impossible to just look at the field and enjoy the world soccer party. It is impossible not to look at the sad reality off the field, because I too would be disrespectful of life and human rights. Excellent your protest and arguments 👍
Thanks for your feedback, glad to know you are on the same page ;)
Když mohly být Olympijské hry v Rusku a Číně... Kdyby Kim Čong Un pořádně zaplatil...
Olympiády v Rusku a Číně byly taky kontroverzní, ale nevím o tom, že by tam kvůli tomu umřely tisíce lidí. Tohle je ještě o level výš. Ale jinak máš asi pravdu, kdyby měl Jaderný Kim trochu víc peněz na úplatky, nepochybuju o tom, že by mu FIFA nějaký ten šampionátek nepřihrála...
I love soccer but I'm aware that the organization of these events is undermined by corruption, they only care about the economic benefit, sport and ethics have unfortunately taken a back seat for years now...
Well, your sister just mentioned this (about you being huge football fans) in our conversation a few days ago so I know that you know what you are talking about ;) And yes, you are right of course, FIFA and UEFA have been known to care only about the profit for years if not decades but the thing with those thousands of dead people in Qatar just got it to a whole new level of disgustingness...
It's as you say, this level has never been seen before! Sadly it is difficult for there to be any justice in this case :(
Gulf states waste tremendous amount of money and resources on projects they don't need and more often than not don't even finish such as Jeddah Tower + town, Palm Island, now they begun making this 150km mirror city.
I don't judge other countrie's politics (as long as they remain peaceful on the international stage). However, building footbal stadiums in Qatar seems like a tremendous waste of ressources just like the above. That, I don't like at all.
Hopefully, they will find some use for the stadiums later and FIFA is probably as corrupt as any major organization.
Jaké tyhle ropné arabské státy neměl rád nikdy. Na tom svém bohatství nemají absolutně žádnou zásluhu, kdyby se tam ta ropa nenašla, tak doteď jezdí negramotní v poušti na velbloudech... O to víc teď samozřejmě dávají všechen ten luxus najevo. Pozlatit co se dá, v nákupáku uprostřed pouště postavit lyžařskou sjezdovku atd... Jak říkáš, nic než plýtvání a rozmar. Doufám, že jim tam ta ropa jednou dojde a zas se vrátí k těm velbloudům.
O zkorumpovanosti FIFA ani není třeba se víc rozepisovat...
You know something, next january it will be all forgotten like it never happened, no matter what, let's just see what happens.
Possible, yeah, but I hope it won´t be forgotten. I hope this event will serve as a memento of how things should never be done again. The Qatar World Cup literally has "wrong" written all over it and I hope the public will hold FIFA accountable...
I find it disgusting too. It's evident this was all about the money for FIFA and it's sad. World Cup in the middle of seasons all over the world all because of their greed. It's shocking and embarrassing.
Well said. The human greed will eventually destroy the world. Thanks for your contribution to the debate.
That's right. Organizers are no longer concerned about the lives of the players but about the money. World Cup ends and the players would resume the leagues again. It's inhumane
I've never been so nonchalant about a World Cup in the build up. I've been so dismissive of it that I have no hype for it. It's a shame really..
The US/Mexico/Canada World Cup will make up for it.
I haven´t even checked yet where the next World Cup will be so thanks for telling me. All of these 3 countries sound good and I´m sure each of them would easily host the tournament on its own. Oh boy I wish we could skip this year´s World Cup and move right to the next one that will surely be a good one ;)
Glad to see I'm not the only one thinking this way. I can only imagine the amount of corruption and favours to host the world cup there, with everything that it involves. Shame!
Right. The amount of corruption must have been particularly outrageous this time because the FIFA officials must have known how bad idea it was but they still pushed it forward... Actually I just read that some of the officials even moved to Qatar after they granted the hostship to the country. Sick on so many levels...
Do neba volajuce. Ako mlady som profesinalne hraval futbal, ale cim som dospieval tak som zistoval, ze organizaciam stojacimi za sportom(akymkolvek) ani z daleka nejde o sport AT ALL, len si naplnit vrecka, ako vsade..
-snivam, ze sa jedneho dna zobudim a kazdy clovek na tejto planete bude pouzivat zdravy rozum, so far, je to len mokry sen.-
Je to tak. Třeba český fotbal je taky pěkná žumpa a už dost dlouho. Možná jsi i nějaké aféry zaregistroval, nejčastěji šlo u uplácení rozhodčích a instrukce, jak pískat... V tom Kataru ale kvůli zkorumpovaným bafuňářům a nelidským pořadatelům umřely tisíce lidí, což je podle mě naprosto bezprecedentní a prostě to nesmí jen tak vyšumět...
Mozno to nebude zniet pekne, ale na slovensku a aj cesku scenu co sa tyka sportu ci politiky som sa uz davno vykaslal. Kauzy ako podplacanie rozhodcov je take slovenkske a prechadzal som si tym uz hranim za starsich ziakov(no comment).
V Tvojom clanku sa mi paci pointa o klime a celkovo o elektrickej spotrebe. Kriza prichadza, to vsetci vieme.. Ceny za energiu tuna v irsku su uplne ze sialene(sa mi zda ze ele. sla hore o 100% v porovnani s minulym rokom) a ked sa ludia stazuju, ze kde na to maju vziat prachy tak im vlada odkaze, ze nech si zapalia sviecku, ze zabiju dve muchy jednou ranou lebo nebudu mat len svetlo ale aj teplo.. chaaaapes..
--do neba volajuce--
@tipu curate
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Although I am not one of those people who keep track of soccer events, it seemed strange to me the move to the World Cup date.
Living in Argentina, where people "breathe soccer", it is difficult not to get soaked in the subject.
Besides all the negative things you say, I must add that the trade of figurines to fill albums has become a real madness in this country. People spend too much money on buying cards to fill the albums and look for them everywhere, as if it depended on their team winning, while complaining about the increase in prices of services, food and rents.
Thank you for this little insight into the current situation in Argentina. I haven´t heard of this world cup album frenzy before. Interesting. When we were kids, we used to collect football cards and stickers as well but the hobby was pretty harmless back then. What you are talking about sounds like a real issue, given the current circumstances with all the crises, rampant inflation etc... I´m sorry about that :(
Wow! I didn't know about that, this is terrible 😥 We all know how FIFA works 💸💰 in a normal world a country like Qatar would never have been given the World Cup, I have no doubt that they gave so much money to the FIFA that they even changed the calendar, a World Cup close to Christmas? Will be strange.
I don't like to mix politics with sports but when humans rights are involved it's different. I know that there are many people who are going to boycott the World Cup, but, why they didn't do nothing when all those deaths happened? I mean, it would have been good a boycott campaign when the first deaths happened, I read that the workers only earn a dollar an hour while the FIFA is earning millions of dollars, that's so miserable. We all know that things change from inside so the biggest step would have been if the footballers would have raised their voices.
Yeah. So sad, so disgusting... And after watching the new Netflix documentary "FIFA Uncovered", I got even more angry and outraged. They just released it now, before the Qatar World Cup. I hope every single football fan will watch it...
Hmmm, I will search for it to watch it 👍
No je to fakt tragédie, jak to mohlo tak daleko zajít. Ještěže tam naši nejsou :-D
Jo, díky tomu je ten bojkot o něco jednodušší ;)