Jiri "Denisa" Prochazka - new MMA star from Czech Republic
Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!
If there was a ranking of countries by top athletes per capita, I am sure that my Czech homeland would be high up in the list. Given the fact that our country is home to just over 10 million people, we have achieved some very impressive accomplishments in a variety of sports and the chances are we might soon dominate yet another sport branch. One of the most extreme ones actually - a full contact combat sport known as MMA (mixed martial arts).
Ladies and gentlemen, let me now introduce you to Jiri "Denisa" Prochazka, a 28 year old professional MMA fighter in the light heavyweight division from the Czech Republic.
Image source: MMA India
Coming from the tiny village of Hosteradice in the South Moravian Region of the country, Prochazka has already established himself among the UFC light heavyweight elite and after just two matches, he is expected to fight for the title of the division. Having a chance to fight for the title after just two matches is very unusual in the UFC (it usually takes many more matches than that) but Prochazka won his matches in such an epic fashion (both against renowned fighters and both KO) that the organizers are very likely to give him the title shot later this year.
As you can see from the photos featured here, it´s not just the very specific and attractive fighting style of Prochazka what currently makes him one of the most interesting, charismatic and entertaining fighters in the UFC. Sometimes also referred to as the Czech Samurai, Prochazka was competing in a Japanese MMA organization called Rizin for several years before he joined the UFC and the Japanese influence is still very evident in his fighting style, way of thinking and even visual appearance.
Image source: SportsKeeda
Prochazka has become extremely popular in the Czech Republic and I think there is nobody in the country right now who wouldn´t wish him the title. Hopefully, he will be given the chance and make a full use of it to become the new champion :)
How about you guys? Are you fans of MMA? Are there any famous fighters in your countries? Let me know in the comment section below!
Edit: Dodatečně jsem se rozhodl přidat i #cesky tag, protože by mě zajímalo, jestli máme v #cesky nějaké fanoušky MMA a co říkáte na výkony Jirky Procházky :)
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Nic, protože jsem o něm nikdy neslyšel. MMA není můj šálek čaje :)
Chápu. Ale myslím, že pokud vyhraje ten titulový zápas a stane se UFC šampionem, tak se před tím jménem neschováš ani v kavárně :D Opravdu mimořádný talent a velmi zajímavá osobnost.
Schovám, protože čert ví, kdy se budou kavárny otvírat :/ Myslím ty opravdový kavárny na celodenní vysedávání a práci.
Very good fight but Rayes almost came back. Im an mma coach myself and i love this new fighter. Honorable and caries the spirit of Bushido.
Wow, feedback from an MMA coach, what a nice surprise :) Thanks! Well, Reyes is a great fighter and Prochazka and his team respect him very much. He had his moments in the fight too for sure but that spinning elbow was just too badass.
It was very shocking for Rayes that Jiri took his best shots and kept moving foreword. This is what drowning feels like... If any MMA comments are valuable and spark interest I can make a video - commenting on recent fights.
Be healthy.
Je překvapivé, kolik špičkových sportovců jsme dali světu.
MMA sice nesleduji, ale každý úspěch nějakého našeho borce mě potěší.
Tak tak :) Malá země, avšak s velkým sportovním srdíčkem ;) Myslím, že Jirka ještě zdaleka neřekl poslední slovo a ještě o něm hodně uslyšíme...
To rozhodně.
Nevím, co znamená zkratka MMA. Ale z fotografií předpokládám, že to je něco jako gladiátorské zápasy. Myslím, že nechat se tlouct ať už do hlavy nebo kamkoliv jinam, není dvakrát zdraví prospěšně, i když asi za dost peněz. A co člověk neudělá pro prachy...
Ale už vůbec nechápu, proč se na to někdo chodí dívat.
Zkratka MMA znamená mixed martial arts, česky smíšená bojová umění. Myslím, že na bojová umění se lidé chodí dívat už celá tisíciletí (což se určitě nedá říct o většině ostatních "normálních" sportů), ale to víš bezpochyby líp než já... Osobně se mezi příznivce MMA úplně nepočítám, ale pochopení pro ně mám. Naštěstí žijeme v době, kdy se každý může věnovat tomu, co ho baví. Někdo se dívá, jak se dva tlučou do hlavy, jiný fotí kanály... Ten má rád vdolky a ten zase holky :)
Ano, každý máme svobodnou vůli. Jen jestli to neznamená Mixed Martyr Arts...:)
MMA nesleduji, ale na Procházkův zápas jsem si přivstal. Podle Vémoly, kterého jsou plné noviny, nelze zápasníky soudit. Procházka, kromě toho, že je srdcař a výborný bojovník, je velice pokorný člověk, který to má v hlavě srovnané. Navíc žije v Brně 🙂
Mám to velmi podobně. Taky jsem MMA vnímal spíše jen okrajově, ale kvůli Jirkovi jsem ho začal sledovat o dost víc. Jak říkáš - obrovský srdcař, skvělý bojovník a také velmi zajímavý člověk s netradičními zvyky a pohledem na svět. S Vémolou absolutně nesrovnatelný. Pana "lvi žerou první" opravdu nemusím, stejně jako spousta dalších lidí u nás i ve světě...
Dudes so unconventional, that's what makes him so dangerous!
Exactly :) The opponent never knows what to expect from this crazy samurai :D
I love martial arts and practiced a few of them! Didn't knew that athlete! We have very good martial art athletes, I think we just one european gold medal in judo. And I have one client that was a world muay thai champion! Have to remeber never to piss her off... 😄
Nice! I didn´t know you are a fighter yourself :) Wow. What martial arts did you practise? Actually, we are pretty good in judo too, our Lukas Krpalek is the current heavyweight world champion :) He is also very popular in the country.
I can't even call myself a fighter, I'm the lamest fighter ever! :) But tried a few already: Karate first, then Aikido, a very very brief passage in Capoeira. Krava Maga was the one I've practiced the most, and then boxing and kickboxing. Missing training, as soon as I have the chance I'll start again!
Woow, that sounds really impressive man! :) With experience from so many different martial arts, you could be a great MMA fighter hehe :)
Naaah, missing all the ground work! Wouldn't mind dwelving in brazilian jiu-jitsu to learn something. Meanwhile, I train running as well; so if a fight comes... I'll run like a madman!! 😁😁😁
Haha so when it comes to the famous fight-or-flight, you will be able to do both :D
😁😁😁😁 Exactly, always like to keep my options open! 😉
I love to see the pride in ones' country.
Me too! I think generally, we are not the greatest "pride takers" in the world but when it comes to sport achievements, we can be and really are very proud ;)
:)) I will take pride in where I can get it! :))
I love to see the pride in ones' country.
As much as I watch this sport I never knew much about the guy until this past weekend. A truly awesome fighter and he moved up a LOT in the rankings to the number 2 slot from this one fight.
Thanks for your feedback man! I am sure you were not the only one who didn´t know Prochazka until that match against Reyes. Before that, he only had one fight against Volkan Oezdemir (also KO). Cannot wait for the next match, hopefully it will be the title shot for Prochazka :)
well he jumped up a LOT in the rankings after that fight so if he can stay on point I would imagine it is only a matter of time before he is going for gold. I reckon if he wins his next one that this is exactly what will happen.
Hopefully you are right :)
That's some haircut!!! This guy has got crazy in his eyes. I wouldn't fancy facing him in the Octagon.
Hahaha, me neither :D Crazy is quite aptly. His style is also crazy. He is known to often put his hands down in the fight, facing the opponent totally unprotected. Incredible dude.
Sounds like Ali in his pomp.
I'd say this guy is a proper entertainer 👏
He surely is haha :) Let´s see what he will come up with next time...
I was thinking about you when this fight was on. I wasn't sure if you watch this sport or not. Glad to see Czech Republic represented in the UFC. Jiri seems like such an interesting character. It will be fun to see him fight more. I'll be rooting for him to get the belt!
Haha thanks, I am sure Jiri would appreciate me building his fan base in the US :D I didn´t know you are into this sport either. But no surprise, MMA has been increasingly popular lately... Might well become the most popular combat sport soon.
Já myslím, že minimálně @ibelin sleduje. Nejen MMA, ale i Hive, přesto, že teď nepíše. Že @ibelin ? ;)
Nakonec z toho byla docela zajímavá a plodná debata, byť tedy s jen minimálním zapojením #cesky, ale to nevadí, trochu jsem to čekal ;)