How my hometown basketball club beat the odds (and Nymburk) again
Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!
You might still remember the post that I dedicated to the heroic performance of my hometown club in the Czech Basketball Cup Finals some 2 months ago and I´m so proud and happy to share another spectacular feat by our boys from BK Opava with you today.
Just as expected, we met the reigning Czech basketball champions BK Nymburk in the league finals as well. Just to remind you though, BK Nymburk have been totally dominating the Czech basketball scene for almost 2 decades already as they usually have a budget greater than the budgets of all of the other clubs in the league combined. They haven´t lost a single game in the finals for 11 years. Yeah, that´s how dominating their position is...
This year, however, my hometown club BK Opava already managed to beat Nymburk in the Cup Finals (as I informed you in the post linked above) so all of the Czech basketball fans were wondering (and most of them probably also hoping to) if we could beat Nymburk in the league finals too or at least win some game, which would be an amazing achievement as well.
Our team have been working really hard this whole season to be ready to put up the very best fight against the Nymburk hegemons in the finals but unfortunately, our plans started to crumble as early as in the semi finals as our special last minute American reinforcement who was signed only for the play offs broke his hand in the last semi final game against Brno. Two of our very important players were already injured before so we went to the first game of the finals against Nymburk without 3 key players. Shockingly and unfortunately, another 2 players from the rotation got injured in the game. We ended up losing the first match by almost 30 points and with a total of 5 of our key players injured. Quite dismal prospects before the Game 2 that was going to take place in our city just 2 days later...
Given the circumstances, even the most optimistic fans probably didn´t believe that we could beat Nymburk in the second game. But as they say, everything is possible in sport and even the least expected miracles happen sometimes. And this is exactly what happened in our arena on Sunday ;) Massively supported by more than 3,000 frenetic Opava fans (including me of course!), our boys put up an absolutely heroic performance, beating the shocked champions 78:76 and tying up the series 1:1. Wow!
Before the game, the media literally said it was a "mission impossible" for Opava to win the match and yet, we made it. The atmosphere in the arena was absolutely incredible and even now, on Tuesday, 2 days later, I still cannot speak as I left my vocal cords over there. Me and thousands of my fellow fans. This is how we support our club in Opava ;)
The Game 3 of the series will take place today at 5 P.M. (CET) in Nymburk and the Game 4 will be played in Opava 2 days later on Thursday. The fans will be there again of course, giving the utmost and ultimate support to our boys again but even if we lose all the remaining games in the series, we already managed to beat the odds big time and everyone in my city is super proud of our club ;)
Here are some pictures from the Game 2. Now you know why the atmosphere at Opava home games is called "The Yellow Hell" ;)
All of the pictures featured above were taken from the Opavský Deník website. I took a video in the arena myself but I´m yet to edit it. I might post it later.
Thanks for your attention guys. Have a good one and Heja Opava!!! ;)
This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.

Congrats on your team winning. That's so awesome being that dominant !
Awesome? Dude everyone in the country is already fed up with Nymburk. They have been winning everything for almost 20 years, no chance for anyone else. And it´s just a little town with no fan base, no history, no arena. They were just lucky because a rich sponsor picked them for some reason a long time ago and has been pumping tons of money into them ever since. Not, this is not awesome. This is a shame.
It looks there was a great atmosphere. Congrats to your team, also congrats to Anadolu Efes for winning EuroLeague Championship.
Thanks buddy, the atmosphere was phenomenal indeed, it kind of felt like somewhere in the Balkans or in Turkey but on a smaller scale of course, our arena is not that big ;) Congrats to Anadolu on this epic achievement, beating Real Madrid in the finals is very impressive!
Well, Congratulations on your win 🤗🤗
Thank you!
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 26/46) Liquid rewards.
I am with you, it was thrilling throughout the game. I really enjoyed it much! Seberem!
Haha glad to know you enjoyed the game mate, it was fun! :) The only thing you need to improve next time is the color of your outfit! The Yellow Hell is unforgiving! :D
Feel the atmosphere! 6 second to go!
Those "impossible" wins are the best. Good luck for today's game! !BEER
You need to stake more BEER (24 staked BEER allows you to call BEER one time per day)
Exactly :) The less expected it is, the sweeter it tastes ;) Thanks for stopping by my friend, cheers to Portugal!
I know that means much to you...
It is hard if you are comming from smaller city (not the capital), and you can only compete but it is hard to win. But when you win, these are so much sweeter. And like you wrote, miracles do happen in sport, so you never know!
For sure you are in better position than Dallas ;)
Will be cheering with you for Opava in my mind...
Thanks buddy! :) Well, ironically, Nymburk is in fact much smaller than Opava, it´s a town of just some 15,000 people but their hegemony on the Czech basketballl scene is unprecedented. I mean basketball fans from all over the country have been waiting impatiently to see some other club beat them and disrupt their supremacy. It´s particularly pathetic as they have just a handful of (bored) fans themselves... So yeah, if we cannot dethrone them this year, I hope we will do it next year ;)
Anyway, thanks for your support man, I really appreciate your words, even more given the fact that Nymburk is coached by Aleksander Sekulić, your compatriot... Good luck to Luka and Dallas! There is still hope for you guys ;)
They did a very nice job and well deserved.
Absolutely. Thanks for checking out the post ;)
It's a pleasure
Ještě jednou gratulace!
Obávám se, že Vás asi zároveň trochu podcenili. Podruhý už k tomu ale asi (obávám se) nedojde... :)
I vzhledem k průběhu dnešního zápasu :D
Dík :) Nepodcenili nic, to jen my hrajeme diametrálně odlišně u nich a u nás. Při té naší neskutečné marodce holt musíme šetřit síly, taktiku, herní systémy apod. na ty zápasy, kde máme největší šanci uspět (což je doma), takže ty první dva zápasy v NBK jsme prostě vypustili... Neříkám, že ve čtvrtek určitě zase vyhrajeme, ale rozhodně nedostaneme takovou čočku ;) Čouda není mnohonásobný Trenér roku jen tak, je to nesmírně inteligentní člověk a mazaný stratég, který dokáže na palubovce rozehrát hodně zajímavé šachové partie, jenž dokážou soupeři solidně zamotat hlavu (a nohy :D). No a pak tady máš ještě ten třítisícový žlutý kotel, který prostě z našich kluků vymačká úplně všechno a soupeře umí naopak slušně psychicky vydeptat. Opava je holt město, kde je "home advantage real" a to ve všech sportech ;) Věřím, že jednou bude příležitost, aby ses přesvědčil na vlastní oči a uši :)
Btw na ofiko webu NBL o naší strategii taky ví, to jen mainstreamovky jsou mimo a chrochtají si, jak nás Nymbáč zničil ;)
Díky za perfektní shrnutí! To jsem netušil, že je to strategickej krok. Myslel jsem si, že po úvodním vítězství se Nymburk prostě uspokojil na chvíli a Opavě pomohla ta role outsidera + domácí publikum. :)
Apropo je nějaká šance, že někdo z těch zraněných se vrátí, kdybyste v tý sérii zůstali až do konce?
V pohodě, rád jsem uvedl věci na pravou míru. Je škoda, že ani třeba ČT se včera během přímého přenosu neobtěžovala zjistit, jak se věci mají a Bažant s Velenským celou dobu jen mleli o tom, jak už Opava nemá sílu a jak nás Nymbáč válcuje. Vždyť v základu nastoupil náš rozehrávač číslo pět (dvojka, trojka a čtyřka jsou zranění), aby si Šířa odpočinul, jenže on se pak v tom zápase zranil i ten pátý, takže Šířa musel neochotně zpět na plac...
Ty zranění, to proste nepůjde. Zlomená ruka, vykloubené kotníky, zlomený nos atp. Fakt neuvěřitelné, jak se to vysralo všecko naráz :( Během sezony jsme neměli skoro nic...
To je tak, když se to všechno vys*ere na poslední chvíli. Škoda, asi to mohla bejt dost zajímavá série... no snad jste ještě neřekli poslední slovo a minimálně dnešek si užijete! :)
Dík :) Já dnes bohužel jen na dálku u přenosu, ale tepovka mi stoupá už teď :D
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Thank you guys!
Glad that your hometown won the match-up and continues to beat the odds. I must say that I love reading news like this. congrats to you and your home team
Posted using SportsTalkSocial
Thanks man! Yeah, I think we all love these stories how David beats Goliath, especially when David is injured and his chances are even lower than usually :D This is exactly how that game felt.
That's quite the design they have on the ball there. I've never seen that style used before.
I love going to live basketball games, even if it is high school games. Unfortunately for me the pro games here are very difficult to get tickets for and if you can get your hands on them, they are hundreds of dollars per ticket for seats that aren't even very good.
Looking forward to the video montage that you are going to make.
I actually didn´t realize the ball design is so special, I think here in Europe, most leagues use Molten, not Spalding. Sorry to hear the tickets are so expensive in your city. I was to a Lakers game a few years ago and I think the ticket was around 100 bucks, maybe more. I can see you are from Chicago, we all were fans of the Bulls as kids when Michael Jordan was playing there :)
lol, yeah back in the Jordan days it was basically mandatory to be a Bulls fan. I didn't live in Chicago at that time though, so I was more often than not rooting for the Lakers but i was definitely never a Pistons fan.