"Czech Samurai" Jiri Prochazka new UFC light-heavyweight champion!
Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!
I haven´t been posting much on Sundays lately but I have to make an exception today because Czech sport has just achieved an incredible success that I want to share with you as our MMA fighter Jiri Prochazka became the new UFC light-heavyweight champion just a few hours ago after winning what many consider one of the greatest fights in the UFC history! Wow! Congrats Jiri!
Image source: Jiri Prochazka´s official FB profile
You might remember that I already wrote about Jiri in this post last year after he took the UFC world by storm when he claimed very impressive wins in his first two matches. Earlier today, just a few hours ago, Jiri won his third UFC battle too but this one was really special as it was the title battle against the defending champion Glover Teixeira, a living MMA icon from Brazil.
The battle took place in Singapore and it offered a truly spectacular show that lasted as many as 5 epic rounds. In the fifth round, by which both fighters were already bleeding massively, Prochazka pulled off a staggering, buzzer-beating submission that earned him the so much coveted title.
Image source: mmafighting.com
This is the first time in history that the Czech Republic has a UFC champion and we are so proud of this incredible achievement. Thank you so much Jiri and good luck with defending your title!
You can watch the highlights of the fight here ;)
Czech / Česky:
Vím, že v české komunitě moc fandů MMA nemáme, ale i tak se s vámi musím podělit o to, co se dnes podařilo Jirkovi Procházkovi, neb se jedná o doslova historický úspěch českého sportu. Česká republika totiž před pár hodinami díky tomuto borci získala svůj první titul šampiona UFC, což je nejprestižnější MMA organizace na světě. Jirka v titulovém zápase v Singapuru po naprosto strhující pětikolové bitvě porazil obhájce titulu, žijící legendu brazilského MMA Glovera Teixeiru a po svém teprve třetím zápase v UFC tak hned slaví titul, což je samo o sobě také nevídaný kousek. Jirka Procházka je prostě fenomenální sportovec s obrovským českým srdcem a já doufám, že svůj titul šampiona polotěžké váhy UFC udrží co nejdéle :)
This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.

This sport is far from what I like, but congrats to him anyway :) I know it means a lot.
Thank you Erika! Yeah, I also prefer some other sports to martial arts but you know, it´s always exciting when someone from a small country like ours achieve something this big ;)
I just watched the highlights this morning and wow, what a war!! Glover is one of my all-time favourites from an incredible stock of Brazilian fighters, however Jiri is the future of the division! I've been a big fan ever since he appeared in the UFC. Great news for Czech MMA man, happy for you guys!
Thanks man! Honestly, I´m not exactly a huge MMA fan myself in general but Jiri has been such a cool and extraordinary dude that it´s hard not be a fan of him :) Some of my friends have been following him since many years ago when he was not famous yet. Before he made it to UFC, he spent several years fighting in Rizin in Japan where he fell in love with the samurai culture and lifestyle. Super cool dude indeed, very humble and honest. I think we can expect a lot of great UFC fights from Jiri ;)
I've been following MMA since 2006 and have seen many fighters come and go, however it's not very often that someone as exciting as Jiri appears! Hopefully you're right and he'll cement himself up there with the all time greats!
That would be awesome :) Thanks for stopping by and leaving your cool comments here, I appreciate it.
Epic fight, just watched it this morning!😀
I wanna see a rematch!😜
Congrats Jiri!🥊
Epic fight indeed, I just keep reading the comments and many people say it was one of the greatest fights in the UFC history :) Curious to know what Jiri´s next match will be...
Yes, this fight should be in the Top 10 of All time..😉
I think Glover deserves the rematch, because 1 more minute & Glover would have
won by points most probably...but the fight didn't go the distance, which makes
Jiris submission victory even more impressive.
Maybe Jon Jones watched the fight..😜..but he wants to fight Heavyweight this year,
doesn't he..?!
Jan Blachowicz vs Jiri!?🤙
You are right, Jiri was just about to lose the match by points so he was actually very lucky to pull off that last minute choke :) But it was still increbile how much beating he took before and never gave up, his mentality and mindset are like out of this world :D From what I have read so far, the potential fight against Blachowicz seems to be the most probable one ;)
True, true...Jiri is very strong physically, but even more mentally. It was very inspiring seeing the UFC Embedded Series where he talks about reading "The way of the warrior" and how to keep your mind calm in fighting. Power is nothing without control!😉 I'm still learning...😅
... the potential fight against Blachowicz seems to be the most probable one ;)
Yesir, i think so, too... and Glover gets the winner...😀
Congrats to him. This could be a important step in his career.
I did not see the fight. 😭😭
You can check out the highlights at least, I just added a link to the post ;)
Yeah I will check the highlights but is not the same. Thanks
@tipu curate
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Oba borci byly perfektně na zápas připravení, klobouk dolů hlavně před Texeirou, který už má své roky. Nakonec Jiří dokázal zvrátit nepříznivě se vyvíjející souboj doslova na poslední chvíli. Ale co bylo nejúžasnější, ten vzájemný respekt. V ringu si nic nedarovali, ale mimo boj se k sobě chovali jako gentlemani. Jaký rozdíl od ostatních bijců. Krása.
Skvěle zhodnoceno, souhlas :) Teixeira na ty roky opravdu v neskutečné formě a Jirka zase obrovský kredit za to, jak šílené pasáže zápasu ustál, kdy ho Brazilec (hlavně na zemi) místy až hrůzostrašně drtil. BJP má prostě tu mentalitu a evidentně taky práh bolesti úplně jinde než ostatní fighteři :) A ten vzájemný respekt a úcta, to bylo opravdu úžasné. Žvanil Vémola, který se UFC titulu nikdy ani nepřiblížil, by se mohl a měl učit...
Tremendous success!!💪💪
It's always nice to hear news about wins like this. Congrats!
Thank you, I´m glad you like the story about our new hero :)
You're welcome!
That was such an electric fight, amazing from start to finish. I have to say I was a little disappointed that Glover kind of screwed it all up in the last 30 seconds but I don't think most people thought he was going to make it that far. According to the scorecards Glover would have won on points even if they gave Jiri round 5.
I think Jiri will make for a great champion though but he better work a lot harder on his ground game because Glover kind of exposed some weaknesses there.
I can only agree with everything you said here! Very good summary. Jiri definitely needs to improve his ground game because in UFC, he cannot rely on shooting everyone down with his crazy hits (like that epic spinning elbow against Reyes :D)
But on the other hand, that´s his signature (and very attractive) fight style that fans love him for :)
I believe i saw him go for that move as well as several other unusual elbow attacks at several points in the fight. If he connects with any of those, it is going to be lights out for anyone in the division. Your face simply can't endure that level of punishment. :P
Parádní souboj!
Doufal jsem, že aspoň ty bys mohl tenhle příspěvek ocenit ;) Taky nejsem vyloženě fanda bojových sportů, ale tohle je opravdu historický úspěch českého sportu a Jirka je navíc fakt pozoruhodný týpek :D
Já taky nejsem nějakej velkej fanoušek, ale bavil mě dřív McGregor (bo jeho movement sessions s Idem Portalem) a pak Venom Page (ze stejnýho důvodu). Když se Connor "zbláznil", tak jsem to přestal sledovat, ale právě Procházka mi připadá jako zajímavej týpek v tom prostředí. Tak jsem si to pustil (ze záznamu teda) a byla to fakt pěkná válka. Byl tam evidentní oboustrannej respekt a úcta, přesto boj na plný koule. Takhle nějak si to představuju. :)
Jo, souhlas ;)
Yay! 🤗
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