[Esp/Eng] Estevão, la futura gran estrella brasileña / Estevão, the future great Brazilian star

El delantero de apenas 17 años está rompiendo todos los registro de precocidad en el Brasileirao, consiguiendo mejores números en su temporada de debut que jugadores como Endrik, Ronaldinho, Neymar o Ronaldo "el fenómeno ", ganando también el premio al mejor delantero de la Serie A brasileña, superando en juventud a Gabriel Jesús, quien tiene el récord al obtenerlo con 19 años en el 2016.

The barely 17-year-old striker is breaking all precocity records in the Brasileirao, achieving better numbers in his debut season than players like Endrik, Ronaldinho, Neymar or Ronaldo "the phenomenon", also winning the award for best striker in the Series A Brazilian, surpassing Gabriel Jesús in youth, who holds the record by obtaining it at 19 years old in 2016.



Lo más llamativo de todo, es que el media punta cumplirá la mayoría de edad hasta marzo del próximo año, cuando ya se tiene planeado que haga maletas para vestir la elástica del Chelsea, quienes el pasado verano pagaron 45 millones fijos más otros 20 en variables, para asegurarse que el brasileño recalara en Stanford Bridge. Comparándolo con otros jugadores brasileños que han salido al viejo siendo aún muy jóvenes, tanto Endrick como Estevao son los que más expectativas han levantado, pues aún sin haber cumplido la mayoría de edad, ambos eran titulares indiscutibles de un equipo multicampeon de América.

The most striking thing of all is that the midfielder will come of age until March of next year, when it is already planned that he will pack his bags to wear the Chelsea jersey, who last summer paid 45 million fixed plus another 20 in variables , to ensure that the Brazilian landed at Stanford Bridge. Comparing it with other Brazilian players who have come of age while still very young, both Endrick and Estevao are the ones who have raised the most expectations, because even before reaching the age of majority, both were undisputed starters for a multi-champion team in America.

Ya desde los 16 años destacaba en Brasil, siendo fijo en las categorías menores cariocas, así como debutando con el primer equipo del Verdao, pese a ser canterano del Cruzeiro, de igual forma, es el jugador mas joven que firmó con Nike (10 años), por lo que muchos llegaron a llamarlo Messinho. Actualmente, pese a ciertas similitudes entre el argentino y Estavao a esa edad, el media punta a sabido alejarse de esa etiqueta, ganándose de a poco que su propio nombre gane relevancia en el fútbol mundial.

Already from the age of 16 he stood out in Brazil, being a fixture in the Rio minor categories, as well as making his debut with the Verdao first team, despite being a Cruzeiro youth player, in the same way, he is the youngest player to sign with Nike (10 years ), so many came to call him Messinho. Currently, despite certain similarities between the Argentine and Estavao at that age, the midfielder has managed to distance himself from that label, gradually earning his own name to gain relevance in world football.



Pese a sentirse más cómodo como media punta, con bastante libertad de movimiento por zonas adelantadas del campo de juego, Estevao juega como un extremo carioca puro, explosivo, excelente en el 1 vs 1 y con una toma de decisión muy acertada, sobre todo gracias a su gran capacidad individual, tanto con balón dominado, como sin el esférico. Todo esto, hay que sumarle su capacidad de anotar goles y repartir asistencias, consiguiendo 15 goles y 10 asistencias en todas las competiciones, no por nada ganó el premio al mejor delantero en la Serie A brasileño, teniendo otros fuera de serie en la competición, en una edad óptima para su rendimiento futbolístico.

Despite feeling more comfortable as a midfielder, with a lot of freedom of movement in advanced areas of the playing field, Estevao plays like a pure Rio winger, explosive, excellent in 1 vs 1 and with very accurate decision making, especially thanks to his great individual capacity, both with the ball under control and without the ball. All this, we must add his ability to score goals and distribute assists, achieving 15 goals and 10 assists in all competitions, not for nothing did he win the award for best striker in the Brazilian Serie A, having other outstanding players in the competition, at an optimal age for football performance.

Lo única deficiencia que tiene es su físico, ya que propio de su edad, aún le falta desarrollar su musculatura, por lo que muchas veces, pierde la posición cuando los defensas van choque, por lo que ha tenido que reinventarse, teniendo un cambio de ritmo bestial, sumado a que conduce con el balón pegado a los pies, con lo que suele dejar atrás a sus marcadores. Otra cosa que lo hace muy difícil de marcar, es su capacidad de jugar con ambas piernas, pese a ser un zurdo clásico, suele amagar para cualquiera de sus perfiles, pudiendo centrar o asociarse con la derecha, o buscar por dentro una acción más favorable con la izquierda.

The only deficiency he has is his physique, since typical of his age, he still needs to develop his muscles, which is why he often loses his position when the defenders clash, so he has had to reinvent himself, having a change of beastly pace, added to the fact that he drives with the ball glued to his feet, which usually leaves his markers behind. Another thing that makes him very difficult to mark is his ability to play with both legs. Despite being a classic left-hander, he usually fakes for any of his profiles, being able to center or associate with the right, or look inside for a more favorable action with the left.



Viendo lo hecho por Enzo Maresca hasta el momento, y que Cole Palmer ocupa la media punta y no baja su nivel estelar, es evidente que llegará para reforzar los extremos, sobre todo el derecho, donde ya se le va visto destacar este año con el Verdao. El nivel que ha demostrado en el Palmeiras, que inclusive lo llevó a debutar con la selección absoluta de Brasil, debería ser un aviso para el área deportiva de los Blues, que tendrá que realizar varias salidas para que el media punta tenga bastantes oportunidades, pues en este momento tienen 10 jugadores para cubrir los puestos en ataque, siendo Palmer el único indiscutible, por lo que sumar minutos de calidad en este equipo, no es una tarea sencilla, y menos si es en tu temporada para aclimatarse al fútbol europeo.

Seeing what Enzo Maresca has done so far, and that Cole Palmer occupies the midfielder and does not lower his stellar level, it is evident that he will come to reinforce the wingers, especially the right, where he has already been seen standing out this year with the True. The level that he has shown at Palmeiras, which even led him to debut with the Brazilian senior team, should be a warning to the Blues' sports area, which will have to make several outings so that the midfielder has enough opportunities, because At this moment they have 10 players to cover the positions in attack, with Palmer being the only one indisputable, so adding quality minutes to this team is not an easy task, and even less so if it is in your season to acclimatize to European football.


The only deficiency he has is his physique, since typical of his age, he still needs to develop his muscles, which is why he often loses his position when the defenders clash

That's a strong opinion, which sounds legit. However, I've seen surprises with sportsmen who have beaten the odds. Usain Bolt is a prime example. No one expected someone with his physique to be that fast and powerful, but he proved the world otherwise.
I like your take on this though:)


I think the same, in soccer, many players have been the best in their position even if they start in an advanced age like N'Golo Kante, or even Leo Messi or Maradona, which haven't the best physique, but they are inteligent and know how to explote their habilities.

I think when Estevão arrive in Premier League, he would improve a lot in this item, because of his age or the change of how to play in England, he is just 17 years old and he still has a long career ahead of him.

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