Mi Diario Actifit: 19 septiembre 2023 // My Actifit Report Card: September 19 2023
Hola, querido hiver.
Me maravilla cómo a veces las reflexiones estoicas coinciden con ideas que me rondan la cabeza previamente. Con motivo del inicio del curso es habitual que haga una revisión mental de cómo me encuentro a todos los niveles, de cara a introducir cambios y mejoras. Es un proceso que surge de forma natural, no me imagines sentada con lápiz y papel analizando datos. Es como un mar de fondo mental que se agita sobre todo cuando realizo tareas que no requieren excesiva atención. Por ejemplo, en los paseos o al hacer labores domésticas.
Toda esta introducción es para expresar que estoy un poco saturada. Lo considero normal, pues conseguí a poco más de mitad del año los objetivos que me había propuesto para este entero. Sin darme cuenta he apretado el acelerador y sí, los resultados han llegado pero las energías menguan. Por eso ando con estas cavilaciones, pensando si es mejor aprovechar la inercia hasta el final del año y en el nuevo reestructurar lo que estoy haciendo, o si por el contrario lo conveniente es hacerlo cuanto antes.
Lo que tengo claro es que nada importa si no estoy bien para disfrutarlo, así que me concentro en dar un paso cada vez y hasta donde llegue.
Cita estoica del día
Ten presente que cambiar de criterio y obedecer a quien te corrige es igualmente una acción libre. Pues tu actividad se lleva a término de acuerdo con tu instinto y juicio y, particularmente, además, de acuerdo con tu propia inteligencia.
Marco Aurelio.
Mi reflexión
Me reconozco cabezota y tenaz. Me cuesta desviarme de mi idea inicial. Sin embargo, reconozco que a veces lo mejor es cambiar la dirección sin que importe lo invertido con anterioridad. Lo llaman coste de oportunidad, eso que nos hace perder mucho más al pretender continuar lo que hacemos mal a sabiendas de que no recogeremos beneficio, sino más pérdidas.
Estos reportes diarios de actividad son un ejemplo perfecto de lo que Marco Aurelio nos transmite en la cita de hoy. Los comencé sencillos y con apenas unas frases sueltas. Los fui perfeccionando en el contenido pero sin darles una buena apariencia. Hasta que apareció mi querido @wesphilbin para sugerirme un par de mejoras que supusieron lograr el formato que he mantenido, con pequeños ajustes, hasta el presente. Lejos de molestarme, agradecí profundamente que se atreviera a realizar esa crítica constructiva, pues supuso una mejoría enorme en mi proceso de creación y publicación.
Sin embargo, también me cuido de no seguir todas las propuestas que se me ofrecen a la vista. Es imposible aprovechar cada supuesta oportunidad, no tengo tiempo ni energías suficientes. Y eso está bien, porque me afianza en mi zona de confort. Solo cuando estoy bien asentada en ella me atrevo a husmear fuera. Me sigue gustando probar cosas nuevas y quedarme con lo que me encaje en cada momento.
En resumen, mantengo la mente abierta a nuevas oportunidades, siendo flexible y adaptándome a las circunstancias en la medida en que lo considero necesario y beneficioso. ¿Significa esto que soy débil? Pienso que no. Más bien al contrario. En esta época de mentes difusas y estímulos por doquier, es arduo y costoso ser fiel a mí misma y a mis valores. Al menos así me lo parece.
Bitácora del día
Por la mañana: compras y labores domésticas, curación de contenidos, escritura, preparación del post de Photo-essay.
Por la tarde: curación de contenidos, tareas variadas de Hive, publicación y difusión del post, paseo con mi marido y el perrito.
Aviso: Todo lo publicado en este post es de mi autoría, excepto los elementos en los que doy crédito a su/s autor/es. Por tanto, en caso de plagio o difusión sin mi permiso, ejerceré mis derechos de autor si así lo estimo oportuno.
Realizo mis fotografías con mi móvil iPhone, las edito en el editor de fotos de Mac y con la versión gratuita de la aplicación PicsArt.
Si te gusta lo que publico, únete a mi Fanbase pinchando aquí
Hi, dear hiver.
It amazes me how sometimes stoic reflections coincide with ideas that have been on my mind beforehand. At the start of the school year I often do a mental review of how I am doing at all levels, with a view to making changes and improvements. It's a process that comes naturally, don't imagine me sitting with pencil and paper analysing data. It is like a mental groundswell that is stirred up especially when I am doing tasks that do not require too much attention. For example, on walks or when doing housework.
All this introduction is to express that I am a bit saturated. I consider this to be normal, as I achieved the goals I had set myself for this entire year a little over halfway through the year. Without realising it, I have pressed the accelerator and yes, the results have arrived, but my energy is waning. That's why I'm thinking about whether it's better to take advantage of the inertia until the end of the year and restructure what I'm doing in the new one, or whether, on the contrary, it's better to do it as soon as possible.
What is clear to me is that nothing matters if I am not well enough to enjoy it, so I concentrate on taking one step at a time and as far as I can go.
Stoic quote of the day
Keep in mind that changing your mind and obeying the one who corrects you is also a free action. For your activity is carried out in accordance with your instinct and judgment, and particularly, moreover, in accordance with your own intelligence.
Marcus Aurelius.
My reflection
I recognise myself as stubborn and tenacious. It is difficult for me to deviate from my initial idea. However, I recognise that sometimes the best thing to do is to change direction without worrying about what has been invested before. They call it opportunity cost, that which makes us lose much more when we try to continue what we are doing wrong, knowing that we will not make a profit, but rather more losses.
These daily activity reports are a perfect example of what Marcus Aurelius is conveying in today's quote. I started them simple and with just a few sentences. I was perfecting them in terms of content but without giving them a good appearance. Until my dear @wesphilbin came along to suggest a couple of improvements that led to the format I have kept, with minor adjustments, until now. Far from being annoyed, I was deeply grateful that he dared to make this constructive criticism, as it meant a huge improvement in my creation and publication process.
However, I am also careful not to follow every proposal that comes my way. It's impossible to take advantage of every so-called opportunity, I don't have enough time or energy. And that's good, because it keeps me in my comfort zone. Only when I'm well settled in it do I dare to poke around outside. I still like to try new things and stick to what suits me at any given moment.
In short, I keep an open mind to new opportunities, being flexible and adapting to circumstances as I deem necessary and beneficial. Does this mean that I am weak? I think not. Quite the contrary. In this age of fuzzy minds and stimuli everywhere, it is hard and costly to be true to myself and my values. At least that's how it seems to me.
Log of the day
Morning: shopping and housework, content curation, writing, preparing the Photo-essay post.
Afternoon: content curation, various Hive tasks, publication and dissemination of the post, walk with my husband and the puppy.
Notice: Everything published in this post is of my authorship, except for the elements in which I give credit to its author/s. Therefore, in case of plagiarism or dissemination without my permission, I will exercise my copyright if I deem it appropriate.
I take my photos on my iPhone, edit them with the Mac photo editor and the PicsArt application (free version).
Translated with (free version) www.DeepL.com/Translator
If you like my content, join my Fanbase clicking here
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io
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Yay, this one is amazing 🤩
Congratulations on your achievement @palomap3! Keep up the good work. Enjoy! 🍕
Hay varios elementos interesantes para debatir y compartir.
El que sea tenaz ha sido fundamental en el proyecto de vida que ha logrado construir y que sigue fomentando.
Si ya cumplió sus metas valore si tiene las energías y fuerzas necesarias para emprender proyecto pequeño o mejorar alguno que haya concluido
El cambiar de actividad puede ser otro elemento que le dará una mayor energía para enfrentar los retos por venir.
En fin, gracias por esta publicación. Feliz jornada. Salud y saludos.
Muchísimas gracias por tus valiosos aportes. En efecto, cumplir las metas debería haber sido suficiente. Y así lo es. No gano nada donde la pérdida es segura.
Un abrazo. 🤗
Gracias a usted por su ejemplo y demostrarnos cuánto se puede hacer con constancia y sacrificio. Feliz día. Salud y saludos
Me ha encantado ese grillo, @palomap3 😂
¡Sigue así!
¡Pues no sabes el susto que me dio el grillo! 🤣 Y otro el que le di a mi marido cuando le llamé para que estuviera pendiente mientras corrí a por el teléfono para fotografiarlo. 🤣
Los de mi tierra tenemos fama de cabezones y está bien ganada. 😅
Muchas gracias por tu apoyo. ❤️🤗
@nanixxx, @palomap3(6/10) sent LUV. | connect | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily
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(no space) to get help on Hive. InfoEs siempre un placer. 🙂
Thank you so much for the support! ♥️
@innerblocks, @palomap3(8/10) sent LUV. | connect | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily
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"These daily activity reports are a perfect example of what Marcus Aurelius is conveying in today's quote. I started them simple and with just a few sentences. I was perfecting them in terms of content but without giving them a good appearance. Until my dear @wesphilbin came along to suggest a couple of improvements that led to the format I have kept, with minor adjustments, until now. Far from being annoyed, I was deeply grateful that he dared to make this constructive criticism, as it meant a huge improvement in my creation and publication process."
You know... you honor me with your kindness and words. Ever since my first days on our blockchain. I realized there was so much content being shared. I thought time, and time again, "What am I going to focus on?". I realized I was really just overthinking things; once I came to terms with the fact that we are all just humans... friends... folks trying to find our voice. It was best to just be myself! But sometimes... not everyone finds my way likable lol. Anyway... Thank you again, for being such a good friend, and for posting in our community.

@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 65/75) Liquid rewards.
@palomap3, @wesphilbin(1/10) sent LUV. | connect | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily
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(no space) to get help on Hive. InfoOverthinking is my favourite activity !LOL
It’s impossible for me to forget your helping hand. You know I !LUV you. 🥰🤗
@wesphilbin, @palomap3(7/10) sent LUV. | connect | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily
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(no space) to get help on Hive. Infololztoken.com
It was a knick knack paddy whack.
Credit: playbyhive
@wesphilbin, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of palomap3
We appreciate you taking the time, to either use #ThoughtfulDailyPost, or otherwise help this Community grow. So...
Thank you!!
Thank you! 🙏
Hmm dear, not sure about.. but maybe you reached a point in your actifit reports where it switched from simply writing your reflections to something like writing it for the readers?
Just came across the topic "integrity". It Made me think a lot (haha not that I wouldnt think enough all the time 😅 @ph1102 )
But to really be myself in everything I do. Phu, this is a new milestone I'd love to reach.
Coming back to "how and what to write" this bring's a lot of challenge somehow.
Hope you soon get your power back ❤️ !LUV
@palomap3, @beeber(1/5) sent LUV. | connect | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily
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(no space) to get help on Hive. InfoThanks for the mention when your brain is working at 105% 😃
Btw. I don't know if @palomap3 will see this, but I agree with you that maybe it's time to step out into the "wild"... I was doing a lot of Actifit reports on my other account (@ph1102.ctp), but I have noticed that people don't appreciate them too much... Actifit posts are sometimes banned from different tribes, and people ignore them, which means less exposure...
All the best to both! 😃
Yes when my C-journey started I was thinking about a beeber.fit Account. But I dont really like the actifit frontend and somehow it would bring too much pressure to be actif-it 😅
Well, it helped me a lot to get my "walking routine" that I didn't have before... But, when I was doing it daily, I would skip some of my Actifit reports but still do my walks... I had a "pressure" to write posts more than the pressure to go for a walk...
And in the end, as I said, people would skip posts as everyone thinks that every Actifit post is a shitpost... While I was trying to give them some quality like Paloma is doing with hers...
And yes, frontend sucked before, don't know how it looks now... probably the same...
Keeps stinking. 🤣 It has very little improvements.
I don’t have the pressure to write because I love to do it and is like a therapy for me, but I can write daily with Ecency, too. Easier and better, I think. 🤔
More !LUV 😁🤗
@ph1102, @palomap3(5/10) sent LUV. | connect | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily
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(no space) to get help on Hive. InfoI write my posts on a note taking app in markdown format and copy-paste on the mobile app. Only use the front end to buy boosters with Afit.
But every little task is adding to that energy wear. 🤔 Oh!! I am cleared now!!
Thank you so much!! To both, dears!!
More !LUV
@beeber, @palomap3(4/10) sent LUV. | connect | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily
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(no space) to get help on Hive. InfoYoure clear? Thats fine ❤️
Didnt we have something last time in the guest curator Channel like writing an actifit post but with ecency? 🤔 Not sure if I remember correct
Yes. It was about people that publish with Actifit and after that edits with Ecency.
Yes. I see you. 👀😁
I know that publishing with Actifit hurts me in a way although it helps me maintain the routine of writing and daily exercise. I know about the bad reputation it drags and it is true that many reports are pure spam.
Your contribution has helped me to clear up my ideas. Thank you very much!! ❤️🤗
@ph1102, @palomap3(3/10) sent LUV. | connect | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily
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(no space) to get help on Hive. InfoThe energy to write these reports is fine. In fact, they are a kind of therapy for me.
What exhausts me is that, in my eagerness to help, I have been too available and now it weighs me down. I'm all day, every day, devoting my attention to Hive and I know it's time to rethink what to do and what to let go of.
The good thing is that I realize before I pass the no-return limit.
I think a lot, too!! 😁😅🤗❤️
@beeber, @palomap3(2/10) sent LUV. | connect | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily
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(no space) to get help on Hive. Info!PIZZA
Gracias, un poco de !PIZZA
$PIZZA slices delivered:
sacra97 tipped palomap3
palomap3 tipped sacra97
@palomap3(4/15) tipped @hivebuzz
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