From history, God has taught us how things work in this Kingdom using Israel. Notice that the lands He said was their portion, were occupied by sworn enemies(sometimes giants) armed to the teeth.
Understand that your portion in destiny will not just fall on your laps, you have to war into it.
Text: Numbers 27:1–11
Excuse me sir, those ladies were undertaking an impossible task normally. In those days, the law is the law, you must tremble at it!
But they summoned courage and dared to ask a thing that no woman has ever asked for. Notice it was not just a secret meeting with Moses, the ladies stood before the entire Presidential cabinet of Israel and even the whole Israel. They were bold in the name of Lord!
Even Sir Moses saw the fire in their eyes, he just couldn't turn them back.
He had to run to God to report the matter and God honoured the request of the ladies.
Many times your portion is surrounded by laws, handwritings, history, spiritual strong men, things that seem impossible to break. You must dare to be different! God is on your side.
But if you don't move, God won't move! Look the Devil isn't that strong, it is that men have not made up their mind TO ARISE.
Arise in faith, demand for that which has eluded you, so far. The four lepers in, 2Kg 7:3, asked a powerful spiritual question, "Why sit we here until we die?" Another version renders it as, "What are we doing sitting here at death's door?"
They arose with all their disadvantages, they arose with all their weaknesses, arose with no man to help them and chose the night time to begin their journey of faith – IT WAS BY FORCE BY FIRE. As they arose, God arose!
What did they get? What did the ladies get?
The lepers didn't only solve their problems, they solved the problems of a whole nation.
The ladies did not only get their portion, but the LAW WAS RE-WRITTEN FOR THEIR SAKE.
That's what a Land-mark story is all about!
Daugthers in generations unborn were sentenced to blessings because of the venture of faith by these ladies. Are you hungry enough for your portion? Ain't you tired of thesame story year in year out? Don't settle for less and keep making!
Look at the generations unborn who are counting on you. Your Israel is waiting on you to manifest ma'am.
In all righteousness, it's time to break the jugular, arise in faith and take action and be consistent in your confession too.
It is your time for a land-mark settlement.