RE: I put on workout clothes, but ended up mom-ing all day! My Actifit Report Card: December 10 2021
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Happens to me all the time! I have worked remotely the last 5.5 years so I just automatically dress for a garage workout to start the day. Usually can get one or two in between meetings during the day, but sometimes my 5 and 1 year old make it impossible. Or I have to modify to body weight movements to include them while I “babysit” and not endanger their safety with my heavier, weighted wods. Since I do my own programming, I have wods for those occasions ready to sub in.
I’ve been enjoying your blogs, they are very relatable. Hoping to have time this upcoming week to write some more myself. We had a nice weekend with Grinchmas. Also want to post some of my art and more workouts, of course. Have a good one!
Thank you very much! It is just a glimpse into life. :)
It is so hard to workout with younger ones around because you are hyper-focused on them. I try to give myself the best ch ance of getting a workout in by at least putting on the clothes to workout in!
I forgot to ask- what is grinchmas?
Grinchmas, aka Grinch Night as my daughter calls it, is one of our traditions, like Elf on the Shelf. I’m hoping to do a full post on it later this week, but we basically wear Grinch PJs, watch the Grinch movie, make Grinch treats (Grinch poo cookies), for example, and just make a night out of it. It’s a lot of fun for us 😁
That sounds fun! I like fun traditions. I need to remember to do one of those also. I like forward to seeing it. I wouldn't mind if you tagged me, so I don't miss it!
@liftslikealady just checking to see if tagging on Ecency works the same as Twitter, etc.....I will definitely tag you on that post, when I put it together!
It works exactly the same.
Thanks Bob!