Animated Corpse / Weekly Battle Challenge


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Peace Splinters,

How are you doing Splinters? I hope your adventure in Pretoria lands is full of good events.

Animated corpse has funny stats at a high level but it is practical cards to play in the Death elemental series lineup.

Daria was summoned on the battlefield with the death team of cards. The arena battle ruleset was great to experiment with the animated corpse potential at the first position in my lineup.

Battle Ruleset:

1 . Spreading fury

2 . Heavy hitters

3 . Mana 23

I was amazed about how fast this battle reached the last round number 3. I got most of my cards still on the board powerful enough to survive any attacks from the opposite side.


The lineup of the cards in the arena

My opponent has a life team on the board. The cards were not too powerful but it has understandable strategies.

  • Shieldbearer level 3

  • Uraeus level 3

  • Armorsmith level 3

  • Divine healer level 3

  • Venari Crystalsmith level 4


Daria Dragonscale always presents to help in the arena. Daria was associated with the Life elemental monsters included Defender of truth.

Summoner: Daria Dragonscale

  • Animated corpse level 4

  • Twilight basilisk level 4

  • Undead priest level 2

  • Chicken level 4

  • Sand Worm level 5

The enrage ability acquired from the ruleset has transformed all melee monsters in the arena super terminator.


My Battle Challenge LINK

My strategies

I was planning to strike as much as I could during the first and second rounds due to the enrage doubling the melee statistics of cards on the board. Animated corpse was in the first position to assure that the offensive strategy is on play in my lineup.


Did my strategy work?

I didn't expect Sand worm to strike so heavily each round. It surely helped to make my lineup succeed in this match.

If you are interested in the current contest, please get more information concerning the battle challenge shared on a specific theme Animated Corpse, Splinterlands Weekly battle challenge.

Do I often select Animated Corpse to fight in the arena? why or why not

I rarely play the Animated Corpse in my strategy surrounding the death elemental cards. It was a pleasure selecting Animated Corpse in this match. After I got the cards from the rental market, I played many battles with the Animated Corpse and found funny the way it leads my team lineup. I doubt that I will select Animated Corpse in the gold league battle because the level of cards on the opposite side is not a joke.


Thanks for the battle challenge curation team. My lineup team selection was based on offensive strategy due to the battle ruleset.

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Warm regards

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Having SAND WORM to do the damage from enemy backline neutralize your opponent's strategy. Good win for you there bro.


Thank you,
Sand worm is one of the most utilized cards.
