Back to business | My Actifit Report Card: September 25 2024 [Eng][Esp]

Look who walked in the right direction today to run into a skate park! It seems like my head has no way of getting over HiveFest, or it's just that I met such interdisciplinary people with such diverse projects that make me think about the Blockchain more often.

Getting here, I couldn't help but remember with joy the brief conversation I had with @knowhow92 about SkateHive after the gala dinner we had. We shared some laughs reminiscing about my teenage days being unable to master a skateboard. According to him it's never too late to take it up again and he recommended me to give it a try. Mmm I don't know honestly, I've always found the skate subculture attractive, but I think at this moment of my life I would only be able, (maybe, perhaps, I don't know) to do cruising skate, in the end it's a bit of a traveler's vibe. But I'm not sure if this track, in the condition it's in, will work for that.

Well, just thought of the @SkateHive crew today as I was taking my morning walk and wanted to send them a shout out. 👋🏻 I thought it was fun to include one of these parks in #Worldmappin so here goes the pin, it would be interesting to know if we have the location of several skate parks on our map.


Miren quien ha caminado hoy en la dirección correcta para toparse con una pista de skate! Pareciera que mi cabeza no tiene forma de olvidarse del HiveFest o, simplemente, es que conocí a gente tan interdisciplinaria y con proyectos tan diversos, que me hacen pensar en la Blockchain más a menudo.

Al llegar aquí, no pude evitar recordar con alegría la breve conversación que mantuve con @knowhow92 sobre SkateHive despues de la cena de gala que tuvimos. Compartimos algunas risas recordando mis tiempos de adolescente siendo incapaz de dominar una patineta. Según él nunca es tarde para retomar y me recomendó intentarlo. Mmm no sé la verdad, siempre me ha parecido atractiva la subcultura skate, pero creo en estos momentos de mi vida solo sería capaz, (tal vez, quizás, no sé) de hacer cruising skate, al final es un poco onda de viajeros. Pero no estoy segura si esta pista, en la condiciones en la que se encuentra, sirva para eso.

Bueno, que hoy he pensado en el equipo de @SkateHive mientras daba mi paseo en la mañana y quise enviarles un saludo. 👋🏻 Me pareció divertido incluir un parque de estos en #Worldmappin así que ahí va el pin, sería interesante saber si tenemos la localización de varios skate parks en nuestro mapa.

Many people in Latin America are sharing the arrival of spring, however, in these parts of the world we are avoiding saying goodbye to summer to enter into autumn, the weather is strange, but the rains and the leaves on the trees warn that the road is already done.

In addition, I have noticed that the stores have already begun to warn us of the upcoming festivities. October is a very important month in Zaragoza, where the imposing Basilica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar, patron saint of the autonomous community of Aragón, is located. This means that there will be a party, a lot of partying. If the pastry shops and the regional beer advertise it, it is because it will be so. 😌


Mucha gente en Latinoamérica está compartiendo la llegada de su primavera, sin embargo, por estos lados del mundo estamos evitando despedir el verano para adentrarnos en el otoño, el clima está raro, pero las lluvias y las hojas en los árboles advierten que el camino ya está hecho.

Además, me he fijado que las tiendas ya comenzaron a avisarnos de las próximas festividades. Octubre es un mes importantísimo en Zaragoza, en donde se encuentra la imponente Basilica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar, patrona de la comunidad autónoma de Aragón. Esto significa que habrá fiesta, mucha fiesta. Si lo anuncian las pastelerías y la cerveza regional, es porque así será. 😌

Gym day. Today we were training relatively light, consecutive training days we sometimes take it easy, especially after the improvised vacation break to go to HiveFest, something I hadn't really planned too far in advance. Today was a non-destructive day, which means that tomorrow will be a powerful strength day.

The routine was basically a way to train how to maintain constant heart rates, interspersed with isometric, traction and cardio exercises. Nothing that required too much strength, but a lot of endurance and speed. I repeated each circuit every 4 minutes and only had rest for whatever was left over from the run, I stayed comfortably in the 2'50's, being able to rest just over a minute between each switch, it was pretty comfortable, exhausting but consistent.

I'm glad to be able to get back to training first thing in the morning, it's the time that suits me best to stay active. Before this traveling break from the routine, I could only work out in the afternoon, at the end of the workday, which meant I didn't have enough energy and often didn't even consider going to the gym. Working out in the afternoons is not my thing.

Pa. There's my bottle of #Hive always accompanying me to the gym. 💪🏼


Día de gym. Hoy estuvimos entrenando relativamente suave, los días de entrenamiento consecutivos a veces los tomamos con calma, sobre todo después del parón de vacaciones improvisadas para acudir al HiveFest, algo que realmente no había planeado con demasiada antelación. Hoy no fue un día destructivo, lo que significa que mañana tocará un día de fuerza potente.

La rutina fue básicamente una forma de entrenar la forma de mantener pulsaciones constantes, intercalando ejercicios isometricos, de tracción y cardiovasculares. Nada que requiriera demasiada fuerza, pero si mucha resistencia y rapidez. Repetía cada circuito cada 4 minutos y solo tenía de descanso lo que me sobrara de la ejecución, me mantuve cómodamente en los 2’50, pudiendo descansar poco más de un minuto entre cada cambio, estuvo bastante cómodo, agotador pero consistente.

Me alegra poder volver al entrenamiento a primera hora de la mañana, es el momento que mejor me sienta para mantenerme activa. Antes de este descanso viajero de la rutina, solamente podía ejercitarme por la tarde, al final de la jornada de trabajo, lo que hacía que no tuviese energía suficiente y que muchas veces ni siquiera considerar ir al gimnasio. Entrenar en las tardes no es lo mío.

Pa. Ahí está mi botella de #Hive siempre acompañándome al gym. 💪🏼

Fitness tracking

Caminata por la mañanaMorning walk

19k pasos
3 plantas de escaleras

19k steps
3 flights of stairs

Gimnasio en la mañana (60 min):Morning gym session (60 min):

Calentamiento, sentadilla, sentadilla sumo, puente lumbar, puente unilateral y superman invertido.

Primer set: 500m bicicleta, 10 dominadas con trx y 10 subidas al cajón
Segundo set: 220m en máquina de remo, 10 flexiones con goma y 10 peso muerto.


Warm-up, squat, sumo squat, lumbar bridge, unilateral bridge and inverted superman.

First set: 500m on bike, 10 pull-ups with trx and 10 Box Step Up
Second set: 220m on rowing machine, 10 push-ups with rubber band and 10 dead lifts.


Costumbres mejorablesHabits for improvement

6/8 horas de sueño
2/3 litros de agua
13/16 h fst.

6/8 hours of sleep
2/3 liters of water
13/16 fst.

At the end of the training, I decided to start writing this blog while I was walking home. Although I usually publish my content in the evenings, I try to write in the morning, it's easier and the ideas come to me clearer. So I stopped when I realized that I hadn't taken many pictures to illustrate my morning, so I decided to take the first images that accompany this post.

The brief visit to the supermarket was not only to see the beers getting ready to stock up for the upcoming Pilar festivities, but also to have a post-workout drink. I hadn't been in a Carrefour for a long time and I was surprised to see many new protein drinks that were super attractive to the eye, but in the end they were all full of sugar and unnecessary additives, so I was left with a recurring option in my day to day life, kefir.

What I had thought for today's post, was actually to share my activity summary of yesterday, because it's been a while since I had done more than 20k steps, yesterday I did it and I was very happy, but I had already worked a lot in the previous post. Today's activity is not bad at all, a little higher than average for the whole month, but it's just that yesterday it had been more hahaha I know that's not the most important thing and that today I was also able to move quite a lot, but yesterday I was very excited. I will have to keep waking up earlier, even on days when it is not necessary, but I don't know if I really want to do that haha I will have to wait until the next report.


Al final del entrenamiento, aproveché el recorrido que tengo caminando a casa para comenzar a escribir este blog. A pesar de que normalmente públicos mi contenido por las noches, intento escribir en la mañana, pero s más fácil y las ideas se me presentan más claras. Por lo que me detuve al darme cuenta que no había hecho muchas fotos para ilustrar mi mañana, entonces decidí tomar las primeras imágenes que acompañan este post.

La breve visita al supermercado no fue solo para ver las cervezas preparándose para abastecernos en las próximas fiestas del Pilar, si no para tomarme algo después del entrenamiento. Hace mucho que no entraba a un Carrefour y me sorprendió ver muchas nuevas bebidas proteicas y súper atractivas a la vista, pero al final estaban todas llenar de azúcar y aditivos innecesarios, así que me quede con una opción recurrente en mi día a día, el kéfir.

Lo que había pensado para el post de hoy, era realmente compartir mi resumen de actividad del día de ayer, porque hace tiempo que no hacía más de 20k pasos, ayer lo hice y me alegró mucho, pero ya había avanzado mucho en el post anterior. La actividad de hoy no está nada mal, un poco más alta de la media en todo el mes, pero es que ayer había sido más jajaja sé que eso no es lo más importante y que hoy también pude moverme bastante, pero ayer estaba muy ilusionada. Tendré que seguir despertando más temprano, incluso los días que no sea imprescindible, pero no sé si realmente quiera hacerlo jaja habrá que esperar hasta el próximo reporte.

Thanks for dropping by!

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Photo credits: All of the photos in this post were taken by me, with my iPhone 11, and belong to me.

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Daily Activity, Gym, Walking


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I could never master the skateboard either! But hey, if anyone knows their stuff in this field, it's @knowhow92 . Sooo maybe you walking randomly to that skate park is your sign from the universe to try? :D


Hahaha that universe wanting me to fracture! XD I think one is usually full of a lot of fear, but maybe I'll give it a try. But hey, I want to know more about that skateboarding past of yours!


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I always wanted to be a skatergirl and master the skateboard but never tried reslly. I do master snowboard and wakeboard but there its not that hard to get hurt I feel. Skateboard seems more risky to me 🫣 maybe you also start in the water or snow first to get s feeling 😜


I think part of what I find appealing is that risk hahaha but at the moment it's been a fiction in my head. Wow, I'm not surprised you've done all those things, why have normal hobbies if you can snowboard x'D.


You are full of surprises @ninaeatshere. So you do like taking a risk sometimes 😄 what is holding you back then?
You would be surprised but snowboard is pretty normal growing up in the alps of Germany :D Everybody learns ski and snowboard once they know how to walk straight 😀😀


Oh wow 20k steps- you are very active! That is a lot! Your had must have been really full to go that far and clear it all. Looks like the surroundings are quite nice for walks like that 💪☀️


I try to maintain an average of 17k. Now that the weather is better I think I will be able to maintain it, in summer I stop doing it because even the mornings are suffocating, it is to compensate for so many hours of work sitting, human things!


That is a lot!! My humans only have an average of 10K. Of course I do have more because my steps are way smaller and I love to run 😀😀 why is it hard in summer?? for me autumn and spring are the best!!! not too hot, not too icy. 😎☀️ and a lot of beautiful colours, animals and sounds around. - yeah, I don´t understand humans - how can they sit all day????


I still insist, it's never too late! And you know what? The part I enjoy most about skateboarding is not tricks, but just riding! Wind blowing on my face as I get more speed, feels damn good hehe!


Well, when reading you makes me want to do it even more hahaha how nice when someone talks to you sincerely about something they are passionate about. I honestly don't know if I'll be up for it soon, but I'll stop by the community to get some inspiration hahaha.


Haha! I don't often see people do such a comprehensive post on a actifit, you're probably the second that I can remember 😉


Then you have to tell me who that other someone is because we need to be friends! XD
I’m having such a great time following @elchapito adventures. 🐶


This is a very cool circuit workout setup!


It is! But today's was worse. Leg workout, a classic hahaha. I am trying to stay active!


I hate leg workouts like deadlifts, front squats, and assault bikes. Basically, anything that requires pushing with legs :-S


Hahaha well that's what my day after was all about, all that stuff you don't like, and not just you but almost all of us hahaha although I think I prefer that pain to the one that remains after running for a long time!
