[ESP/ENG] Aspectos Psicológicos Que Desarrollan Nuestros Hijos Al Practicar Un Deporte // Psychological Aspects That Our Children Develop While Playing a Sport
[ESP/ENG] Aspectos Psicológicos Que Desarrollan Nuestros Hijos Al Practicar Un Deporte // Psychological Aspects That Our Children Develop While Playing a Sport

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Es allí donde llevamos a nuestros hijos a practicar un deporte, en algunos casos por bienestar físico y en otros llega a convertirse en parte de su vida al ser practicado en alto rendimiento.
La práctica de alguna actividad física contribuye a que haya un beneficio a la psique cuando somos capaces de liberar y drenar muchas emociones, nuestros pensamientos son más optimistas y nos volvemos más resilientes.
Hello my hivelovers, as fathers and mothers we look for our children to develop in an integral way and we encourage them to carry out activities that benefit them in all areas of their lives.
This is where we take our children to practice a sport, in some cases for physical well-being and in others it becomes part of their life when practiced in high performance.
The practice of some physical activity contributes to a benefit to the psyche when we are able to release and drain many emotions, our thoughts are more optimistic and we become more resilient.

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Sin embargo, desde el punto de vista psicológico la práctica de un deporte plantea una serie de aspectos a ser beneficiados:
- El autocontrol: A través del deporte el niño aprende a tener disciplina, rutinas, a manejar el estrés, tener paciencia y controlar sus impulsos.
- Seguridad y autoconfianza: Nuestros hijos adquieren seguridad al saber cuáles son sus capacidades y lo que pueden lograr dentro del deporte.
In the case of our children, it is of utmost importance that they do some physical activity because it contributes to their gross motor skills, cognitive development, prevents obesity, promotes growth, improves their endurance, respiratory capacity and activation levels.
However, from the psychological point of view, the practice of a sport poses a series of aspects to be benefited:
- Self-control: Through sport the child learns discipline, routines, stress management, patience and impulse control.
- Security and self-confidence: Our children acquire security by knowing what their capabilities are and what they can achieve in sports.

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- Manejo de Emociones: Un niño atleta, es capaz de identificar sus emociones , manejarlas y ponerlas a su favor para lograr su objetivo deportivo
- Establecimiento de Objetivos: Los niños cuando practican un deporte se enfocan hacia el logro de metas, que van desde su superación personal hasta la demostración ante otros de sus capacidades.
- Desarrollo de Habilidades Sociales: Al poder compartir con otros niños tanto de su disciplina y de su escuela deportiva como de otras.
- Resiliencia: el infante aprende a superar los obstáculos y las situaciones adversas logrando salir airosos de estas
- Decision Making: Infants who practice a sport learn to see the options they have in the sport space and to take the alternatives they consider best at the moment.
- Emotion Management: A child athlete is able to identify their emotions, manage them and put them in their favor to achieve their sporting goal.
- Goal Setting: Children when practicing a sport are focused on achieving goals, ranging from self-improvement to demonstrating their abilities to others.
- Development of Social Skills: By being able to share with other children from both their discipline and their sports school as well as others.
- Resilience: the child learns to overcome obstacles and adverse situations and to come out of them with flying colors.

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- Motivación: Los niños se convierten en agentes motivadores tanto de si mismos como de sus compañeros.
- Liderazgo: Cuando un niño practica un deporte sus habilidades de liderazgo se desarrollan, siendo capaz de influir en sus compañeros y de plantear las estrategias de juego mas acertadas.
- Capacidad de Superación: El infante busca constantemente superar sus marcas y registros, aprender mejor las técnicas y en si mejorar continuamente.
- Empathy: Our children learn to put themselves in the place of others, to consider that others are fearful or nervous in competition.
- Motivation: Children become motivating agents for both themselves and their peers.
- Leadership: When a child practices a sport their leadership skills develop, being able to influence their teammates and to raise the most successful game strategies.
- Ability to excel: The infant constantly seeks to surpass their marks and records, learn better techniques and continuously improve.

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- Diversión: Los niños ven el deporte con entusiasmo y pasión, como el gran juego que siempre han de disfrutar.
- Tolerancia a la frustración: En el momento de la derrota, el practicar un deporte les permite poder aprender y manejar los resultados negativos, sobrellevarlos y ver las lecciones de aprendizaje que les ofrecen.
- Competitiveness: The athlete who from childhood is immersed in sports practice, learns to handle the competitive factor, to face challenges and challenges.
- Fun: Children see sports with enthusiasm and passion, as a great game that they will always enjoy.
- Tolerance to frustration: In the moment of defeat, practicing a sport allows them to learn and manage negative results, cope with them and see the learning lessons they offer.

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Han adquirido una perspectiva mucho mayor que los que no se encuentran en el mundo deportivo, sus objetivos son claros, sus expectativas de vida son mayores y apuestan a sus capacidades para su futuro.
Así que como madre, les recomiendo que estimulen a sus hijos a practicar algún deporte y les apoyen en la continuidad de la actividad física en sus vidas.
- Since I have had the experience of being closer and living with high performance children and teenage athletes, I have been able to see the vision they have, they are people who at their young age already know where they are going and what they want to achieve.
They have acquired a much greater perspective than those who are not in the sports world, their goals are clear, their life expectations are greater and they are betting on their abilities for their future.
So as a mother, I recommend that you encourage your children to practice sports and support them in the continuity of physical activity in their lives.
I hope you liked this post and that we remember that in the process of providing our children with different options for a more comprehensive development in their lives, sports are of vital importance.
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The separators have been designed by me, using power point.
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