Skatelife for live !!


Hello family!!

I came here to share with you a little bit of my busy life here in the northern part of São Paulo

Salve familia !!

Vim aqui compartilhar com vcs um pouco da minha correria aqui pela zona norte de São Paulo


I was a little away because I didn't have my cell phone, unfortunately it broke and without a cell phone nowadays you can't do anything, but now we have a place in the area where we can make our posts and update our content more frequently, thanks to Delei and the family @blessskateshop

Eu estava um pouco afastado pois fiquei sem meu celular , infelizmente le quebrou e sem celular hoje em dia não da pra fazer nada porém agora nós temos um lugar na zn aonde a gente pode fazer nossas postagens e atualizar nosso conteudo com mais frequencia , graças ao Delei e a familia @blessskateshop


On March 20th, my friend Rafael registered this for me at Sopa Santana District. The day was great. I'm posting it from Skateshop Bless. This is a great place where the family is always together. There's a lot of skateboarding here. There are lots of experiences and reviews. We're recording the Bless video, which will be up soon.

Dia 20 de marco meu amigo rafael regristo essa pra mim no sopa santana destrict o dia tava nipe estou postando daqui da skateshop bless aqui e um bom lugar onde a familia esta sempre reunida muito skate por aqui muitas vivencia e resenha estamos gravando para o video da bless em breve estara no ar


In the last few days we have been busy because we are filming for a future project, together with the guys from the north zone and, during this process I want to share this process with you, these days have been great, lots of sun, lots of skateboarding, the whole family together and united the way it should be.


Nos ultimos dias estamos andando empenhados pois estamos filmando para um futuro projeto , junto com a rapaziada da zona norte e , durante este processo quero compartilhar com vcs este processo , este dias tem sido da hora , muito sol muito skate familia toda reunida e unida do jeito que tem que ser





Nós também estamos aprendendo mais sobre a skatehive e a nouns e criptomoeda , e a importancia da gente se organizar e trabalhar como uma comunidade e poder evoluir com a tecnolgia da web3 , que com certeza vai revolucionar a forma como as pessoas vivem a vida delas , poder andar de skate , e ainda receber recompensa de outros skatistas e uma coisa muito gratificante e legal demais !!

Estamos apredendo isso tudo na @blessskateshop semanalmente com nosso mano e nosso incentivador Delei e acreditamos muito neste trabalho e nesta direção que iremos seguir
Muito obrigado pela oporrunidade familia

We are also learning more about the skatehive and nouns and cryptocurrency, and the importance of organizing and working as a community and being able to evolve with web3 technology, which will certainly revolutionize the way people live their lives. Being able to skate and still receive rewards from other skaters is a very rewarding and cool thing!!

We are learning all of this at @blessskateshop every week with our brother and supporter Delei, and we really believe in this work and in this direction that we will follow.
Thank you very much for the opportunity family


Bzzzrrr, Nickyjoeyzn! That skatelife energy is infectious! Congrats on setting up a spot for updates and content at @blessskateshop. Shreddin' the gnar and reppin' SkateHive - that's the way to stay stoked and supportive of the community! Keep it radical, brah!



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any questions you have about how to use Hive and skatehive just ask them in teh FEED or in the discord yo! there are other hive front ends too that are more stable like thats cool there is a full length Bless video coming out, ill def make an effort to watch that
