Are there any tough football players left?
I keep seeing articles about Neymar popping up on my feed which drives me crazy. In my opinion he is nothing but a cheating little rat I wouldn't let near a team. I just feel that his attitude is one of the most poisonous that I have ever seen on the pitch. There is no doubt that he has a lot of talent with the ball but that is offset by the amount of time he spends diving, crying, cheating and destroying everything that is good about the game.
When I started watching football it was in the era of Roy Keane, Viera, Shearer tough, tough players that backed down from nobody.
Did they cross over the line?
Yes from time to time they did in pursuit of glory. They did it on behalf of their team and the game. They were tough players with a winning attitude. This is in comparison to the likes of Vinnie Jones who was just a lunatic on the pitch.
Good tough
Bad tough
Even watching this video of his shit makes me want to get a big stick and beat him every time he dives or takes the piss. I know there are so many cameras now that players have to be careful but it's a pity he never played against the proper footballers above. They wouldn't have taken that crap on the pitch. I'm trying to think but there are very few proper tough solid players left in the game.
Any spring to mind?

You just said what i have been feeling even before he left Barcelona, we need players that can stand against him fiercely, His cheat is second to none but then he is also affecting his own career someway.
I hope he learns in order not to continue killing his talent and career
I get annoyed just seeing him on the pitch. It's just such a terrible attitude to have and he has so much skill if he took on the game properly. It's seems as if him team is even getting sick of him at this stage with PSG looking to get rid and Barcelona not wanting him back.
There are still some tough guys today. Though not like the age and time of gattuso but people lile sergio ramos, pepe, balotelli can be considered as one also.
I do like Ramos. I think he is a great player with a winners attitude. He doesn't care about anyone else, just gets the job done.
Yea. That is one of the most important reason i get to love him for that
The voice-over on 'Good Tough' is flipping horrible!
Fernandinho does a job at City, but I can't think of a single player who would get onto that top 10 list.
Neymar is a joke, such a talent but a total cheat as well - more the 2nd word in recent times too.
A lot of it comes down to refereeing as well but there can still be tough and fair. If you watch the vinnie jones one his tackles are outrageous and a lot of them didn't even get a booking.
Yes I think that's part of it these days. Vinnie would never finish a game!
I wouldn't be worth putting him on the pitch theses days. Also side note. Is there a discord for sportstalk or the mods. I don't know if patrick has plans on regulating the place but we might need something as there is a lot of what we don't want to see kicking up.
Yeah, he could never play the game anyway.
Hate neymar myself. I think Costa is still a tough nut. Woule not like to mark him. He would break your nose with an elbow. Bought up in the streets of Brazil . It was more of a street fight that a game. JOhn Terry used to speak about how savage he was in training. Real handful. But maybe this is just shithousery. The centrel midfield tough nut is dead and gone
Costa was a tinker altogether. I'd hate to mark the like of him. He's more along the vinnie jones line i think.
A tinker 😂😂
Oh Vinnie Jones, I would love to put him on a pitch with Neymar for 5 minutes. That's all it would take to tame little Neymar. He would be screaming after his mama... lol
I'd pay to watch that match. Much better than most of the matches on tv. Vinnie would go straight through him in the first minute.
Hell yeah, I would even pay a lot!
You're absolutely right, I hate players like Neymar, but also others like Balottelli, little spoiled kids, God gave a great gift they don't deserve ... Ince, Gattuso, Keane, Almeyda, Simeone, football is a tough game, a physical gico! When I think how much money I earn, I get angry
Exactly and all the money comes from the fans to give them millions. Tickets are crazy and the sports channels keep jumping in price to cover this as well. No player is worth what they are getting payed every year. A proper wage fair enough but 500k a week?? I do miss those players.
Imagine that last year every Juventus match cost 100 euros a ticket, to see a disappointing show, fortunately they kicked Allegri!
In Belgium we still have Jelle van Damme. Though to the bone. Not afraid to take you down with the only intention to hurt you!
But maybe Messi is also thougher then we do think. How many times he is fouled in a game and he rarely complains. Just stands up and continues!
Never heard that name before. I can agree with on messi as well. While Barcelona do chase the referee in general messi takes a lot of punishment out there and always gets back up. There are plenty ways to be tough.
Well just saw that video and when it was about to get tough something cool happened i can't even laugh hahah damn thanks for sharing some videos
Roy Keane and P Viera that was a good battle. Further you go back rougher they were. Nowadays it's has become a non contact sport. Money has taken over and football just ain't the same shame but it is what it is
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It's true :)