Fitness: 1st September 2023 + A Did You Know Fitness Question


Good Morning

I mentioned yesterday that I would be trying out Ho’oponopono on my ankle pain and I did. It was such a good experience focusing on guilt and rigidity. It took some time, but my pain seemed to subside. As of today, the pain is slightly there, but not as much as yesterday. Imagine that, without even using medication, we can treat our physical ailments. Isn’t that something?

Although I got up as early as 3:30 a.m. today, I planned to give my left ankle another day of rest. So, I did not go out for the run. I got meditating first thing in the morning, and that's after two days. Around 6 a.m. I was ready for my physical activities.

So, what did I do today?


Since weight and stamina exercise is what I was planning to do, I focused on my lower back and abs. Why lower back? Well, that’s one of the strength parts that I need for marathons. Talking about marathons, I registered for the Mumbai Half-Marathon early next year. Well, the training starts now, and the lower back exercise is just for that. It kind of augments the actual runs. I went on longer with my back exercise than I would normally do, and I was quite happy and impressed with myself. That’s a pat on my back, I guess.

Early morning, a few things came to mind that I had to tap off using Ho’oponopono and I would be winding up my morning schedule, again with Ho’oponopono. That’s called coming full circle. I mean, my example of the effectiveness of the tool in handling physical pain is loud and clear for everyone. So, why not try it out?

Here is my write-up on the topic for those wanting to know more about Ho'oponopono.

What Is Ho'oponopono? | The Hawaiian Healing Technique

Have fun reading and practicing.

Anyway, that's it from me for now. I will see you all tomorrow.




Did You Know?

About a year back, I had written about the abdominal plank record belonging to George Hood of the USA. The timing was an impressive and astounding 8 hours 15 minutes and 15 seconds. What is even more astounding is that this is not the record anymore.

Daniel Scali of Australia is the new abdominal plank record holder. Daniel stayed in the plank position for 9 hours 30 minutes and 1 second. That’s more than an hour over the previous record.

Both George and Daniel are people to look up to, as George was 62 years old when he made his record, while Daniel has Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), leaving his left arm in constant pain!




Image Courtesy: Geralt @Pixabay


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