How to build a good team in Rabona? [ESP-ENG]
Hola a todos mis lectores y bienvenidos a un nuevo post sobre Rabona, este juego en Hive donde nos hacemos cargo de nuestro propio equipo de futbol, en este post hable sobre como planear una temporada, y en este otro hable sobre la utilidad de los edificios y gracias a realizar ese análisis pude entender muchas cosas que me sirvieron para que mi equipo avanzara de liga terminando primero.
Antes que nada, la temporada anterior obtuve recompensas por 0.134 Hives de acuerdo a mi desempeño de la temporada asi que nueva inyeccion de RBN para la cuenta de GameOver FC
A pesar de que eso esta muy bien, cometí varios errores y el mas grande de todos fue no medir la masa salarial de mi equipo y tal cual si fuera el FC Barcelona termine gastando mas RBN en salarios de lo que ingresaba mi equipo asi que es momento de reparar eso. ¿como? ¡En este post te lo voy a explicar!
Hello and greatings to all my readers and welcome again to a new post about Rabona, this game in Hive where we take charge of our own soccer team, in this post I talked about how to plan a season, and in this one I talked about the usefulness of the buildings and thanks to this analysis I could understand many things that helped me to make my team advance in the league finishing first.
But before I continue talking about this subject, I have to say last season I got rewards for 0.134 Hives according to my season performance so new injection of RBN for the GameOver FC account.
Although this is very good, I made several mistakes and the biggest of all was not measuring the salary mass of my team and just as if I were FC Barcelona I ended up spending more RBN in salaries than my team was earning, so it's time to fix that. How? In this post I'll explain it to you!
¿Cómo armar un buen equipo en Rabona?
Lo primero que tenemos que tener claro siempre es que tu no estas gestando solamente a un equipo si no a toda una entidad, eso quiere decir que la economia del club depende de tus decisiones y debes tomartelo en serio, si vas a invertir en un proyecto deportivo que solo te genera perdidas vas a terminar o por abandonarlo, o en bancarrota. No caigas en eso.
Lo primero que tienes que hacer es asegurar tus finanzas, para ello debes saber cuanto dinero ingresa a tu equipo (Pestaña My Team > Finances):
How to build a good team in Rabona?
The first thing we must always be clear is that you are not only managing a team but a whole entity, that means that the economy of the club depends on your decisions and you must take it seriously, if you are going to invest in a sports project that only generates losses you will end up either abandoning it or going bankrupt. Don't fall into that.
The first thing you have to do is to secure your finances, for that you must know how much money is coming into your team (tab My Team > Finances):
Como puedes ver en esa imagen de arriba, estoy perdiendo 579,166 RBN esta temporada y apenas llevo 3 partidos jugados, una locura total. ¿Y lo peor de todo? esto:
- Player Salary: 414,647 RBN.
casi el 90% de mis perdidas viene de un salario exageradamente alto de mis jugadores, asi que es hora de arreglar eso.
1. Utilizar el Scout.
No le daba mucha importancia hasta que entendi que el Scout te puede traer verdaderas joyas por muy poco dinero (salario de 400 RBN por jugador) y si haces los calculos, por la cantidad de dinero que he gastado hasta ahora en fichajes podria utilizar al scout 20 veces. Eso fue lo que hice y de 2o usos, 12 fueron jugadores que firme para mi equipo, asi que me dio un balance favorable de uso, mi Ratio de eficiencia actual es 42%, por cierto.
Un problema aqui es que el OVR de los jugadores que trae el Scout son claramente mas bajos que los de mi equipo, por lo que en calidad va a bajar un par de escalones y eso se va a notar bastante, incluso puede que termine descendiendo pero con los entrenamientos estos jugadores pueden ir mejorando cada vez mas y asi ir armando una buena plantilla organica y barata. Ademas el edificio del Scout sigue mejorandose cada vez que puedo para que me traiga mejores jugadores.
As you can see in that image above, I'm losing 579,166 RBN this season and I've only played 3 games, total madness. And the worst of it all? this:
- Player Salary: 414,647 RBN.
almost 90% of my losses come from an exaggeratedly high salary of my players, so it's time to fix that.
1. Use the Scout.
I didn't think much of it real utility until I realized that scouting can bring you real young gems for very little money in salary (400 RBN salary per player) and if you do the math with my incomes and costs, for the amount of money I have spent so far on signings I could use scouting 20 times. That's what I did and out of 2o uses, 12 were players I signed for my team, so it gave me a favorable balance of usage, my current Efficiency Ratio is 42%, by the way.
One problem about build your team by this way is that the OVR of the players that Scout brings are clearly lower than those of my team from 55-65 to 45-55, so the quality will go down a couple of steps and that will be quite noticeable, maybe even end up dropping but with training these players can get better and better and thus be putting together a good organic and cheap squad. Also the Scout's building keeps improving every time I can to bring me better young players to hire.
2. Cancelar contratos que no puedes pagar.
Quizas duele un poco desprenderse de nuestros jugadores favoritos pero hay que hacerlo, este ejemplo de abajo era un jugador de 25 años que cobraba 14,593 RBN por partido lo cual es demasiado considerando mis ingresos. Despues de desprenderme de los jugadores que cobraban mucho en mi equipo reduje la masa salarial en mas del 50% terminando en 81,896 RBN por partido y todavia me faltan 9 jugadores por cambiar, pero para ello quiero esperar que el edificio de mi Scout suba de nivel y me traiga mejores jugadores. De igual forma los he puesto a todos en venta a precios 25% por debajo del minimo buscando salir de ellos rapido y con alguna ganancia.
2. Cancel contracts you can't afford.
Maybe this point will hurt a bit to let go of our favorite players off from our team but it has to be done for the good economy of the club, this example below was a 25 year old player who was paid 14,593 RBN per game which is really too much considering my actual incomes. After getting rid of the high paid players in my team I reduced the wage bill by more than 50% ending up at 81,896 RBN per game and I still have 9 players left to trade for young scout player, but for that I want to wait for my scout building to level up and bring me better players. I have also put them all on sale at prices 25% below the minimum looking to get out of them quickly and with some profit.
3. Mantente atento al Mercado y a los Jugadores Libres.
Esta opcion si bien no rara vez te va a traer jugadores con salarios de 400 RBN, si tiene a veces ciertas ofertas muy buenas que te pueden ayudar muchisimo en tu equipo, como este ejemplo de abajo, un delantero de 22 años con un OVR de 54 y con un salario de 1,442 RBN por partido. Por eso es importante estar echandole un ojo cada vez que se pueda.
3. Keep an eye on the Market and Free Players.
Mean while this option will rarely or almost never bring you players with salaries of 400 RBN, it sometimes has some very good offers that can help you a lot in your team, like this example below, a Chinese 22 year old striker with an OVR of 54 and a salary of 1,442 RBN per game. That's why it's important to keep an eye on it whenever possible.
4. Usa sabiamente el: Cambiar Tipo de Jugador.
4. Use wisely the: Change Player Type.
Ve al jugador que resalte en la imagen de arriba, es un delantero que tiene un OVR de 48 pero estudiando sus estadisticas me di cuenta de que le puedo sacar mucho provecho en otra posicion y para eso existe la opcion de Cambiar Tipo de Jugador.
Por 2.5M de RBN puedes cambiar la posicion principal del jugador y este en especifico me arrojaria los siguientes resultados si lo cambiara:
- Portero: New Overall Strength (OS): 25
- Defensa: New Overall Strength (OS): 52
- Mediocampo: New Overall Strength (OS): 50
- Atacante: New Overall Strength (OS): 48
es decir que puedo sacarle 4 puntos de OVR convirtiendolo en un defensor, y permitiendole desarrollarse mejor y aprovechar mucho mas sus estadisticas. Estudia a tus jugadores a fondo para que logres encontrar entre ellos a las proximas estrellas mundiales.
Watch out the player that I highlighted in the image above, Lucas Afonso, he is a striker that has an OVR of 48 but studying his stats I realized that I can get a lot of profit in another position and for that there is the option to Change Player Type.
For 2.5M RBN you can change the main position (Attacker) of the player for another one you choose and this specific player would give me the following results if I change him:
- Goalkeeper: New Overall Strength (OS): 25
- Defense: New Overall Strength (OS): 52
- Midfield: New Overall Strength (OS): 50
- Attacker: New Overall Strength (OS): 48
that is to say that I can take 4 points of OVR out of him by turning him into a defender, and allowing him to develop better and take advantage of his stats much more. Study your players thoroughly so that you can find among them the next world stars.
¿Quieres ser mi referido? ¡Vamos a llegar a la cima juntos!
Algo muy bueno de este juego es su sistema de referidos, solo con hacer click aquí y registrarte usando tu cuenta de Hive ambos ganaremos RBN y si sigues jugando por lo menos 2 semanas recibirás más RBN, perfecto para que empieces tu juego con todo y empieces a manejar tu equipo. Otra cosa genial es que puedes escribir contenido en Hive sobre el juego ya que Rabona ahora tiene su propio programa de curation, así que puedes usar esas recompensas como inversión para tu equipo. ¿No es emocionante? ¡Únete a nosotros!
Do you want to be my referral? let's go to the top together!
Something very good about this game is its referral system, just by clicking here and registering using your Hive account we will both earn RBN and if you keep playing for at least 2 weeks you will receive more RBN, perfect for you to start your game with everything and start managing your team. Another great thing is that you can write content on Hive about the game because Rabona now has its own curation program for this posts, so you can use those rewards as an investment for your team. Isn't that exciting? Join us!

Notice many "new users" on Hive? Not many, like this place is a disease. No outside communities bringing in new comers. No other sites having many links or no links to any articles from Hive on sites that show professional interests they view as noteworthy to a profession or hobby. Hive articeles are rare on Wouldnt people post on with links to their articles attracting their own new following and groups? No crypto forums acknowledge Hive exists as a place to be either. Ever seen a person asking for support show a way to give support with HIVE listed as a supporting wallet address? Is there a world address on Hive for countries made more unfortunate because of Hive? Would a large Hive holder or large earner of Hive donate a LARGE amount of Hive to help support Ukraine? What? Support something thing that could attract unwanted media attention? Nothing to see here......I dont get out much though.
People are hiding exposure to Hive. People either play dumb, could be scared or intimidated, mislead or dont beilieve it. Maybe just not electronically cultured enough to know. Who knows. Its mostly fake with fake attention paid for by people with ill intentions as many do gloating in their own groups special mindset. Such a small town here to support this kind of high pay. Who is buying Hive tokens with no notable new user base coming in? People trying to buy this place as a grooming ground on the sly. Articles that arent in the interests of their own goals and views dont get much attention. I dont see many high paid articles I would put on a real news sites or link to as noteworthy. Be part of one of their groups and they groom you. They buy comment and article writers in ways that keep their lies hidden. Here to take our FREEDOMS completely in treason as the sacks of shit they are.
Most interest groups and businesses have discord rooms on the side because they wont talk here or more able to teach views there to shill out of public view. They can do odd stuff to you in discord rooms they cant do here. I’ve seen people get mugged and shaken down in discords, be careful while visiting new discords, even if they are a business. They shut down the discord room along with all of the evidence of their crimes the group around @fyrstikken and his discord server @steemspeak. They also hide behind skirts there while on the creep like they do in the new ones they are in.
The operators doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved in the same discord groups around @fyrstikken and friends. Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. Shes in some groups with seemingly detached characters that dont even acknowledge the others in the group, looking oddly staged. She starts projects and does nothing with it or the delegations after its used to sway people. Like @steempowertwins does<------fake along with her @teamgood <------fake. No substance in her comments and has a following that adores her for what? Life coach she is not nor is she insightful with any meaningful skills to follow. Ruler of pixie dust maybe? I would like for someone to show me but probably wont out fear maybe? @fyrstikken groups around him down voted me into censored and not viewable on my accounts as soon I told what they were doing.
I cant prove @battleaxe is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing V2K because she cant and could care less. I guarantee she knows this is going around and still wont prove it because she cant. Many of us here can prove what they have been doing to survive the past 5 years. What does she live off of? It definitely isnt in public view here.
I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have been trying to kill me using RNM with applied V2K mental games while revealing as many accessories to the crime as they can. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. Pretty serious accusations to just blow off and leave the crypto community hanging in fear of this danger.
They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome. They should start by looking at the communications between the top witnesses of Hive and the connection to @fyrstikken groups. Google his fucking name and see where his other interests lie around at least once maybe? The connections between @fyrstikken groups and all the exchanges built for Hive? Bet that would reveal some crazy ball less nutty shit. Homeland security should start preparing for their own incarcerations seeing how sloppy this was done. Patriot act my ass. Think we are really fools? Bad position your not getting out of. Dont be last to blow the whistle. Who will protect you?
People in and around @fyrstikkens groups are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 long torturing years and counting. That is a long time to wait for someone to die.
What would you say while having a gun pointed at your head from an undisclosed location? Have people find it? My hands are tied while they play like children with a gun to my head. Its a terrorist act on American soil while some yawn and say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and why nothing is being done. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control that have ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers prevented from telling the truth from being treated as criminals? Not to mention civilians we let our leaders treat the same way.
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Great tips and I learned something new - I didn't know until now that you can change a player role on the field. Amazing!
That's right, sometimes there are players in your team that will shine much more in another role, to get to this option in you must go to the Team tab, then choose the player you want to change and in his profile you will see the option:
In V2 you go to My Team then Players but scroll to the right until you see this one:
Glad it helped you!
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Thanks for all of your suggestions, this will be my problem when season 71 ends, I have 5 players with a contract duration of 1, if I renew all of that, I know I can't afford it. I will use some of your tips above.
That's right, I have updated almost all my squad and even though my players have less OVR my winning percentage has improved (not an investment advice XD) I think it is necessary to have a healthy economy, and of course, focus on raising the academy for those young promises to be better and better.
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Thanks for making a great Rabona guide!
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