hi everyone on the sportstalk platform ,it's look like everybody give up on the platform because sportstalk going down more everyday , no effort from no one on the platform to bring the platform back ,my question where are the sportstalk referee because the referee help a lot,we need some referee to help fixe the platform because its a good platform .
Almost all steem-engine tokens are down and FYI is a new year and thinks are still kinda tight just enjoy posting and reading contents from your favorite authors and price will bounce back when u least expect
You should stay silent as you're the biggest cheater here.
thank you because you sell to make money i never sell ,you don't need to silence because you already get all your investment back by sell to kill the platform.
You never sell, huh?
Check your wallet
i spend $1300 us in the sportstalk i don't even get nothing back i use to buy when the price was 0.00090 ok
i have money to pay my credit card off i invest the money in sportstalk never get none back now i have to find another way to pay my credit card .
Next time you are accusing someone, make sure you have the facts right. You're a cheater and a liar.
but you sell more than everyone i don't accuse no one because i know the words of God .
Can you prove what you are saying? And leave God out of this.
God in all his children business because the little God give us to survive you guy's bring platform make invest and make us think we are gonna gain some but it's a lie ,you guy's full your pocket leave people with empty pocket unfair business like hextracoin ,bitconnect
You have zero idea about the platform. Your only goal is to cheat and when you're caught you bring in God and blame everyone. No one has promised anything, you have fooled yourself believing the platform is a milking cow and you can make money breaking all the rules.
I advise you to drop these actions and if you want to stay on Sportstalk, start posting sport content, otherwise you'll be banned. This matter is closed.