Repairing the football field

Hi sports lovers. I hope you are healthy and successful always.

The attitude of gotong royong should be owned by all levels of society around the world. The awareness of each element and element in implementing mutual cooperation behavior will strengthen brotherly relations.
Mutual cooperation activities are able to make the community more compact and also get to know each other better. By working together we can help each other, for example when we want to build a house, work on the fields, help neighbors who are grieving, to work hand in hand to build a football field in the village we love.

Working together to repair the soccer field is the atmosphere in our village today, Sunday 7 August 2022. The activity was led directly by the youth leader of Teungoh village, Syamtalira Aron. North Aceh was attended by almost all youth and village officials who were very enthusiastic and seemed very happy here.

Actually this football field has long been abandoned, but the people here today are making improvements so that they can be used again. Because it could be said that the condition was not suitable for use, this was marked by the presence of several puddle holes in the middle of the field and bushes growing around it.

Soccer field repair activities have been planned for a long time, but are always constrained by costs and waiting for the right time. In the event, village youth leaders expressed their appreciation to the benefactors who had supported and participated and provided assistance so that the field could be utilized.
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As described in my previous post, football is one of the most popular sports in all walks of life. Starting from the level of children to adults, sometimes there are also elderly people to just fill their spare time or interlude to maintain physical and spiritual health and fitness.

By @latifah1
