My Actifit Report Card: May 29 2022


Short on my writing goals today, but I’m not going to be too upset about that because it was Sunday.

I’m feeling better health-wise, though I’m back on not really getting as much physical activity as I ought. Sorted out prescription stuff–it turns out that somehow they had my old information, which obviously no longer works because I haven’t had that coverage in years.

Unfortunately, I still can’t get the prescriptions, so I need to call the doctor’s office tomorrow and see what they recommend. I’m thinking that it’s probably best to just keep going with what I’m currently on since I’ve been feeling some incremental improvements and I’m willing to give it a couple months while I try to sort out things.

I did finish another game today, Out of Business which is perhaps better described as a group storytelling exercise.

Not a lot of progress on the multi-day games, but I think I’m within a day’s thrust for the Breathless one I’ve been working on assuming nothing crazy happens tomorrow.

I’ve been paying attention to the rumblings in the Libertarian Party over the weekend. There have been some major changes in the party structure, with the Mises Caucus, an Austro-libertarian faction taking over most of the party positions (between their own candidates and candidates they favored). Since my own leanings are toward Rothbardian Austro-libertarianism, I consider this a good thing overall.

This is good, generally, because the Libertarian Party has been a joke. The two failures have sort of been a mix of milquetoast mediocrity and an oppression complex.

The Mises Caucus is much more radical and much more principled than the traditional core of the Libertarian Party, and by the look of things they seem to be more competent. I’m nominally registered as a libertarian but not a party member, and I think the Mises Caucus is a step in the right direction.

There are a lot of people who are really upset about the fact that they’re less respectable than the traditional establishment, but the traditional establishment didn’t have anything to recommend it. I’d much rather have an offensive but principled cadre. The worst case scenario is that the MC ostracises people because it’s offensive, as opposed to the offensively mediocre establishment they’ve replaced.

The most prominent detractors sort of speak for the MC as well. They include an actual witch who tried to hex them, a likely federal agent who staged an assault (but was caught on camera sprinting toward the guy who “checked” him), and someone literally named Henchman (nominative determination much?), some combination of whom were involved in efforts to literally disenfranchise people in the name of democracy.

In short, I think it’s good news. At the very least people who are unsavory and who I don’t like are crying over the way things turned out. That’s perhaps showing a little much of the dark triad side of my personality, but I’ll accept it because there’s nothing more worthless than a libertarian who fails to oppose the state.

Also interesting were changes to the party planks. A condemnation of bigotry as “irrational and repugnant” was replaced with a statement that all peoples’ rights should be protected, and the abortion platform (which was generally pro-choice) was removed outright.

Of course, as someone who considers abortion anathema, I support this move since it’s probably the best the LP will achieve.

God is good, life is good.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

