"Favourite Five" #2 featuring Jonny Hernandez, Jordan Maxham, Elijah Akerley, Patrick 'Rocco' Rogalski, 'Uma Pacific Northwest' video
I'm such a nerd when it comes to skateboarding, a REAL NERD! I dedicate lots of hours weekly digging new skaters, watching skate videos and reading about skateboarding!
I know lots of homies don't have that much free time to do this but all of us skateboarders love watching dope videos so I'm starting "Favourite Five", a weekly blog highlighting my personal favourite five skate parts/videos that came out the past week. Ready to watch some shredding???
Jonny Hernandez "Locked In" Part
I've never heard of this guy before watching "Locked in" part and daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn this dude RIPS!
Even though he skated lots of "famous" spots he absolutely slayed them with NBD tricks and his style is just mind-blowing, everything's so clean!
Looks like this dude is skating for Primitive and I think it's not gonna be long till P-Rod turns him PRO...
Jordan Maxham - No Cure For The Sickness
Jordan has been one of my favourite skaters to watch for years now! His style, bag of tricks and spot selection is always phenomenal in every single one of his parts and "No Cure For The Sickness" is no expection.
His skating speaks for him, no need to analyze this part, just click play and enjoy Jordan's "sickness".
P.S. How the hell did he Boardslide Heelflip out on a handrail?!?!?!??
Patrick 'Rocco' Rogalski – Rille
This was one of the most beautiful parts I've seen in a good while, every single trick was so clean and the spot selection was just awesome!
Patrick is in my favourite European skaters list for years now and every part of him is a blessing from the skate gods!
Have fun watching
Elijah Akerley's "ALL GO, NO SHOW" Indy Part
You know it's gonna be good when it's an Indy part and Elijah Akerley "ALL GO, NO SHOW" part is much more than good! This guy killed it!!!!
Pure street lines, tons of speed and some unique combos are just the tip of the iceberg of what you're gonna witness in this part!
UMA Pacific Northwest - Evan Smith, Maité Steenhoudt, Roman Pabich, Cody Chapman & More
YES!!! Been waiting for some fresh UMA footage since Punch a Hole in the Sky full length and it finally happened!
Heavy crew, fun vibes, creative skateboarding and good times, that's what this UMA video is all about! Enjoy watching Evan Smith and the crew shredding the Pacific Northwest
That's it for this week everyone! Hope you enjoyed watching those parts/videos! Let me know which one was your favourite as well as link any dope skate videos you digged this week at the comments section bellow, always on the look out for new video parts/videos!
Much love and...
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