[ESP/ENG] Los Cardenales en lo más del béisbol de Venezuela. — OPINIÓN.

! [English Version]
The professional baseball season played in Venezuela has come to an end, the Cardenales de Lara were crowned champions of the LVBP on Sunday night, January 26, the red birds dominated the championship since late November, they demonstrated their strength in the field, despite starting this final in a bad way, since they lost the first two games at home, for many fans everything looked like a new defeat, In the previous season they also played in the final, but they were beaten in 5 games by the Tiburones de La Guaira, perhaps that defeat inspired the Cardinals to build a better team, and they did it, with changes of players during the dead season and others during the tournament, those movements were fundamental to achieve the title of the 2024-2025 season.

! [English Version]
Few teams have been able to recover from two defeats starting in the finals, but Lara did it and in a convincing way, since in their four successive victories they scored a total of 38 runs, and the pitching was up to the task, except for the fifth game, where they allowed 8 runs from their rival, in my opinion this transformation of the team is due to the fact that they strengthened the so important central line, that is to say, short field and second base, The reinsertion of Eduardo Garcia to the line up was fundamental in the comeback of the team, the defense of the team went from regular to wonderful in the blink of an eye, that brought as a consequence more concentration in the players and there awoke the offense, which was a real steamroller, which did not leave any chance for its rival to recover.

! [English Version]
Analyzing a little what has been this season of the Cardinals, I can say that the main factors to achieve the title were the following, first of all the total renovation of their starting lineup, it was something risky, but it was necessary, the best of all is that it worked, the second aspect that in my opinion was of vital importance, was the choice of their imported players, Rangel Ravelo, is undoubtedly one of the best run producers in the league, Last but not least, were the changes of players that the management made throughout the season, bringing Danry Vásquez gave more power to the Crepuscular offense, then Gustavo Rodríguez and Robinson Hernández arrived, which gave strength to the middle relief of the team and at the same time gave more options to the manager of the Lara team.

Ahora el reto de los Cardenales, será armar un conjunto que tenga el chance real de titularse en la Serie del Caribe, y de esta forma emular lo que hicieron los Tiburones de La Guaira en la Serie del 2024, lo bueno de haberse titulado ayer, es que tienen más días para planificar el roster de jugadores que representarán al país en la serie antes mencionada, de mi parte felicidades al campeón y a su rival, los Bravos de Margarita sin lugar a dudas están muy cerca de obtener su primer título, esta campaña fue maravillosa para esta franquicia, y para la próxima campaña serán uno de los favoritos.
Traducción de idiomas: Deepl
Revisión ortográfica: Spellboy
Portada y banners: Canva
! [English Version]
Speaking of the manager, we must highlight what Henri Blanco has done, said by the team's own players, this man has the joy of generating in his pupils an atmosphere of harmony, that in any sport is fundamental, a team where there is chemistry, the triumphs will come sooner or later, Blanco without a doubt and despite the criticism, is today, the manager with the best record in the league, three consecutive finals, and two campaigns being the owner of the first place.Now the challenge for the Cardinals will be to put together a team that has a real chance of winning the Caribbean Series, and in this way emulate what the Tiburones de La Guaira did in the Series of 2024. The good thing about yesterday's title is that they have more days to plan the roster of players that will represent the country in the aforementioned series, On my part congratulations to the champion and to their rival, the Bravos de Margarita without a doubt are very close to obtain their first title, this campaign was wonderful for this franchise, and for the next campaign they will be one of the favorites.
Language translation: Deepl
Spell check: Spellboy
Cover and banners: Canva
Lo de Cardenales este año es algo que permanecerá en la historia del béisbol venezolano. Seguí muy de cerca esta final y creo que muchos pensamos que se quedarían con otro subcampeonato, pero creo que rectificar las posiciones en el cuadro interior, les ayudó a reponerse y conseguir esa racha de victorias que más adelante les dió el título.
En el 5to juego pensé que si Bravos lograba ganar ese partido, la historia sería otra, pero la ofensiva de los Cardenales no dejó de producir carreras, produciendo un efecto tranquilizador en su cuerpo de picheos. Creo que todas las decisiones fueron acertadas para ellos en esta temporada.
Rescato lo que dices de Henry Blanco, que por cierto ya merecía su campeonato. Cuando en un equipo hay armonía, se logran muchas cosas y muestra de ello es lo que ha hecho Cardenales. Ahora a seguir preparandose porque nos queda una más, ahora somos Cardenales de Venezuela.
Es muy acertado tu comentario amiga @maitt87. Si. Lugar a dudas el factor química es fundamental para construir a un equipo ganador.
Buena jornada de los cardenales para coronarse campeón. Tuvieron una campaña muy buena
Totalmente mi estimado amigo. Es un placer tenerte por aca
Felicidades para los Cardenales de Lara por coronarse campeones, fue admirable como resurgieron como el ave fénix, esperamos buena batería para la serie del Caribe, que pongan el nombre de nuestro país en lo alto, gran análisis de opinión deportiva, saludos 🤗🥰
Gracias amiga por tu comentario
Yo como buen caraquista dejé de ver el beisbol al momento que quedaron eliminados jaja pero bueno, me alegro por Henry Blanco que se haya coronado campeón, creo que es un manager muy top que lleva haciendo las cosas bien en nuestra pelota. Honestamente pensé que se lo llevaba Bravos, la temporada que hicieron no fue mala, ese proyecto si lo mantienen puede traer más alegrías a ese club. Menos mal ganaron, ya no son los eternos segundones jaja
Saludos bro!
Lara tenía un equipo muy superior. Después del 2 juego de la final despertaron. Muchos fanáticos del Caracas piden a Blanco como manager