2023 Ferrasci Park Little League Opening Ceremony

"Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out with the crowd.
Buy me some peanuts and cracker jack,
I don't care if I never get back,
Let me root, root, root for the home team,
If they don't win it's a shame.
For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out,
At the old ball game."
-Take Me Out To The Ballgame, Written by Jack Norworth
Spring is finally here, and that means Baseball season is now under way! Americas favorite pastime is deeply apart of our culture, and can be witnessed in any town, any state across the Nation. For my family, and I the town is Salinas, and the league is Ferrasci. One with a history itself, dating all the way back to 1954!
It is my son's first year of playing the game on an actually team. I only wish I had learned of this sooner. None the less I am still very much excited, and proud as a father to see my son put on an uniform. He is in the PeeWee League, and the tame is the Ferrasci Dodgers. It is coached pitched half the season, then the last half the players will pitch themselfs.
He had his first game scheduled last Saturday at an Away location, but due to all the rain we have been experiencing the field was not playable. So it was cancelled. The next game is this Thursday at Home. Hopefully the Weather is better. As I write this there are gusts of wind up to 30-40 MPH, and the rain is coming down once again. We will see. I am looking forward to it, as well as some Tri Tip, and Hot Dogs;)
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Your boy looks so good on that uniform. Wish I would be there to watch for myself whenever the rain will allow the boys play. Take good care of him🥰.
Thanks for you kind words!
You are welcome
Hopefully he will be able to play the next game without any problems. This weather has been crazy. Has he figured out a position that he wants to play? Or is this first year going to be just figuring out the rules of the game?
He might be the catcher since he was real good at it the past 2 practices, but I want him to try out other spots just to get a good fell
Nice. Catcher is a good position. I usually played third base or short stop when I was little. I hope you get to see him play soon.
Very awesome man! He looks like he's ready to play! Hopefully the weather will cooperate with ya's tomorrow! Good luck!
I think it will. They where supposed to practice today, but it has been pouring all day! Ill do some drills with him tonight though.
Looks fun
Yeah it really is! How is everything going?
It’s ok. Had a crazy 2022. But I’m trying to get this year going
Right on. I've just been doing the dad thing, now that I have 3 little ones. Hoping to move out of this area soon