The strength in depth of France national team backline and the brutal statement of coach Didier Deschamps on arsenals William saliba.

Every one has their way of playing football and over the years we have seen different systems of football on the pitch on a weekly basis ranging from the more pragmatic football to the entertaining tiki taka which was developed by Johan Cruyff and it is used by coaches like Pep Guardiola and Mikel arteta with a little twick in how the style of football is played , other coaches like José Mourinho prefaring a pragmatic approach with quick transitions that will help hit their opponents on a counter attack.

For every approach used by a coach most fans don't care as long as it wins you games and that's why I think coaching at the club level is easier than coaching the national team, at club level when managers are putting a team together they have the help of the transfer market to help them mold their team that way you get in players that can play the way you want as coach as long as there is cash and the club is will to put in the money but at the national team it is a different story entirely coaches get stuck with some crops of players over and over again without any viable change and this coaches now have the task of bending their tactics to fit in the players they have in the team.

Few days back the French men's national team coach gave a press where he was speaking about some of his players most notably the backline and he made some key statements during that interview that was rather surprising to some fans who believe that William saliba should be starting ahead of some of his first choice center backs like Dayot upamecano based on their club form.

This is what he told reporters at the press conference "He is having a good season, but he also does things that I don’t like so much. For France, he has limited game time, but when he plays, that hasn’t necessarily gone well. The hierarchy doesn’t favour him at the moment, but he is here. Dayot Upamecano has had game time and perhaps William has had less. With certain players, I make sure to persevere, because it can be confidence or little blockages that can shift. Some don’t have any concerns, some need game time. William has had less game time, so that doesn’t allow him to be very calm."

A good understanding about this press conference shows are coach who is trying really hard to fit this young center back into his style of play although most arsenal fans feel it is a bit harsh on the center back which I support to some extent because I don't see the reason why he should have said that to the press we have to also understand that it also took this guy sometime to fit in at club level even though he had the quality to play for the team then, fans have to be calm about this since he is still young and needs time to fit in properly with the system the coach is using in the national team if he has the quality that we think he has then it will eventually work out for him at the national team level just as it did for him at club level.

The only mistake the coach did was pointing that straight to the media although that could be because of the pressure from the media to play him ahead of some of their center backs because of his form at club level.

For a team that has defenders like konate,pavard and kounde I think 🤔 saliba has to take his time and grow.

